Victorian Infant Brain Study (VIBeS)

The Victorian Infant Brain Study (VIBeS) Longitudinal Cohort is the world’s largest prospective longitudinal neuroimaging and neurodevelopmental study of very preterm and term children continuing into adolescence. This longitudinal study is investigating the long-term consequences of early brain injury on brain development and functional outcomes including cognitive, academic, motor, emotional and social functioning.
One of the primary aims of the VIBeS longitudinal cohort is to understand why the long-term outcomes following very preterm birth varies so greatly, from children with severe cognitive and motor impairments to children who are functioning well across all domains. We are particularly focused on identifying neurological biomarkers for specific neurodevelopmental disorders from our longitudinal MRI data, as well as family protective factors such as parental mental health and parenting.

Study Summary
Study name Victorian Infant Brain Study
Study abbreviation VIBeS
Current principal investigator/s Peter Anderson
Terrie E Inder
Lex Doyle
Deanne Thompson
Jeanie Cheong
Current project manager

Peter Anderson

Primary Institution/s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute - MCRI
Monash University
Royal Women’s Hospital
The Royal Children’s Hospital - RCH
Collaborating Institution/s Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston MA, USA
Major funding source/s National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC
Study website
Study focus

Documenting the trajectory of brain development and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children born very preterm compared with term controls. Investigating brain abnormalities and environmental factors contributing to high proportion of developmental impairment in preterm children.

Sampling frame

224 preterm children (born < 30 weeks’ gestation or with birthweight < 1250 g) recruited from eligible admissions to the Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne (Australia), and a contemporaneous control group of 77 term children (born 37 to 42 weeks’ gestation).

Primary study type Longitudinal cohort
Primary participant (at recruitment) Index child
Year commenced


Is this study ongoing? Yes - the study is ongoing
Ongoing recruitment? No
Sample size (N)

224 preterm infants, recruited at birth; 46 term infants recruited at birth, plus 31 term children recruited at age 2 years

Survey data available? Yes
Imaging data available? Yes
Linkage to administrative dataset/s? No, consent to link to administrative dataset(s) obtained, but linkage not yet started
Biosamples available? Yes
Are data available to others outside study team, with appropriate safeguards and structures in line with the cohort’s ethics and governance processes? Yes
Are there any costs associated with data/sample access for approved requests? There are usually no costs associated with access
Broadest type of participant consent available Extended consent (can be used for future ethically approved research related to this project)
Study Contacts
Principal investigator/s Peter Anderson
Terrie E Inder
Lex Doyle
Deanne Thompson
Jeanie Cheong
Project manager

Peter Anderson

Study Contact
