Community environment
These measures have been identified as commonly used measures within the LifeCourse cohorts. These measures were identified to encourage potential opportunities for data harmonisation. The descriptions provided are intended to give cohort custodians and data users some common criteria to assess a survey for appropriateness to use in their own studies. It is not intended to mandate the use of any measure, or provide a comprehensive understanding of these measures.
This information was collated by the LifeCourse team from scoring manuals and documentation, publications, and official measure websites. To read about this process in more detail, access our report.
Measure | No. of cohorts using measure | Cost and accessibility | Time to complete | Key reference/s and measure information | Reference frame | Constructs assessed by measure | Age range |
MSSS: Maternity Social Support Scale | 3 | Pending clarification |
Webster, J., Linnane, J.W., Dibley, L.M., Hinson, J.K., Starrenburg, S.E. and Roberts, J.A. (2000). Measuring Social Support in Pregnancy: Can it be Simple and Meaningful. Birth, 27(2): 97-101. DOI: 10.1046/j.1523-536x.2000.00097.x |
Current state (the support you have right now) |
- AQoL-4D: Assessment of Quality of Life-4D
- AQoL-4D-R: Assessment of Quality of Life-4D - Relationships
- AQoL-6D: Assessment of Quality of Life-6D
- AQoL-6D-R: Assessment of Quality of Life-6D - Relationships
- AQoL-8D: Assessment of Quality of Life-8D
- AQoL-8D-R: Assessment of Quality of Life-8D - Relationships
- ARM-R: Adult Resilience Measure-Revised
- ARM-R-CRR: Adult Resilience Measure-Revised - Caregiver, Relational Resilience
- ARQ-R: Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised
- ARQ-R-C: Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised- Community
- ATP-CAA: ATP devised - Civic Awareness and Activism Item set
- ATP-CAE: ATP devised - Civic Action and Engagement Item Set
- ATP-CI: ATP devised - Community Involvement Item Set
- ATP-DEM: ATP devised - Demographics Item Set
- ATP-FS: ATP devised - Family Support Item Set
- ATP-SS: ATP devised - Social Support Item Set
- BBB-FCS: Triple B devised - Family and Community Item set
- BB-SCS: Beyond Blue School Climate Scale
- CYRM-R: Child Youth Resilience Measure-Revised
- CYRM-R-CRR: Child Youth Resilience Measure-Revised - Caregiver, Relational Resilience
- ELVS-FSS: ELVS devised - Friend Support Satisfaction measure
- FPS: Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire
- FPS-FHH: Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire - Family Health Habits
- FPS-HS: Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire - Help and Support
- FSCC: Families, Social Capital & Citizenship survey
- GenV-SS: GenV devised - Social Support Item Set
- HACS: Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale
- HACS-SEA: Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - Social and Extracurricular Activities
- ICC-SS: ICC devised - Social Support Item set
- IYDS-CE: IYDS devised - Civic Engagement Item set
- IYDS-DDE: IYDS devised - Drink Driving Enforcement Item set
- IYDS-SSAP: IYDS devised - Social Support for Alcohol Problem Item set
- JH-SSS: Journeys Home Study-devised measure - Social Support Scale
- LSAC-FCS: LSAC devised - Family and Community Support Item set
- MSPSS: Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support
- MSPSS-Fa: Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support - Family
- MSPSS-Fr: Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support - Friends
- MSPSS-SO: Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support - Significant Other
- MSSS: Maternity Social Support Scale
- MYPS-COVID: MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure
- NEWS-A: Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale: Abbreviated
- OTI: Opiate Treatment Index
- OTI-IV: Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning
- QRI: Quality of Relationship Inventory
- QRI-SS: Quality of Relationship Inventory - Social Support
- SLQ: School Life Questionnaire
- SLQ-St: School Life Questionnaire - Status
- SMU: Sizing Me Up measure
- SMU-SA: Sizing Me Up measure - Social Avoidance
- SPS-A: Social Provision Scale: Adapted
- SPS-A-G: Social Provision Scale: Adapted - Guidance
- SPS-A-RA: Social Provision Scale: Adapted - Reliable Alliance
- SPSS: Scales of Perceived Social Support
- SPSS-Fa: Scales of Perceived Social Support - Family
- SPSS-Fr: Scales of Perceived Social Support - Friends
- SSDP-CP: SSDP devised - Community Participation Item set
- SSDP-LNA: SSDP devised - Low Neighbourhood Attachment Item set
- SSDP-NDS: SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Disorganization Scale
- SSDP-NSCT: SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Social Cohesion and Trust Item set
- SSDP-PI: SSDP devised - Prosocial Involvement Item set
- SSDP-SN: SSDP devised - Social Network Item set
- SSM: Social Solidarity Measure
- SSM-PNPR: Social Solidarity Measure - Private Networks and Parochial Relations
- SSM-SS: Social Solidarity Measure - Social Solidarity
- SSSI: Social Support and Stress Interview
- WHOQOL-BREF: World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version
- WHOQOL-BREF-E: World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version - Environment
- WHOQOL-BREF-SR: World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version - Social Relationships
- WMH-CIDI: World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version
- WMH-CIDI-SN: World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Social Networks secion
- AQUA: Community environment
- ART-CHART: Community environment
- ART-IYAGS: Community environment
- ATP: Community environment
- ATPG3: Community environment
- Baby Biotics: Community environment
- BIS: Community environment
- CATS: Community environment
- CheckPoint-LSAC: Community environment
- COBRA: Community environment
- ELVS: Community environment
- GenV: Community environment
- ICC: Community environment
- IYDS: Community environment
- MYPS: Community environment
- right@home: Community environment
- Triple B: Community environment
- VAHCS: Community environment
- VicCHILD: Community environment
- VIHCS: Community environment