Education and childcare
These measures have been identified as commonly used measures within the LifeCourse cohorts. These measures were identified to encourage potential opportunities for data harmonisation. The descriptions provided are intended to give cohort custodians and data users some common criteria to assess a survey for appropriateness to use in their own studies. It is not intended to mandate the use of any measure, or provide a comprehensive understanding of these measures.
This information was collated by the LifeCourse team from scoring manuals and documentation, publications, and official measure websites. To read about this process in more detail, access our report.
Measure | No. of cohorts using measure | Cost and accessibility | Time to complete | Key reference/s and measure information | Reference frame | Constructs assessed by measure | Age range |
CSHCNS: Children with Special Health Care Needs screener | 5 | No cost, but must complete a form to indicate use. |
Bethell C.D., Read D., Stein R.E., Blumberg S.J., Wells N. and Newacheck P.W. (2002). Identifying children with special health care needs: development and evaluation of a short screening instrument. Ambulatory pediatrics: the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, 2(1): 38-48. DOI: 10.1367/1539-4409(2002)002<0038:icwshc>;2 |
Current state (with expected duration of condition is 12 months or longer) |
Parent report, <18 years |
PedsQL 4.0: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 Generic Core Scales | 9 | 5-10 minutes (estimate) |
Varni, J. W., Burwinkle, T. M., Seid, M., & Skarr, D. (2003). The PedsQL™* 4.0 as a pediatric population health measure: feasibility, reliability, and validity. Ambulatory pediatrics, 3(6), 329-341. DOI: 10.1367/1539-4409(2003)003<0329:tpaapp>;2 |
Past one month |
SSIS: Social Skills Improvement System | 3 | $47-84 per quantity of 25, price varies depending on format of materials and target age range |
Gresham, F. and Elliott, S. N. (2008). Social skills improvement system (SSIS) rating scales. Bloomington, MN: Pearson Assessments |
Current state |
- Access to technology at home
- Assessment of needs
- Child care arrangements
- Current education
- Educational achievement
- Educational assistance
- Engagement in community
- In higher education
- Institutional policy in place
- Level of educational attainment
- Literacy
- Playgroup
- Pre-school
- Reading
- School attendance
- School engagement
- School environment
- School functioning
- School teacher
- Teacher-student relationship
- Writing
- ABS-ASCED: Australian Bureau of Statistics Devised - Australian Standard Classification of Education
- AEDC: Australian Early Development Census
- AEDC-LCS: Australian Early Development Census - Language and Cognitive Skills
- ARQ-R: Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised
- ARQ-R-S: Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised - School
- ATAR: Australian Tertiary Admission Rank
- ATP-CAA: ATP devised - Civic Awareness and Activism Item set
- ATP-CC: ATP devised - Child Care Item set
- ATP-DEM: ATP devised - Demographics Item Set
- ATP-E: ATP devised - Education Item set
- ATP-EE: ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set
- ATP-SF: ATP devised - School Functioning Item Set
- ATP-SP: ATP devised - School Problems Item Set
- ATSS: Attitudes to School Scale
- ATSS-A: Attitudes to School Scale - Achievement
- ATSS-M: Attitudes to School Scale - Motivation
- ATSS-O: Attitudes to School Scale - Opportunity
- ATSS-T: Attitudes to School Scale - Teachers
- BBB-C: Triple B devised - Childcare Item set
- BBB-ICT: Triple B devised - ICT Usage Item Set
- BBB-LNS: Triple B devised - Literacy and Numeracy Skills Item set
- BB-SCS: Beyond Blue School Climate Scale
- CASPE: COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire
- CASPE-A: COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module A - Experience Related to COVID-19
- CC2: The Castles and Coltheart Test 2
- CELF-5: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fifth Edition
- CELF-5-RC: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fifth Edition - Reading Comprehension
- CELF-5-SW: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fifth Edition - Structured Writing
- CELF-P2-PLRS: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-2 - Pre-Literacy Rating Scale
- CRISIS: CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey
- CRISIS-BG: CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Background
- CSHCNS: Children with Special Health Care Needs screener
- DISC-IV-DM: Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV - Demographics Module
- ELVS-Ac: ELVS devised - Academic progression measure
- ELVS-AS: ELVS devised - Attitudes to School measure
- ELVS-CE: ELVS devised - Current Education measure
- ELVS-EE: ELVS-devised - Education and Employment Measure
- ELVS-ELCE: ELVS devised - Early life Childcare and Education
- ELVS-R: ELVS devised - Reading measure
- ELVS-SA: ELVS devised - School Attendance measure
- ELVS-SI: ELVS devised - School Information measure
- ELVS-TCU: ELVS devised - Television and Computer Use measure
- ELVS-TSS: ELVS devised - Transition to Secondary School measure
- ELVS-Tu: ELVS devised - Tutoring measure
- ELVS-Wr: ELVS devised - Writing measure
- FTP-SA: Fast Track Project devised - School Adjustment Measure
- HACS: Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale
- HACS-SE: Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education
- HACS-SEA: Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - Social and Extracurricular Activities
- HACS-TSU: Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - Treatment and Services Use
- HILDA-FLN: HILDA devised - Functional Literacy and Numeracy measure
- HOME: Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment
- HOME-O: Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment - Organization
- HOME-V: Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment - Variety
- IYDS-SD: IYDS devised - School Discipline Item set
- IYDS-SI: IYDS devised - School Involvement Item set
- IYDS-SPA: IYDS devised - School Policy on Alcohol
- IYDS-SS: IYDS devised - Socialising and Sporting Item set
- IYDS-UCPA: IYDS devised - University or College Policy on Alcohol
- IYDS-WPA: IYDS devised - Work place Policy on Alcohol
- KDC: Kindergarten Development Check
- KDC-L: Kindergarten Development Check - Literacy and Numeracy
- L-25: Life at 25 Assessment
- LR-RC: Let's Read devised - Reading to Child Item set
- LSAC-ARS: LSAC devised - Academic Rating Scale
- LSAC-CH: LSAC devised - Child Health Item set
- LSAC-EL: LSAC devised - Early Language Item Set
- LSAC-ES: LSAC devised - Educational status measure
- LSAC-MU: LSAC devised - Media Use Item set
- LSAC-RCS: LSAC devised - Reading Competencies Scale
- LSAC-SC: LSAC devised - School and Childcare Item set
- MYPS-COVID: MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure
- NAPLAN: National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy
- NSW-PSDES: NSW Post‑School Destinations and Experiences Survey
- PedsQL 4.0 SF15: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 SF15 Generic Core Scales
- PedsQL 4.0 SF15-ScF: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 SF15 Generic Core Scales - School Functioning subscale
- PedsQL 4.0: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 Generic Core Scales
- PedsQL 4.0-ScF: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 Generic Core Scales - School Functioning subscale
- RelS: Relatedness Scale
- RelS-T: Relatedness Scale - Teacher
- REQ: Readiness and Expectations Questionnaire
- SBS: The School Bonding Scale
- SCARED: Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders
- SCARED-SA: Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders - School Avoidance
- SEAPART: School Entry Alphabetic and Phonological Awareness Readiness Test
- SeDQ: Self-Description Questionnaire
- SeDQ-R: Self-Description Questionnaire - Reading
- SeDQ-Sch: Self-Description Questionnaire - All School Subjects
- SLQ: School Life Questionnaire
- SLQ-GS: School Life Questionnaire - General Satisfaction
- SLQ-NA: School Life Questionnaire - Negative Affect
- SLQ-R: School Life Questionnaire - Relevance
- SLQ-T: School Life Questionnaire - Teachers
- SMU: Sizing Me Up measure
- SMU-SA: Sizing Me Up measure - Social Avoidance
- SPFQ: Student Perceived Fit Questionnaire
- SPPC: Self-Perception Profile for Children
- SPPC-SchC: Self-Perception Profile for Children - Scholastic Competence
- SRI: Social Risk Index
- SRI-EPC: Social Risk Index - Education of Primary Caregiver
- SRQ: School Readiness Questionnaire
- SSCP-PR: SSCP devised - Peer Rewards Item set
- SSDP-AcF: SSDP devised - Academic Failure Item set
- SSDP-SC: SSDP devised - School Commitment Item set
- SSDP-SR: SSDP devised - School Rewards Item set
- SSIS: Social Skills Improvement System
- SSIS-AC: Social Skills Improvement System - Academic Competence
- SSRS: Social Skills Rating System
- SSRS-AC: Social Skills Rating System - Academic Competence
- START: Secondary Transition Adjustment Rating Tool
- STRS-SF: Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: Short Form
- STRS-SF-Cl: Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: Short Form - Closeness
- STRS-SF-Con: Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: Short Form - Conflict
- STU: Sizing Them Up measure
- STU-SF: Sizing Them Up measure - School Functioning
- SV-CE: Study Version - Current Education measure
- SV-EA: Study Version - Educational Attainment measure
- UWES-3S: Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (3-item student version)
- VAHCS-SE: VAHCS devised - School Environment measure
- VCAL: Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning
- VCE: Victorian Certificate of Education
- WIAT-III: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition
- WIAT-III-EC: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition - Essay Composition
- WIAT-III-ORF: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition - Oral Reading Fluency
- WIAT-III-PD: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition - Pseudoword Decoding
- W-MS: Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School
- W-MS-SA: Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School - School Adjustment Behaviour
- WRAT4: Wide Range Achievement Test 4
- WRAT4-WR: Wide Range Achievement Test 4 - Word Reading
- WRAT5: Wide Range Achievement Test 5
- WRAT5-WR: Wide Range Achievement Test 5 - Word Reading
- YES:MS: Youth Experiences Survey: Middle School
- AQUA: Education and childcare
- ART-CHART: Education and childcare
- ART-IYAGS: Education and childcare
- ATP: Education and childcare
- ATPG3: Education and childcare
- Baby Biotics: Education and childcare
- BIS: Education and childcare
- CAP and NICAP: Education and childcare
- CATS: Education and childcare
- CheckPoint-LSAC: Education and childcare
- COBRA: Education and childcare
- COVID Immune: Education and childcare
- ELVS: Education and childcare
- GenV: Education and childcare
- HealthNuts: Education and childcare
- ICC: Education and childcare
- IYDS: Education and childcare
- Memory Maestros: Education and childcare
- MIS BAIR: Education and childcare
- MYPS: Education and childcare
- PETS: Education and childcare
- right@home: Education and childcare
- SchoolNuts: Education and childcare
- Triple B: Education and childcare
- VAHCS: Education and childcare
- VicCHILD: Education and childcare
- VIHCS: Education and childcare
- VITALITY: Education and childcare