Allergies |
Allergic reaction |
BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction |
COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure |
2 |
4 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction |
GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set |
1 |
4 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction management |
ACT = Asthma Control Test |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction management |
FASEQ = Food Allergy Self-Efficacy Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction management |
HN-RTB = HealthNuts devised - Food Allergy Risk-Taking Behaviour Item set |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction management |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
12 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction management |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction management |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
2 |
12 |
Allergies |
Allergic reaction management |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
7 |
Allergies |
Allergic rhinitis |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Allergic rhinitis |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
2 |
6 |
Allergies |
Allergic rhinitis |
ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children
4 |
19 |
Allergies |
Allergic rhinitis |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Allergy testing |
OFC = Oral Food Challenge |
4 |
8 |
Allergies |
Allergy testing |
SPT = Skin Prick Test - HealthNuts protocol |
5 |
12 |
Allergies |
Allergy testing |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Allergy to substance |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Allergies |
Allergy to substance |
BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Allergy to substance |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Allergy to substance |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Allergy to substance |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
3 |
18 |
Allergies |
Allergy to substance |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Allergy to substance |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Anaphylaxis management |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
ACQ = Asthma Control Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure |
2 |
4 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
ECRHS-III = Third European Community Respiratory Health Survey-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
3 |
7 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children
4 |
19 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
11 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
4 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Asthma |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Coughing |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Coughing |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Allergies |
Dermatitis |
SCORAD = SCORing Atopic Dermatitis
4 |
12 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
H-N = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
3 |
10 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
ISAAC - Ecz = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children - Eczema |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children
4 |
19 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
15 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
POEM = Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure |
2 |
13 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
SCORAD = SCORing Atopic Dermatitis
4 |
12 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Eczema |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Allergies |
Exercise-induced asthma |
ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children
4 |
19 |
Allergies |
Family history of allergy |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Allergies |
Family history of allergy |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
2 |
12 |
Allergies |
Family history of allergy |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Family history of allergy |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
7 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
CFARS = Chicago Food Allergy Research Surveys-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure |
2 |
4 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
FAQLQ-CF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Child Form |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
FAQLQ-PF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form |
1 |
4 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
FAQLQ-PF-SDL = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form - Social and Dietary Limitations |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
FAQLQ-TF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Teenager Form |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
4 |
26 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Food allergy |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Allergies |
Hay fever |
BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Hay fever |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Hay fever |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Hay fever |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Hay fever |
VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Hay fever |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
ACT = Asthma Control Test |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure |
2 |
4 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
FAIM = The Food Allergy Independent Measure |
2 |
3 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
FAQLQ-CF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Child Form |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
FAQLQ-PF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form |
1 |
4 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
FAQLQ-PF-SDL = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form - Social and Dietary Limitations |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
FAQLQ-TF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Teenager Form |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
HN-RTB = HealthNuts devised - Food Allergy Risk-Taking Behaviour Item set |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
POEM = Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure |
1 |
12 |
Allergies |
Impact of allergy |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Skin rash |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Allergies |
Skin rash |
GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set |
1 |
4 |
Allergies |
Topical skin treatments |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Allergies |
Topical skin treatments |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Allergies |
Wheezing |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
2 |
18 |
Allergies |
Wheezing |
GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set |
1 |
4 |
Allergies |
Wheezing |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Wheezing |
ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children
4 |
19 |
Allergies |
Wheezing |
VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure |
1 |
1 |
Allergies |
Wheezing |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Anthropometrics |
Abdominal circumference |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Anthropometrics |
Abdominal circumference |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Anogenital distance |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth abdominal circumference |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth abdominal circumference |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth head circumference |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth head circumference |
GenV-BD = GenV devised - Birth Details Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth head circumference |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth head circumference |
VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection |
3 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth length |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth length |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth length |
B-R = Birth Records |
2 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth length |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth length |
GenV-BD = GenV devised - Birth Details Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth length |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth length |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth length |
VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth length |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
ATP-BDH = ATP devised - Birth & Developmental History Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
ATP-PB = ATP devised - Pregnancy and Birth Item set |
1 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
B-R = Birth Records |
4 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
ELVS-BI = ELVS devised - Birth Information measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
GenV-BD = GenV devised - Birth Details Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
ICC-BDH = ICC devised - Birth & Developmental History Item set |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Birth weight |
VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection |
3 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
B-R = Birth Records |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
ISEBMI = International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index |
1 |
10 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
BMI - Body mass index |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Body composition |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Body composition |
ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Body composition |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Body composition |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Body composition |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Body composition |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Body composition |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Head circumference |
BBB-HC = Triple B devised - Child Head Circumference Item |
1 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Head circumference |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Anthropometrics |
Head circumference |
B-R = Birth Records |
2 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Head circumference |
GenV-BSC = GenV devised - Body Size and Composition Item |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Head circumference |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Head circumference |
VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Head circumference |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
2 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
ATP-H = ATP devised - Height measure |
2 |
7 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
BBB-H = Triple B devised - Height measure |
1 |
9 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
B-R = Birth Records |
3 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
GenV-BSC = GenV devised - Body Size and Composition Item |
1 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
12 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
ISEBMI = International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index |
1 |
10 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
5 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
TIHS = Tasmanian Infant Health Survey-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Height |
VPDC-i = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection-devised Item |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Hip circumference |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Infant length |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Mid upper arm circumference |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Anthropometrics |
Mid upper arm circumference |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Morphometric analysis |
CM-3D = Craniofacial Morphometric 3D Imaging |
2 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Morphometric analysis |
GenV-DI = Dysmorphism imaging - GenV protocol |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Morphometric analysis |
pQCT = Peripheral Quantitative Computerised Tomography |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Poor weight gain |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Poor weight gain |
GenV-BSC = GenV devised - Body Size and Composition Item |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Skin-fold thickness |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Anthropometrics |
Skin-fold thickness |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Thigh circumference |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Anthropometrics |
Waist circumference |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Waist circumference |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
7 |
Anthropometrics |
Waist circumference |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Waist circumference |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Waist circumference |
ISAK = International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry: Waist measurement protocol |
1 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Waist circumference |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
2 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
ATP-BDH = ATP devised - Birth & Developmental History Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
ATP-W = ATP devised - Weight measure |
2 |
12 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
BBB-W = Triple B devised - Weight measure |
1 |
17 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
14 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
B-R = Birth Records |
2 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
GenV-BSC = GenV devised - Body Size and Composition Item |
1 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
12 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
ISEBMI = International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index |
1 |
10 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
12 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
7 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
TIHS = Tasmanian Infant Health Survey-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight gain during pregnancy |
BBB-PW = Triple B devised - Pre-pregnancy Weight measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight gain during pregnancy |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight gain during pregnancy |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Anthropometrics |
Weight gain during pregnancy |
VPDC-i = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection-devised Item |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Alkaline phosphatase |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Antibody measurement |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Blood calcium |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Cortisol measurement |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Epigenotyping |
ART-BA = ART devised - Bionalyses protocol |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Epigenotyping |
CEpi = Candidate Epigenotyping Protocol |
3 |
5 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Epigenotyping |
EPIC = Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip Array v1.0 - Bioanalysis |
3 |
7 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Epigenotyping |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Faecal analysis |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Faecal microbiome analysis |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Gene expression assay |
ART-BA = ART devised - Bionalyses protocol |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Gene expression assay |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Gene expression assay |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Genotyping |
ART-BA = ART devised - Bionalyses protocol |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Genotyping |
CGen = Candidate Genotyping Protocol |
3 |
4 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Genotyping |
GSA-MD = Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array – Multi-Disease - Bioanalysis |
2 |
4 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Genotyping |
GSAv2.0 = Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array v2.0 - Bioanalysis |
1 |
3 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Genotyping |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
High sensitivity C-reactive protein |
ART-BA = ART devised - Bionalyses protocol |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
High sensitivity C-reactive protein |
hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
High sensitivity C-reactive protein |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Hormone measurement |
C-HM = COBRA Devised - Hormone Measurement Protocol |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Hormone measurement |
DHEA-A = Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) analysis |
1 |
3 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Hormone measurement |
E-A = Estradiol analysis |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Hormone measurement |
T-A = Testosterone analysis |
1 |
3 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Immunological measurement |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Metabolic function test |
ART-MA = ART devised - Metabolic Analyses measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Metabolic function test |
C-MA = COBRA Devised - Metabolic Analyses measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Metabolic function test |
NNMR17 = Nightingale® Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), 2017 algorithm - Bioanalysis |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Metabolic function test |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Metabolic function test |
VitMP = Vitamin Metabolic Profile analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
One-carbon metabolites |
VitMP = Vitamin Metabolic Profile analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Parathyroid hormone |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Plasma |
hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Protein measurement |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Protein measurement |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Renal function |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Telomere length |
Tel = Telomere length analysis protocol |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Urine albumin |
UCR = Urine albumin to Creatinine Ratio Biomarker analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Urine albumin/creatinine ratio |
hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Urine albumin/creatinine ratio |
UCR = Urine albumin to Creatinine Ratio Biomarker analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Urine creatinine |
UCR = Urine albumin to Creatinine Ratio Biomarker analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Vitamin D binding protein |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Vitamin D measurement |
B-R = Birth Records |
1 |
2 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Vitamin D measurement |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Vitamin D measurement |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Bioanalyses and omics |
Vitamins |
VitMP = Vitamin Metabolic Profile analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Biosamples |
Blood specimen from newborn |
NBS = Newborn Bloodspot Screening (Guthrie) card sample |
6 |
6 |
Biosamples |
Breast milk |
BrM = Breast milk sample |
2 |
6 |
Biosamples |
Buccal |
Buc = Buccal sample |
9 |
25 |
Biosamples |
Buccal |
SalB = Saliva and/or Buccal sample |
1 |
3 |
Biosamples |
Cord blood |
Bl-Co = Blood, Cord sample |
3 |
3 |
Biosamples |
Dental plaque |
DenP = Dental plaque sample |
2 |
2 |
Biosamples |
Dried blood spot |
Bl-SD = Blood Spot, Dried sample |
6 |
16 |
Biosamples |
Faeces |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Biosamples |
Faeces |
Fae = Faeces (stool) sample |
5 |
23 |
Biosamples |
Hair |
Hair = Hair sample |
3 |
15 |
Biosamples |
Meconium |
Mec = Meconium sample |
1 |
1 |
Biosamples |
Nail |
Nail-T = Nails, Toe sample |
1 |
1 |
Biosamples |
Nasal swab |
NaS = Nasal swab sample |
2 |
9 |
Biosamples |
Placental tissue |
Plac = Placenta sample |
3 |
3 |
Biosamples |
Plasma |
hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Biosamples |
Saliva |
Sal = Saliva sample |
7 |
18 |
Biosamples |
Saliva |
SalB = Saliva and/or Buccal sample |
1 |
3 |
Biosamples |
Skin swab |
Sk-S = Skin swab sample |
1 |
4 |
Biosamples |
Umbilical cord |
Cord = Umbilical cord sample |
2 |
2 |
Biosamples |
Urine |
hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol |
1 |
2 |
Biosamples |
Urine |
Uri = Urine sample |
4 |
13 |
Biosamples |
Venous blood |
Bl-V = Blood, Venous sample |
10 |
41 |
Biosamples |
Whole tooth |
DecT = Deciduous Teeth sample |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
BP - Blood pressure |
B-P = Blood Pressure measurement |
7 |
13 |
Cardiovascular health |
BP - Blood pressure |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Cardiovascular health |
Cardiac function |
CVT = Cardiac Vagal Tone |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
Cardiac function |
GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set |
1 |
4 |
Cardiovascular health |
Cardiac function |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
Cardiorespiratory fitness |
KPR = Kasch Pulse Recovery test |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
Cardiorespiratory fitness |
PWC170 = Physical Work Capacity (at 170 beats/min) |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
Cardiorespiratory fitness |
YMCA = YMCA step test |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
Clinical examination |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
Clinical examination |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
Family history of cardiovascular disease |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Cardiovascular health |
Haemodynamic measurements |
PWA = Pulse Wave Analysis |
3 |
4 |
Cardiovascular health |
Haemodynamic measurements |
PWV = Pulse Wave Velocity |
3 |
3 |
Cardiovascular health |
Heart rate |
CVT = Cardiac Vagal Tone |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
Heart rate |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Cardiovascular health |
Heart rate |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Cardiovascular health |
Intima media thickness |
aIMT = Aortic Intima-Media Thickness |
1 |
4 |
Cardiovascular health |
Intima media thickness |
cIMT = Carotid Intima-Media Thickness |
3 |
5 |
Cardiovascular health |
Retinal microvascular |
RPh = Retinal Photography |
3 |
3 |
Cardiovascular health |
Retinal microvascular |
RVIC = Retinal Vascular Imaging Centre protocol |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
ARM-R = Adult Resilience Measure-Revised |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
ARQ-R = Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
ATP-CAE = ATP devised - Civic Action and Engagement Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
ATP-CI = ATP devised - Community Involvement Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
BBB-FCS = Triple B devised - Family and Community Item set |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
FSCC = Families, Social Capital & Citizenship survey |
1 |
7 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
IYDS-CE = IYDS devised - Civic Engagement Item set |
1 |
4 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
SSDP-CP = SSDP devised - Community Participation Item set |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
SSDP-LNA = SSDP devised - Low Neighbourhood Attachment Item set |
1 |
6 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
SSDP-PI = SSDP devised - Prosocial Involvement Item set |
1 |
6 |
Community environment |
Community involvement |
SSM = Social Solidarity Measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Community services |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Engagement in community |
ATP-CAA = ATP devised - Civic Awareness and Activism Item set |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Engagement in community |
BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Engagement in community |
SMU = Sizing Me Up measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Local facilities and amenities |
ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Local facilities and amenities |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Local facilities and amenities |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Local facilities and amenities |
NEWS-A = Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale: Abbreviated |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Local facilities and amenities |
WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version |
2 |
2 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
IYDS-DDE = IYDS devised - Drink Driving Enforcement Item set |
1 |
3 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
NEWS-A = Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale: Abbreviated |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
SSDP-NDS = SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Disorganization Scale |
1 |
6 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
SSDP-NSCT = SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Social Cohesion and Trust Item set |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Neighbourhood safety |
WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version |
2 |
2 |
Community environment |
Social capital |
FSCC = Families, Social Capital & Citizenship survey |
1 |
7 |
Community environment |
Social capital |
SLQ = School Life Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social capital |
SSM = Social Solidarity Measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
AQoL-4D = Assessment of Quality of Life-4D |
2 |
5 |
Community environment |
Social support |
AQoL-6D = Assessment of Quality of Life-6D |
1 |
4 |
Community environment |
Social support |
AQoL-8D = Assessment of Quality of Life-8D |
2 |
8 |
Community environment |
Social support |
ARM-R = Adult Resilience Measure-Revised |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Community environment |
Social support |
ATP-FS = ATP devised - Family Support Item Set |
1 |
3 |
Community environment |
Social support |
ATP-SS = ATP devised - Social Support Item Set |
1 |
6 |
Community environment |
Social support |
BBB-FCS = Triple B devised - Family and Community Item set |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Social support |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
CYRM-R = Child Youth Resilience Measure-Revised |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
ELVS-FSS = ELVS devised - Friend Support Satisfaction measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Community environment |
Social support |
GenV-SS = GenV devised - Social Support Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
ICC-SS = ICC devised - Social Support Item set |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
IYDS-SSAP = IYDS devised - Social Support for Alcohol Problem Item set |
1 |
4 |
Community environment |
Social support |
JH-SSS = Journeys Home Study-devised measure - Social Support Scale |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Community environment |
Social support |
LSAC-FCS = LSAC devised - Family and Community Support Item set |
3 |
11 |
Community environment |
Social support |
MSPSS = Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support |
4 |
5 |
Community environment |
Social support |
MSSS = Maternity Social Support Scale
3 |
6 |
Community environment |
Social support |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
10 |
Community environment |
Social support |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Community environment |
Social support |
OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning |
1 |
6 |
Community environment |
Social support |
QRI = Quality of Relationship Inventory |
2 |
7 |
Community environment |
Social support |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
SPS-A = Social Provision Scale: Adapted |
1 |
8 |
Community environment |
Social support |
SPSS = Scales of Perceived Social Support |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Social support |
SSDP-NSCT = SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Social Cohesion and Trust Item set |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Social support |
SSDP-SN = SSDP devised - Social Network Item set |
1 |
2 |
Community environment |
Social support |
SSM = Social Solidarity Measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
SSSI = Social Support and Stress Interview |
1 |
6 |
Community environment |
Social support |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Community environment |
Social support |
WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version |
2 |
2 |
Demographics |
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status |
ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Benefits and pensions |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
2 |
2 |
Demographics |
Benefits and pensions |
SV-GB = Study Version - Government Benefits indicator |
9 |
30 |
Demographics |
Benefits and pensions |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Benefits and pensions |
VAHCS-HSA = VAHCS devised - Health Service Access measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Biological sex |
ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Biological sex |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Biological sex |
ATP-FR = ATP devised - Family Relations Item Set |
1 |
7 |
Demographics |
Biological sex |
B-R = Birth Records |
4 |
4 |
Demographics |
Biological sex |
SV-BS = Study Version - Biological Sex Indicator |
16 |
47 |
Demographics |
Biological sex |
VBDR = Victorian Birth Defects Register |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Country of birth |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Country of birth |
B-R = Birth Records |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Country of birth |
SOAR = Speaking Out Against Racism Program |
2 |
7 |
Demographics |
Country of birth |
SOAR-i = Speaking Out Against Racism Program devised item |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Country of birth |
SV-CoB = Study Version - Country of Birth indicator |
16 |
51 |
Demographics |
Current education |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Current education |
CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Current education |
CASPE-A = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module A - Experience Related to COVID-19 |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Current education |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
3 |
9 |
Demographics |
Current education |
CRISIS-BG = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Background |
8 |
17 |
Demographics |
Current education |
DET = Victorian Department of Education-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Current education |
ELVS-CE = ELVS devised - Current Education measure |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Current education |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Demographics |
Current education |
LSAC-ES = LSAC devised - Educational status measure |
2 |
4 |
Demographics |
Current education |
LSAC-SC = LSAC devised - School and Childcare Item set |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Current education |
LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Current education |
M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Current education |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Demographics |
Current education |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Current education |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Current education |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
2 |
7 |
Demographics |
Current education |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Date of birth |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Date of birth |
B-R = Birth Records |
3 |
4 |
Demographics |
Date of birth |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Date of birth |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Date of birth |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Date of birth |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Date of birth |
SV-DoB = Study Version - Date of Birth indicator |
23 |
123 |
Demographics |
Date of birth |
VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection |
3 |
3 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised |
6 |
21 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
ELVS-EE = ELVS-devised - Education and Employment Measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
HILDA = Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
LSAC-EmS = LSAC devised - Employment status measure |
3 |
12 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
MTF = Monitoring The Future Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning |
1 |
6 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
SRI = Social Risk Index |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
SV-ES = Study Version - Employment Status measure |
18 |
113 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Employment status |
YPEPFW = Young People's Experiences of Precarious and Flexible Work survey |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Ethnic group |
AIS = AusImmune Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Demographics |
Ethnic group |
AOCS = Australian Ovarian Cancer Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Ethnic group |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Ethnic group |
SOAR = Speaking Out Against Racism Program |
2 |
7 |
Demographics |
Ethnic group |
SOAR-i = Speaking Out Against Racism Program devised item |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Ethnic group |
SV-E = Study Version - Ethnicity measure |
15 |
35 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
ATPG3 = Australian Temperament Project, Generation 3-devised measure |
6 |
13 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
HILDA = Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
IYDS-LE = IYDS devised - Living Expenses Item set |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
LSAC-FI = LSAC devised - Financial Insecurity Item set |
1 |
8 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
SV-I = Study Version - Income indicator |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
3 |
7 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Financial circumstances |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Gender identity |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
3 |
13 |
Demographics |
Gender identity |
GenIUSS = Gender Identity in U.S. Surveillance (GenIUSS)-devised Item |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Gender identity |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Demographics |
Gender identity |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Gender identity |
Trans20 = Trans20-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Gender identity |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
2 |
2 |
Demographics |
Gender identity |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
ATP-HC = ATP devised - Household Composition Item set |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
CASPE-A = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module A - Experience Related to COVID-19 |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
2 |
2 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
CRISIS-BG = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Background |
8 |
17 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
EET1DPP = Early Environment and Type 1 Diabetes Prevention Project-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
FLAME = Family Lifestyle, Activity, Movement, and Eating Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
SRI = Social Risk Index |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
SV-HC = Study Version - Household Composition measure |
18 |
101 |
Demographics |
Household composition |
VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Housing history |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Housing history |
ATP-SLE = ATP devised - Significant Life Event Item Set |
3 |
18 |
Demographics |
Housing history |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Housing history |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Housing history |
OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning |
1 |
6 |
Demographics |
Housing history |
SSDP-TMS = SSDP devised - Transitions and Mobility Scale |
1 |
8 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
BBB-HO = Triple B devised - Housing Ownership Item set |
1 |
6 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
IYDS-LE = IYDS devised - Living Expenses Item set |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
14 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
SHS-A = Social History Screen: Adapted |
1 |
8 |
Demographics |
Housing ownership and tenure |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Income |
ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Income |
ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure |
6 |
14 |
Demographics |
Income |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Income |
ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Income |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Income |
LSAC-I = LSAC devised - Income Indicator |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Income |
SV-I = Study Version - Income indicator |
17 |
69 |
Demographics |
Language spoken |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Language spoken |
SRI = Social Risk Index |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Language spoken |
SV-LS = Study Version - Language Spoken measure |
13 |
36 |
Demographics |
Level of educational attainment |
ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised |
4 |
16 |
Demographics |
Level of educational attainment |
ABS-ASCED = Australian Bureau of Statistics Devised - Australian Standard Classification of Education |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Level of educational attainment |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Level of educational attainment |
ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Level of educational attainment |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Demographics |
Level of educational attainment |
ELVS-EE = ELVS-devised - Education and Employment Measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Level of educational attainment |
SRI = Social Risk Index |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Level of educational attainment |
SV-EA = Study Version - Educational Attainment measure |
22 |
110 |
Demographics |
Marital or partnership status |
ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised |
4 |
8 |
Demographics |
Marital or partnership status |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Marital or partnership status |
ATP-FR = ATP devised - Family Relations Item Set |
1 |
7 |
Demographics |
Marital or partnership status |
ATP-MS = ATP devised - Marital Status Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Marital or partnership status |
LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Marital or partnership status |
RHCS-R = RHC Survey devised - Relationships Item set |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Marital or partnership status |
SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Marital or partnership status |
SV-MS = Study Version - Marital Status indicator |
18 |
80 |
Demographics |
Migrant status |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Migrant status |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Migrant status |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Migrant status |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Migrant status |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Migrant status |
SOAR = Speaking Out Against Racism Program |
2 |
7 |
Demographics |
Migrant status |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Number of changes of school |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Number of changes of school |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Number of changes of school |
SSDP-TMS = SSDP devised - Transitions and Mobility Scale |
1 |
8 |
Demographics |
Number of dependant children |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Number of dependant children |
ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Number of dependant children |
ATP-CG = ATP devised - Child and Grandchildren Item Set |
1 |
6 |
Demographics |
Number of dependant children |
ATP-CH = ATP devised - Child Health Item set |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Number of dependant children |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Number of dependant children |
LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set |
1 |
3 |
Demographics |
Number of dependant children |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Number of dependant children |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Demographics |
Number of offspring |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Number of offspring |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Number of siblings |
EET1DPP = Early Environment and Type 1 Diabetes Prevention Project-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Number of siblings |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Number of siblings |
SV-SI = Study Version - Siblings Information measure |
14 |
17 |
Demographics |
Number of siblings |
TMSRP = Tasmanian Multiple Sclerosis Research Program-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Occupation |
ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Occupation |
ABS-ANZSCO = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations |
2 |
4 |
Demographics |
Occupation |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Demographics |
Occupation |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Occupation |
ATP-O = ATP devised - Occupation Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Occupation |
SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Occupation |
SRI = Social Risk Index |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Occupation |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Place in order of siblings |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Place in order of siblings |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Place in order of siblings |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Place in order of siblings |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Place in order of siblings |
VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Private health insurance |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Private health insurance |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Private health insurance |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Private health insurance |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Religious affiliation |
ATP-REL = ATP devised - Religion Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Residential locality |
ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised |
5 |
12 |
Demographics |
Residential locality |
ABS-SEIFA = Australian Bureau of Statistics Devised - Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas |
6 |
15 |
Demographics |
Residential locality |
ASGC = Australian Standard Geographical Classification |
2 |
3 |
Demographics |
Residential locality |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Residential locality |
GenV-RL = GenV devised - Residential Locality Item |
1 |
4 |
Demographics |
Residential locality |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Residential locality |
SV-P = Study Version - Postcode indicator |
10 |
42 |
Demographics |
Residential locality |
VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection |
3 |
3 |
Demographics |
Respondent information |
ATP-ID = ATP devised - Identifiers Item Set |
1 |
10 |
Demographics |
Respondent information |
ELVS-RI = ELVS devised - Respondent Information measure |
1 |
7 |
Demographics |
Respondent information |
SV-RI = Study Version - Respondent Information measure |
15 |
56 |
Demographics |
Sexual orientation |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Demographics |
Sexual orientation |
ASHR = Australian Study of Health and Relationships Study-devised |
2 |
3 |
Demographics |
Sexual orientation |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
3 |
8 |
Demographics |
Sexual orientation |
VAHCS-SA = VAHCS devised - Sexual Activity measure |
1 |
10 |
Demographics |
Socioeconomic status |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Demographics |
Socioeconomic status |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Demographics |
Socioeconomic status |
SV-SES = Study Version - Socioeconomic Status measure |
4 |
15 |
Education and childcare |
Access to technology at home |
BBB-ICT = Triple B devised - ICT Usage Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Access to technology at home |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
2 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Access to technology at home |
ELVS-TCU = ELVS devised - Television and Computer Use measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Access to technology at home |
HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Access to technology at home |
LSAC-MU = LSAC devised - Media Use Item set |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Assessment of needs |
CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener
5 |
11 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
ATP-CC = ATP devised - Child Care Item set |
2 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
ATPG3 = Australian Temperament Project, Generation 3-devised measure |
4 |
8 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
BBB-C = Triple B devised - Childcare Item set |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
ELVS-ELCE = ELVS devised - Early life Childcare and Education |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment |
2 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
7 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
LSAC-SC = LSAC devised - School and Childcare Item set |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
25 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
11 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Child care arrangements |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
7 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
CASPE-A = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module A - Experience Related to COVID-19 |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
3 |
9 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
CRISIS-BG = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Background |
8 |
17 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
DET = Victorian Department of Education-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
ELVS-CE = ELVS devised - Current Education measure |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
LSAC-ES = LSAC devised - Educational status measure |
2 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
LSAC-SC = LSAC devised - School and Childcare Item set |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
2 |
7 |
Education and childcare |
Current education |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
AEDC = Australian Early Development Census |
3 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
ATAR = Australian Tertiary Admission Rank |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
ATSS = Attitudes to School Scale |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
2 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
ELVS-Ac = ELVS devised - Academic progression measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
FTP-SA = Fast Track Project devised - School Adjustment Measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
HILDA-FLN = HILDA devised - Functional Literacy and Numeracy measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
NAPLAN = National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy |
6 |
14 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
SeDQ = Self-Description Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
SSDP-AcF = SSDP devised - Academic Failure Item set |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System
3 |
12 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
SSRS = Social Skills Rating System |
1 |
14 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
VCAL = Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Educational achievement |
VCE = Victorian Certificate of Education |
2 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Educational assistance |
CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Educational assistance |
ELVS-Tu = ELVS devised - Tutoring measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Educational assistance |
HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Educational assistance |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
2 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Educational assistance |
M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Educational assistance |
NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Engagement in community |
ATP-CAA = ATP devised - Civic Awareness and Activism Item set |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Engagement in community |
BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Engagement in community |
SMU = Sizing Me Up measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
In higher education |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Education and childcare |
In higher education |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
In higher education |
NSW-PSDES = NSW Post‑School Destinations and Experiences Survey |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Institutional policy in place |
IYDS-SPA = IYDS devised - School Policy on Alcohol |
1 |
7 |
Education and childcare |
Institutional policy in place |
IYDS-SS = IYDS devised - Socialising and Sporting Item set |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Institutional policy in place |
IYDS-UCPA = IYDS devised - University or College Policy on Alcohol |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Institutional policy in place |
IYDS-WPA = IYDS devised - Work place Policy on Alcohol |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Level of educational attainment |
ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised |
4 |
16 |
Education and childcare |
Level of educational attainment |
ABS-ASCED = Australian Bureau of Statistics Devised - Australian Standard Classification of Education |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Level of educational attainment |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Education and childcare |
Level of educational attainment |
ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Level of educational attainment |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Level of educational attainment |
ELVS-EE = ELVS-devised - Education and Employment Measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Level of educational attainment |
SRI = Social Risk Index |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Level of educational attainment |
SV-EA = Study Version - Educational Attainment measure |
22 |
110 |
Education and childcare |
Literacy |
BBB-LNS = Triple B devised - Literacy and Numeracy Skills Item set |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Literacy |
HILDA-FLN = HILDA devised - Functional Literacy and Numeracy measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Literacy |
KDC = Kindergarten Development Check |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Literacy |
LSAC-ARS = LSAC devised - Academic Rating Scale |
3 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
Literacy |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Literacy |
SEAPART = School Entry Alphabetic and Phonological Awareness Readiness Test |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Playgroup |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Pre-school |
ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Pre-school |
ELVS-ELCE = ELVS devised - Early life Childcare and Education |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Pre-school |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Pre-school |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Pre-school |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Pre-school |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Pre-school |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
CC2 = The Castles and Coltheart Test 2 |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
ELVS-R = ELVS devised - Reading measure |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment |
2 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
LR-RC = Let's Read devised - Reading to Child Item set |
1 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
LSAC-EL = LSAC devised - Early Language Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
LSAC-RCS = LSAC devised - Reading Competencies Scale |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
SeDQ = Self-Description Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
WIAT-III = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
WRAT4 = Wide Range Achievement Test 4 |
4 |
12 |
Education and childcare |
Reading |
WRAT5 = Wide Range Achievement Test 5 |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
ATPG3 = Australian Temperament Project, Generation 3-devised measure |
5 |
11 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
2 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
ELVS-ELCE = ELVS devised - Early life Childcare and Education |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
ELVS-SA = ELVS devised - School Attendance measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
ENERGY = The EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth Porject-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
HBSC = Health Behaviour in School-aged Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
HopSCOTCH = Shared Care Obesity Trial in Children-devised |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School attendance |
SSDP-SC = SSDP devised - School Commitment Item set |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
ATPG3 = Australian Temperament Project, Generation 3-devised measure |
4 |
8 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
ATSS = Attitudes to School Scale |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
bbSSRI = beyondblue Secondary Schools Research Initiative-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
3 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
ELVS-AS = ELVS devised - Attitudes to School measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
11 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
MCS = Millenium Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
SBS = The School Bonding Scale |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
SLQ = School Life Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
SPFQ = Student Perceived Fit Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
SSCP-PR = SSCP devised - Peer Rewards Item set |
1 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
SSDP-SC = SSDP devised - School Commitment Item set |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
SSDP-SR = SSDP devised - School Rewards Item set |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
UWES-3S = Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (3-item student version) |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
W-MS = Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School engagement |
YES:MS = Youth Experiences Survey: Middle School |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
2 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
ELVS-SI = ELVS devised - School Information measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
FTP-SA = Fast Track Project devised - School Adjustment Measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
IYDS-SD = IYDS devised - School Discipline Item set |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
IYDS-SI = IYDS devised - School Involvement Item set |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
SSDP-SR = SSDP devised - School Rewards Item set |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
VAHCS-SE = VAHCS devised - School Environment measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School environment |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
ARQ-R = Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
ATP-SF = ATP devised - School Functioning Item Set |
2 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
ATP-SP = ATP devised - School Problems Item Set |
1 |
5 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
DET = Victorian Department of Education-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
ELVS-TSS = ELVS devised - Transition to Secondary School measure |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
FTP-SA = Fast Track Project devised - School Adjustment Measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
IYDS-SD = IYDS devised - School Discipline Item set |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
IYDS-SI = IYDS devised - School Involvement Item set |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
PedsQL 4.0 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 Generic Core Scales
9 |
41 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
PedsQL 4.0 SF15 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 SF15 Generic Core Scales |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
REQ = Readiness and Expectations Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
SRQ = School Readiness Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
START = Secondary Transition Adjustment Rating Tool |
1 |
14 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
STU = Sizing Them Up measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
W-MS = Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School functioning |
YES:MS = Youth Experiences Survey: Middle School |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
School teacher |
CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
School teacher |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
School teacher |
NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
School teacher |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Teacher-student relationship |
ATSS = Attitudes to School Scale |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Teacher-student relationship |
BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale |
1 |
2 |
Education and childcare |
Teacher-student relationship |
FTP-SA = Fast Track Project devised - School Adjustment Measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Teacher-student relationship |
IYDS-SI = IYDS devised - School Involvement Item set |
1 |
6 |
Education and childcare |
Teacher-student relationship |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Teacher-student relationship |
SLQ = School Life Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Teacher-student relationship |
STRS-SF = Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: Short Form |
1 |
4 |
Education and childcare |
Teacher-student relationship |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Teacher-student relationship |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Writing |
ELVS-Wr = ELVS devised - Writing measure |
1 |
3 |
Education and childcare |
Writing |
L-25 = Life at 25 Assessment |
1 |
1 |
Education and childcare |
Writing |
WIAT-III = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition |
1 |
2 |
Environmental exposures |
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Environmental exposures |
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy |
VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection |
3 |
3 |
Environmental exposures |
Behaviour to prevent sun exposure |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Environmental exposures |
Behaviour to prevent sun exposure |
IPMSSG = International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group-devised measure |
2 |
8 |
Environmental exposures |
Behaviour to prevent sun exposure |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Behaviour to prevent sun exposure |
VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
e-cigarette user |
AIHW-NDSHS = National Drug Strategy Household Survey, AIHW-devised |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
e-cigarette user |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Environmental exposures |
e-cigarette user |
CRISIS-DB-SU = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Daily Behaviours: Substance Use |
2 |
7 |
Environmental exposures |
e-cigarette user |
ITC-V = International Tobacco Control, 4 Country Vaping Survey |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Environmental exposure |
ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Environmental exposures |
Environmental exposure |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
3 |
25 |
Environmental exposures |
Environmental exposure |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Environmental exposures |
Environmental exposure |
NCCLS = Northern California Childhood Leukemia Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Environmental exposures |
Environmental exposure |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Environmental exposures |
Environmental exposure |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Environmental exposure |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Evaluation of sun exposure during pregnancy |
IPMSSG = International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Environmental exposures |
Exposure to animals |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
3 |
14 |
Environmental exposures |
Exposure to animals |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
2 |
6 |
Environmental exposures |
Exposure to animals |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Exposure to potentially harmful entity during pregnancy |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Exposure to potentially harmful entity during pregnancy |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
House dust |
Dus-H = Dust, House sample |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Personal hygiene |
AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Personal hygiene |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Environmental exposures |
Personal hygiene |
BIS-H = BIS devised - Hygiene Item set |
1 |
4 |
Environmental exposures |
Personal hygiene |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Environmental exposures |
Pet exposure |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Environmental exposures |
Prenatal health behaviour |
ATP-PB = ATP devised - Pregnancy and Birth Item set |
1 |
4 |
Environmental exposures |
Prenatal health behaviour |
IPMSSG = International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
2 |
14 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
GenV-FR = GenV devised - Family Relationships Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
MACS = Melbourne Atopic Cohort Study-devised measure |
5 |
17 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
3 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
7 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
TIHS = Tasmanian Infant Health Survey-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Environmental exposures |
Smoker in home |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Environmental exposures |
Sun exposure |
AIS = AusImmune Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Sun exposure |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
2 |
10 |
Environmental exposures |
Sun exposure |
IPMSSG = International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Environmental exposures |
Sun exposure |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Sunburn |
AIS = AusImmune Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Environmental exposures |
Tobacco use during pregnancy |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Tobacco use during pregnancy |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Environmental exposures |
Tobacco use during pregnancy |
ICC-TU = ICC devised - Tobacco Use Item set |
1 |
3 |
Environmental exposures |
Tobacco use during pregnancy |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
2 |
2 |
Environmental exposures |
Tobacco use during pregnancy |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Environmental exposures |
Tobacco use during pregnancy |
TIHS = Tasmanian Infant Health Survey-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Environmental exposures |
Tobacco use during pregnancy |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Environmental exposures |
Tobacco use during pregnancy |
VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection |
3 |
3 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
AAQ = Adult Attachment Questionnaire
3 |
6 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
BFQ = Berndt Friendship Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
ICC-PIB = ICC devised - Parent-Infant Bonding Item set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
IPPA = Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment |
2 |
4 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
KDC = Kindergarten Development Check |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
MAAS = Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale |
2 |
4 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
MFAS = Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale |
2 |
2 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
MIBS = Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
MPAS = Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale |
2 |
5 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
PAAS = Paternal Antenatal Attachment Scale |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
PBQ = Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
PIML = People In My Life |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
PPAS = Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scale |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
RSQ = Relationship Scales Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
SPS-A = Social Provision Scale: Adapted |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
SSDP-AF = SSDP devised - Attachment to Father Item set |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
SSDP-AM = SSDP devised - Attachment to Mother Item set |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Attachment behaviour |
SSP = Strange Situation Procedure |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Capacity for emotion |
EmA = Emotional Availability Scale |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Capacity for emotion |
F&T = Feeling and Thinking measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Capacity for emotion |
FAD = McMaster Family Assessment Device |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Capacity for emotion |
FMSS = Five Minute Speech Sample |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Capacity for emotion |
IYDS-SC = IYDS devised - Social Competence measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Capacity for emotion |
MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Caregiver |
HILDA-CP-C = HILDA devised - Continuing Person Questionnaire measure, Carers section |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
ATP-HC = ATP devised - Household Composition Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
12 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment |
2 |
6 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
K-HSC = Kidsafe devised - Home Safety Checklist Measure |
1 |
5 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
NSLAH = National Survey of Lead and Allergens in Housing |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
SHS-A = Social History Screen: Adapted |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Characteristics of home environment |
WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version |
2 |
2 |
Family environment |
Child protection service involvement |
BBB-PC = Triple B devised - Pregnancy and Children Item set |
1 |
7 |
Family environment |
Child protection service involvement |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
AC-S = Acrimony Scale |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
ATP-CC = ATP devised - Child Care Item set |
2 |
5 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
BBB-FA = Triple B devised - Family Activities Item set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
CHAOS = Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
CHQ-FA = Child Health Questionnaire - Family Activities |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
CRQ-a = Child Rearing Questionnare, adapted |
2 |
8 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
FACES II = Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
FAD = McMaster Family Assessment Device |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
IYDS-FM = IYDS devised - Family Management Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
LSAC-HAI = LSAC devised - Home Activities Index Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
LSAC-PP = LSAC devised - Parenting Practices Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module |
2 |
8 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
PedsQL 2.0-FIM-FR = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module - Family Relationships subscale |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
SEHQ = School Entrant Health Questionnaire |
4 |
7 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
SSDP-FD = SSDP devised - Family Dynamics Item set |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Family functioning |
SSDP-FS = SSDP devised - Family Skills Item set |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Family violence |
CAS = Composite Abuse Scale |
3 |
9 |
Family environment |
Family violence |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Family violence |
ISA = Index of Spouse Abuse |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Family violence |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Family violence |
PBQ = Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
ATP-FA = ATP devised - Family Aspirations Item Set |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
ATP-PA = ATP devised - Parent Aspirations Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
ATP-RR = ATP devised - Romantic Relationship Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
ELVS-FP = ELVS devised - Future Plans measure |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
GRIT = Grit Scale |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
MCS = Millenium Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
MCS-LF = MCS devised - Learning and the Future measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Future aspirations |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Family environment |
Home learning environment |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
2 |
4 |
Family environment |
Home learning environment |
HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Home learning environment |
LSAC-HAI = LSAC devised - Home Activities Index Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Home learning environment |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Home problems |
CHAOS = Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Intimate partner violence |
ACTS = ACTS Intimate Partner Violence Screen |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Intimate partner violence |
CAS = Composite Abuse Scale |
3 |
9 |
Family environment |
Intimate partner violence |
CTS = Conflict Tactics Scale |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Intimate partner violence |
FIP = Fear of Intimate Partner |
2 |
10 |
Family environment |
Intimate partner violence |
ISA = Index of Spouse Abuse |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Life events |
APMS-JDC = Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey-devised - Job Demand and Control measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Life events |
ATP-SLE = ATP devised - Significant Life Event Item Set |
3 |
18 |
Family environment |
Life events |
ATP-SS = ATP devised - Social Support Item Set |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Life events |
BBB-SLE = Triple B devised - Significant Life Events Item set |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Life events |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Life events |
CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Life events |
CASPE-A = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module A - Experience Related to COVID-19 |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Life events |
CLES-A = Coddington Life Events Scale - Adapted |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Life events |
CRISIS-LC = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Life Changes |
10 |
39 |
Family environment |
Life events |
ELVS-SLE = ELVS devised - Stressful Life Events measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Life events |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Life events |
GenV-LE = GenV devised - Life Events Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Life events |
HILDA = Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Life events |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Life events |
LTE = List of Threatening Experiences
3 |
9 |
Family environment |
Life events |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Life events |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Life events |
PRAMS = Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Life events |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
19 |
Family environment |
Life events |
SSDP-TMS = SSDP devised - Transitions and Mobility Scale |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Life events |
VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Number of dependant children |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Number of dependant children |
ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Number of dependant children |
ATP-CG = ATP devised - Child and Grandchildren Item Set |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Number of dependant children |
ATP-CH = ATP devised - Child Health Item set |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Number of dependant children |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Number of dependant children |
LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Number of dependant children |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Number of dependant children |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Family environment |
Number of offspring |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Number of offspring |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Number of siblings |
EET1DPP = Early Environment and Type 1 Diabetes Prevention Project-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Number of siblings |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Number of siblings |
SV-SI = Study Version - Siblings Information measure |
14 |
17 |
Family environment |
Number of siblings |
TMSRP = Tasmanian Multiple Sclerosis Research Program-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
ATP-FE = ATP devised - Family Environment Item Set |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
ATP-Par = ATP devised - Parenting Behaviour Item set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
GenV-PSE = GenV devised - Parenting Self-Efficacy Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
LSAC-PSE = LSAC devised - Parental Self Efficacy Item set |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
MFAS = Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale |
2 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
MPAS = Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale |
2 |
5 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
PPAS = Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scale |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parental self-efficacy |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
ATP-BDH = ATP devised - Birth & Developmental History Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
ATP-PCR = ATP devised - Parent-Child Relationship Item Set |
1 |
10 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
BBB-IPCI = Triple B devised - Inventory of Parent and Child Interaction Scale |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
BPCIS = Brigance Parent-Child Interactions Scale |
2 |
10 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
2 |
7 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
ConBQ = Conflict Behaviour Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
CPRS = Child-Parent Relationship Scale |
2 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment |
2 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
ICC-PIB = ICC devised - Parent-Infant Bonding Item set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
IPPA = Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment |
2 |
4 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
LSAC-HAI = LSAC devised - Home Activities Index Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
NSFH = National Survey of Families and Households Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
PBI = Parental Bonding Instrument |
2 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
PBI-BC = Parental Bonding Instrument - Brief Current Form |
1 |
5 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
PIML = People In My Life |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
13 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
r@h-OUP = right@home devised - Observation of Unstructured Play |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
SeDQ = Self-Description Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
SSDP-AF = SSDP devised - Attachment to Father Item set |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
SSDP-AM = SSDP devised - Attachment to Mother Item set |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
SSDP-FD = SSDP devised - Family Dynamics Item set |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parent-child relationship |
SSDP-FR = SSDP devised - Family Rewards Scale |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
APSALS-Att = Australian Parental Supply of Alcohol Longitudinal Study devised - Attitudes Towards Parental Supply of Alcohol Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
ATP-DE = ATP devised - Disordered Eating Item Set |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
ATP-Par = ATP devised - Parenting Behaviour Item set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
ATP-PS = ATP devised - Parenting Style Item Set |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
BBus = Baby Business Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
BPCIS = Brigance Parent-Child Interactions Scale |
2 |
10 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
CRQ-a = Child Rearing Questionnare, adapted |
2 |
8 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
EmA = Emotional Availability Scale |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
FAD = McMaster Family Assessment Device |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
GenV-FR = GenV devised - Family Relationships Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment |
2 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
HPS = Hostile Parenting Scale |
2 |
8 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
ICC-PAR = ICC devised - Parenting Item set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
LR-RC = Let's Read devised - Reading to Child Item set |
1 |
5 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
4 |
11 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
LSAC-PP = LSAC devised - Parenting Practices Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
MAAS = Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale |
2 |
4 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
MCS = Millenium Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
MFAS = Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale |
2 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
MPAS = Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale |
2 |
5 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
NYS-R = NYS devised - Rules Item set |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
PAAS = Paternal Antenatal Attachment Scale |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
PBI = Parental Bonding Instrument |
2 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
PBI-BC = Parental Bonding Instrument - Brief Current Form |
1 |
5 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
PPAS = Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scale |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
r@h-OUP = right@home devised - Observation of Unstructured Play |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
SSDP-FR = SSDP devised - Family Rewards Scale |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Parenting behaviour |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
ARQ-R = Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
ATP-FR = ATP devised - Family Relations Item Set |
1 |
7 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
ATP-FS = ATP devised - Family Support Item Set |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
BBB-FCS = Triple B devised - Family and Community Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
CRISIS-LC = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Life Changes |
10 |
39 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
FACES II = Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
FAD = McMaster Family Assessment Device |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
FSCC = Families, Social Capital & Citizenship survey |
1 |
7 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment |
2 |
6 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
IYDS-LFI = IYDS devised - Level of Family Interaction Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
MSPSS = Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support |
4 |
5 |
Family environment |
Quality of family relationship |
SPSS = Scales of Perceived Social Support |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure |
5 |
12 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
ATP-RR = ATP devised - Romantic Relationship Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
BK-MCS = Braiker & Kelly's Marital Conflict Scale |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
DAS = Dyadic Adjustment Scale |
2 |
4 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
ELVS-CRR = ELVS devised - Current Romantic Relationship measure |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
GenV-FR = GenV devised - Family Relationships Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
9 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
PRAMS = Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
QRI = Quality of Relationship Inventory |
2 |
7 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
RDAS = Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Relationship satisfaction |
WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version |
2 |
2 |
Family environment |
Sibling relationship |
ATP-FR = ATP devised - Family Relations Item Set |
1 |
7 |
Family environment |
Sibling relationship |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
AQoL-4D = Assessment of Quality of Life-4D |
2 |
5 |
Family environment |
Social support |
AQoL-6D = Assessment of Quality of Life-6D |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Social support |
AQoL-8D = Assessment of Quality of Life-8D |
2 |
8 |
Family environment |
Social support |
ARM-R = Adult Resilience Measure-Revised |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set |
2 |
24 |
Family environment |
Social support |
ATP-FS = ATP devised - Family Support Item Set |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Social support |
ATP-SS = ATP devised - Social Support Item Set |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Social support |
BBB-FCS = Triple B devised - Family and Community Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Social support |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
CYRM-R = Child Youth Resilience Measure-Revised |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
ELVS-FSS = ELVS devised - Friend Support Satisfaction measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Social support |
GenV-SS = GenV devised - Social Support Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
ICC-SS = ICC devised - Social Support Item set |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
IYDS-SSAP = IYDS devised - Social Support for Alcohol Problem Item set |
1 |
4 |
Family environment |
Social support |
JH-SSS = Journeys Home Study-devised measure - Social Support Scale |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Family environment |
Social support |
LSAC-FCS = LSAC devised - Family and Community Support Item set |
3 |
11 |
Family environment |
Social support |
MSPSS = Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support |
4 |
5 |
Family environment |
Social support |
MSSS = Maternity Social Support Scale
3 |
6 |
Family environment |
Social support |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
10 |
Family environment |
Social support |
MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure |
1 |
3 |
Family environment |
Social support |
OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Social support |
QRI = Quality of Relationship Inventory |
2 |
7 |
Family environment |
Social support |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
SPS-A = Social Provision Scale: Adapted |
1 |
8 |
Family environment |
Social support |
SPSS = Scales of Perceived Social Support |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Social support |
SSDP-NSCT = SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Social Cohesion and Trust Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Social support |
SSDP-SN = SSDP devised - Social Network Item set |
1 |
2 |
Family environment |
Social support |
SSM = Social Solidarity Measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
SSSI = Social Support and Stress Interview |
1 |
6 |
Family environment |
Social support |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Family environment |
Social support |
WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version |
2 |
2 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
HSA = Health Socialization Agents |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
PSQ-18 = The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire: Short Form |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
VAHCS-HSA = VAHCS devised - Health Service Access measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Access to healthcare services |
WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version |
2 |
2 |
Health services |
Adverse event |
BNT162b2-VA = BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine administration protocol |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Adverse event |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Adverse event |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
18 |
Health services |
Age at time of assessment |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Age at time of assessment |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Age at time of assessment |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Child development checks |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Child development checks |
GenV-DM = GenV devised - Developmental Milestones Item Set |
1 |
4 |
Health services |
Clinical examination |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Clinical examination |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Cochlear implant service |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Dental examination |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Dental examination |
DDE = Modified Developmental Defects of Enamel (DDE) Index |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Dental examination |
LTL = Lift the Lip Examination |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Dental examination |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Early childhood intervention service |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Health care expenditure |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Health care expenditure |
PSQ-18 = The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire: Short Form |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Health literacy |
AusH = Australian Hearing |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Health literacy |
HLS-Q12 = Health Literacy Survey: Short Form |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Health literacy |
PINA-A = Parental Immunisation Needs and Attitudes: Antenatal Survey |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Health literacy |
PLFP = Precautionary Labelling of Food Products |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Health literacy |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
B-R = Birth Records |
2 |
3 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
COSI BAIR = COVID-19 Specific vaccine and heterologous Immunity in the Melbourne infant study of BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
ELVS-HA = ELVS devised - Hospital Admissions |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
H-R = Hospital Records |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
2 |
8 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
12 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
12 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
27 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Hospital admission |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
AIR = Australian Immunisation Register |
2 |
2 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
BB-SDICF = BB devised - Study Diary of Infant Crying and Fussing |
1 |
6 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
H-R = Hospital Records |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
7 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Immunisation status |
VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection |
3 |
3 |
Health services |
Maternal, child and family health service |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Medical examinations/reports |
RVEEH = Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Medical examinations/reports |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Medical procedure or service |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Medical procedure or service |
B-R = Birth Records |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Medical procedure or service |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Medical procedure or service |
MBS = Medicare Benefits Schedule |
4 |
4 |
Health services |
Medical procedure or service |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Medical procedure or service |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Medical procedure or service |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Health services |
Neonatal intensive care service |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Neonatal intensive care service |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Neonatal intensive care service |
BBB-B = Triple B devised - Child Birth Item set |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Neonatal intensive care service |
B-R = Birth Records |
2 |
2 |
Health services |
Neonatal intensive care service |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Neonatal intensive care service |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Neonatal intensive care service |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Neonatal intensive care service |
VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Neonatal intensive care service |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Previous treatment history |
CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Previous treatment history |
NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Previous treatment history |
OTI-I = Opiate Treatment Index: Section I - Treatment History |
1 |
12 |
Health services |
Private health insurance |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Private health insurance |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Private health insurance |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Private health insurance |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Quality of health care |
ELVS-HSSB = ELVS devised - Health Services Seeking Behaviour |
2 |
14 |
Health services |
Quality of health care |
PEI = Patient Enablement Index |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Quality of health care |
PSQ-18 = The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire: Short Form |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Quality of health care |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by audiology service |
AusH = Australian Hearing |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by audiology service |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
6 |
Health services |
Seen by ear, nose and throat service |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Seen by general practitioner |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Seen by genetics service |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
4 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
B-R = Birth Records |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
11 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
ELVS-HSSB = ELVS devised - Health Services Seeking Behaviour |
2 |
14 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment |
2 |
6 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
MIHD = Monthly Infant Health Diary |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
SEHQ = School Entrant Health Questionnaire |
4 |
7 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
VAHCS-In = VAHCS devised - Injuries measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Seen by health professional |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by ophthalmology service |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by psychologist |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
CHPS-TAS = Child Health and Parenting Service - Tasmania |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure |
5 |
20 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener
5 |
11 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children
4 |
19 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
2 |
9 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
MBS = Medicare Benefits Schedule |
4 |
4 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
MCHS-VIC = Maternal and Child Health Service - Victoria |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
12 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
22 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
PEI = Patient Enablement Index |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
27 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Health services |
Seen by service |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Health services |
Seen by speech and language therapy service |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
4 |
Health services |
Seen in fertility clinic |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Health services |
Seen in weight management clinic |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Health services |
Vaccination given |
BNT162b2-VA = BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine administration protocol |
1 |
2 |
Hearing |
Cause of hearing loss |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Cause of hearing loss |
VCh-HL = VicCHILD devised - Hearing Loss Item set |
1 |
3 |
Hearing |
Ear infection |
ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure |
1 |
6 |
Hearing |
Ear infection |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Hearing |
Family history of hearing loss |
VCh-FHC = VicCHILD devised - Family History of Condition Item set |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Grommet |
ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure |
1 |
6 |
Hearing |
Hearing aid |
AusH = Australian Hearing |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Hearing aid |
CIC = Cochlear Implant Clinic data |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Hearing aid |
PEACH = Parents' Evaluation of Aural/oral performance of CHildren |
1 |
4 |
Hearing |
Hearing aid |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Hearing |
Hearing aid |
VCh-HL = VicCHILD devised - Hearing Loss Item set |
1 |
3 |
Hearing |
Hearing problem |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Hearing |
Hearing problem |
CHILD = Children’s Home Inventory for Listening Difficulties |
1 |
2 |
Hearing |
Hearing problem |
ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure |
1 |
6 |
Hearing |
Hearing problem |
GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set |
1 |
4 |
Hearing |
Hearing problem |
LiSN-S = Listening in Spatialized Noise – Sentences test |
2 |
2 |
Hearing |
Hearing problem |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
3 |
Hearing |
Hearing problem |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Hearing problem |
VCh-HL = VicCHILD devised - Hearing Loss Item set |
1 |
3 |
Hearing |
Hearing problem |
VIHSP = Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
AusH = Australian Hearing |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
B-R = Birth Records |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
CHILD = Children’s Home Inventory for Listening Difficulties |
1 |
2 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
CIC = Cochlear Implant Clinic data |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure |
1 |
6 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
LiSN-S = Listening in Spatialized Noise – Sentences test |
2 |
2 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
PEACH = Parents' Evaluation of Aural/oral performance of CHildren |
1 |
4 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
PTA = Pure Tone Audiometry |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
Tym = Tympanometry |
1 |
1 |
Hearing |
Hearing test |
VIHSP = Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program |
1 |
1 |
Imaging |
Computerised tomography |
pQCT = Peripheral Quantitative Computerised Tomography |
1 |
1 |
Imaging |
Intima media thickness |
aIMT = Aortic Intima-Media Thickness |
1 |
4 |
Imaging |
Intima media thickness |
cIMT = Carotid Intima-Media Thickness |
3 |
5 |
Imaging |
Magnetic resonance imaging |
fMRI = Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
2 |
5 |
Imaging |
Magnetic resonance imaging |
MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
3 |
6 |
Imaging |
Magnetic resonance imaging |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
1 |
Imaging |
Morphometric analysis |
CM-3D = Craniofacial Morphometric 3D Imaging |
2 |
3 |
Imaging |
Morphometric analysis |
GenV-DI = Dysmorphism imaging - GenV protocol |
1 |
1 |
Imaging |
Morphometric analysis |
pQCT = Peripheral Quantitative Computerised Tomography |
1 |
1 |
Imaging |
Photograph |
CM-3D = Craniofacial Morphometric 3D Imaging |
2 |
3 |
Imaging |
Photograph |
IO-3D = Intra-Oral 3D Imaging |
2 |
2 |
Imaging |
Photograph |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Imaging |
Ultrasound imaging |
aIMT = Aortic Intima-Media Thickness |
1 |
4 |
Imaging |
Ultrasound imaging |
cIMT = Carotid Intima-Media Thickness |
3 |
5 |
Imaging |
Ultrasound imaging |
H-U = Heel Ultrasound |
1 |
2 |
Imaging |
Ultrasound imaging |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Medications and supplements |
Antibiotics |
BB-APU = BB devised - Antibiotic and Probiotic Use measure |
1 |
12 |
Medications and supplements |
Antibiotics |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
12 |
Medications and supplements |
Antibiotics |
ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure |
1 |
6 |
Medications and supplements |
Antibiotics |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Antibiotics |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
Antibiotics |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Antibiotics |
VIT-MS = VITALITY devised - Medications and Supplements Item set |
1 |
4 |
Medications and supplements |
Compliance behaviour to treatment |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Medications and supplements |
Compliance behaviour to treatment |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Medications and supplements |
History of medication use |
B-R = Birth Records |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
History of medication use |
CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Medications and supplements |
History of medication use |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Medications and supplements |
History of medication use |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Medications and supplements |
History of medication use |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
History of medication use |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Medications and supplements |
History of medication use |
NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
History of medication use |
PBS = Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme |
2 |
2 |
Medications and supplements |
History of medication use |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Medications and supplements |
History of nutritional supplement use |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
History of nutritional supplement use |
CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Medications and supplements |
History of nutritional supplement use |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
History of nutritional supplement use |
NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
History of nutritional supplement use |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
ACQ = Asthma Control Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
ATP-MedS = ATP devised - Medication and Supplement Item set |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
ATP-PB = ATP devised - Pregnancy and Birth Item set |
1 |
4 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
BB-APU = BB devised - Antibiotic and Probiotic Use measure |
1 |
12 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
BBB-MS = Triple B devised - Medication and Supplement Item set |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
2 |
25 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
11 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
COSI BAIR = COVID-19 Specific vaccine and heterologous Immunity in the Melbourne infant study of BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
CRISIS-DB-SU = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Daily Behaviours: Substance Use |
2 |
7 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener
5 |
11 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children
4 |
19 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
MIHD = Monthly Infant Health Diary |
1 |
5 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
14 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
4 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index |
2 |
4 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
VAHCS-SU = VAHCS devised - Substance Use measure |
1 |
10 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
VCh-POH = VicCHILD devised - Pregnancy and Obstetric History Item set |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Medications |
VIT-MS = VITALITY devised - Medications and Supplements Item set |
1 |
4 |
Medications and supplements |
Probiotics |
BB-APU = BB devised - Antibiotic and Probiotic Use measure |
1 |
12 |
Medications and supplements |
Probiotics |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
Probiotics |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
Probiotics |
VIT-MS = VITALITY devised - Medications and Supplements Item set |
1 |
4 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
ATP-MedS = ATP devised - Medication and Supplement Item set |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
BBB-MS = Triple B devised - Medication and Supplement Item set |
1 |
3 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
13 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
B-R = Birth Records |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
13 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
6 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Medications and supplements |
Supplements |
VIT-MS = VITALITY devised - Medications and Supplements Item set |
1 |
4 |
Medications and supplements |
Topical skin treatments |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Medications and supplements |
Topical skin treatments |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Abusive behaviour |
CAS = Composite Abuse Scale |
3 |
9 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Abusive behaviour |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Adjustment disorder |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Adjustment disorder |
MINI-KID-V = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module V - Adjustment Disorders |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
ABC = Antisocial Behaviour Checklist |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
AG-Q = Aggression Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent |
2 |
11 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher |
2 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire |
1 |
7 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
PrBQ = Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire |
2 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
RPQ = Reactive–Proactive Aggression Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
SRED = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Aggressive behaviour |
SRED-SF = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument: Short Form |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
ABC = Antisocial Behaviour Checklist |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
ATP-ASB = ATP devised - Antisocial Behaviour Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
ATP-DPA = ATP devised - Deviant Peer Affiliations Item Set |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
ATP-SF = ATP devised - School Functioning Item Set |
2 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
ICC-MH = ICC devised - Mental Health Item set |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
14 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
IYDS-AB = IYDS devised - Antisocial Behaviour Item set |
1 |
13 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
IYDS-ATAB = IYDS devised - Attitudes Towards Antosocial Behaviour |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
IYDS-FHAB = IYDS devised - Family History of Antisocial Behaviour Item set |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
SRDDU = Self Reported Delinquency and Drug Use |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
SRED = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
SRED-SF = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument: Short Form |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
SSCP-EIAB = SSCP devised - Early Initiation of Antisocial Behaviour Item set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
SSDP-DPII = SSDP devised - Deviant Peer Involvement and Interaction Scale |
1 |
12 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Antisocial behaviour |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire |
1 |
7 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
CCWS = Climate Change Worry Scale |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
CIDI-SF-GAD = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
CRISIS-E = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Emotions/Worries |
7 |
25 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
DASS21 = Depression Anxiety Stress Scale: Short Form |
8 |
43 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
ELVS-AP = ELVS devised - Anxiety Problems measure |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
FAQLQ-PF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
GAD-7 = Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 |
2 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
GHQ = General Health Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
Kessler-K10 = The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale - K10 version |
3 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
Kessler-K6 = The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale - K6 version
9 |
39 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
MINI-KID-U = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module U - Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
13 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
PBQ = Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
PrBQ = Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire |
2 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
RCMAS = Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
SCARED-b = Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (brief) |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) |
5 |
19 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
SCAS:b = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale: Brief |
4 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Anxiety |
WMH-CIDI-GAD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Generalized Anxiety Disorder section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
AAQ = Adult Attachment Questionnaire
3 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
BFQ = Berndt Friendship Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
ICC-PIB = ICC devised - Parent-Infant Bonding Item set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
IPPA = Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment |
2 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
KDC = Kindergarten Development Check |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
MAAS = Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale |
2 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
MFAS = Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale |
2 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
MIBS = Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
MPAS = Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale |
2 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
PAAS = Paternal Antenatal Attachment Scale |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
PBQ = Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
PIML = People In My Life |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
PPAS = Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scale |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
RSQ = Relationship Scales Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
SPS-A = Social Provision Scale: Adapted |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
SSDP-AF = SSDP devised - Attachment to Father Item set |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
SSDP-AM = SSDP devised - Attachment to Mother Item set |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Attachment behaviour |
SSP = Strange Situation Procedure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Conduct disorder |
ATP-ASB = ATP devised - Antisocial Behaviour Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Conduct disorder |
BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Conduct disorder |
CDRS = Conduct Rating Scale |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Conduct disorder |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Conduct disorder |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Conduct disorder |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Conduct disorder |
RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Conduct disorder |
SDQ = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
17 |
81 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Conduct disorder |
WMH-CIDI-CD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Conduct Disorder section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Criminal behaviour |
ATP-ASB = ATP devised - Antisocial Behaviour Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Criminal behaviour |
ATP-CP = ATP devised - Crime Perpetration Item set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Criminal behaviour |
SSCP-EIAB = SSCP devised - Early Initiation of Antisocial Behaviour Item set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Cruel behaviour |
RAS = Relational Aggression Scale |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Defiant behaviour |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Defiant behaviour |
BITSEA = Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment |
2 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Defiant behaviour |
C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher |
2 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Defiant behaviour |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Defiant behaviour |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Defiant behaviour |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Defiant behaviour |
MINI-KID-Q = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module Q - Oppositional Defiant Disorder |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Defiant behaviour |
WMH-CIDI-ODD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Oppositional-Defiant Disorder section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
ATP-RT = ATP devised - Risk-Taking Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
ATP-SF = ATP devised - School Functioning Item Set |
2 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
IYDS-LNDU = IYDS devised - Laws and Norms Favorable to Drug Use Item set |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
IYDS-SD = IYDS devised - School Discipline Item set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
PEI-Reb = Personal Experiences Inventory - Rebelliousness Item set |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
SRDDU = Self Reported Delinquency and Drug Use |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
SRED = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
SRED-SF = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument: Short Form |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
SSCP-PR = SSCP devised - Peer Rewards Item set |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
SSDP-SPSS = SSDP devised - Social Problem Solving Skills Item set |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Delinquent behaviour |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
2 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
ATP-D = ATP devised - Depression Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire |
1 |
7 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
CESD-R = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale - Revised |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
CIDI-v2.1-DDD = Composite International Diagnostic Interview - Core version 2.1-Depressive and dysthymic disorders |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
DASS21 = Depression Anxiety Stress Scale: Short Form |
8 |
43 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
EPDS = Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale |
6 |
30 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
GHQ = General Health Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
GHQ-12 = General Health Questionnaire - 12 item version |
2 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
IYDS-PD = IYDS devised - Psychological Distress Item set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
Kessler-K10 = The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale - K10 version |
3 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
Kessler-K6 = The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale - K6 version
9 |
39 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
MINI-KID-A = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module A - Major Depressive Disorder |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
MINI-KID-C = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module C - Dysthymia |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
13 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
PHQ-2 = Patient Health Questionnaire-2 |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire-9 |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
PHQ-A = Patient Health Questionnaire-9 modified for Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
PrBQ = Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire |
2 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
SMFQ = Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire |
6 |
25 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
SSM = Social Solidarity Measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Depression |
WMH-CIDI-MD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Major Depression section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Dissociative disorder |
AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
ATP-D = ATP devised - Depression Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
ATP-RBPC = ATP devised - Revised Behaviour Problem Checklist Item set |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent |
2 |
11 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher |
2 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire |
1 |
7 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Disturbance of attention |
WMH-CIDI-ADHD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
ADS = Adolescent Dieting Scale |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
ATP-DE = ATP devised - Disordered Eating Item Set |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
BET = Branched Eating Disorder Test |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
ChEDE-Q8 = Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire for Children - Short Form |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
EBI = Eating Behaviours Inventory |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
EDI = Eating Disorder Inventory |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
EDYQ = Eating Disturbance in Youth Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
KEDS = Kids' Eating Disorders Survey |
2 |
10 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
MINI-KID-S = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module S - Anorexia Nervosa |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
MINI-KID-T = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module T - Bulimia Nervosa |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
SCOFF = SCOFF Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
VAHCS-DDE = VAHCS devised - Dieting and Disordered Eating measure |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Eating disorder |
WMH-CIDI-ED = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Eating Disorders section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional adjustment |
ATP-EC = ATP devised - Emotional Control Item set |
2 |
9 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional adjustment |
BITSEA = Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment |
2 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional adjustment |
BRIEF = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional adjustment |
BRIEF-2 = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition |
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional adjustment |
CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional adjustment |
EAS = EAS Temperament Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional adjustment |
SATI = School Aged Temperament Inventory
5 |
11 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional adjustment |
SUEIT = Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
ARI = Affective Reactivity Index |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
BITSEA = Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment |
2 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
CRISIS-E = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Emotions/Worries |
7 |
25 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
EDI = Eating Disorder Inventory |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
EQ-5D-3L = EuroQol 5 Dimensions (3 level version) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
EQ-5D-5L = EuroQol 5 Dimensions |
2 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
GenV-FR = GenV devised - Family Relationships Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
ICC-MH = ICC devised - Mental Health Item set |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure |
1 |
14 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
MGMQ = Matthey Generic Mood Question |
1 |
9 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
MHI-5 = Mental Health Inventory - 5 |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
PedsQL 4.0 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 Generic Core Scales
9 |
41 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
PedsQL 4.0 SF15 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 SF15 Generic Core Scales |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
PedsQL-IS = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – Infant Scales |
2 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
SDQ = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
17 |
81 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
SF-12 = Short Form 12-item Health Survey |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
SF-36v2 = Short Form 36-item Health Survey: Version 2 |
1 |
9 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
SMU = Sizing Me Up measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Emotional problems |
STU = Sizing Them Up measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Excessive crying of infant |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Excessive crying of infant |
BB-SDICF = BB devised - Study Diary of Infant Crying and Fussing |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Excessive crying of infant |
BBus-EC = Baby Business devised - Excessive Crying Item set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Excessive crying of infant |
HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Excessive crying of infant |
I-GERQ-R = Infant Gastroesophageal Reflux Questionnaire - Revised |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Excessive crying of infant |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Fear of injury |
SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) |
5 |
19 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Fussy infant |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Fussy infant |
BBus = Baby Business Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Fussy infant |
BBus-EC = Baby Business devised - Excessive Crying Item set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Fussy infant |
STST = Short Temperament Scale for Toddlers
4 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
ADHD-RS-IV = ADHD Rating Scale-4 |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
ADHD-RS-V = ADHD Rating Scale-5 |
2 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent |
2 |
11 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher |
2 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire |
1 |
7 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
EAS = EAS Temperament Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
PrBQ = Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire |
2 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
RITQ = Revised Infant Temperament Questionnaire |
2 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
SATI = School Aged Temperament Inventory
5 |
11 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
SDQ = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
17 |
81 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System
3 |
12 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
SSRS = Social Skills Rating System |
1 |
14 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Hyperactive behaviour |
STST = Short Temperament Scale for Toddlers
4 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Involved in legal proceedings |
ATP-CWC = ATP devised - Contact With Courts Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Involved in legal proceedings |
IYDS-IPC = IYDS devised - Involvement with Police and Courts Item set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Involved with police |
IYDS-IPC = IYDS devised - Involvement with Police and Courts Item set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Loneliness |
TILS = Three Item Loneliness Scale |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Loneliness |
ULS-8 = UCLA Loneliness Scale: Short Form |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Mania |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Mania |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Mania |
MINI-KID-D = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module D - Mania and Bipolar Disorder |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Mania |
WMH-CIDI-M = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Mania section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Mental illness |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Mental illness |
ELVS-MHD = ELVS devised - Mental Health Diagnoses measure |
2 |
10 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Mental illness |
GAD-7 = Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Mental illness |
IYDS-MHD = IYDS devised - Mental Health Diagnosis Item set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Mental illness |
SMFQ = Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Obsessive compulsive behaviour |
CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Obsessive compulsive behaviour |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Obsessive compulsive behaviour |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Obsessive compulsive behaviour |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Obsessive compulsive behaviour |
MINI-KID-J = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module J - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Obsessive compulsive behaviour |
NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Obsessive compulsive behaviour |
SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) |
5 |
19 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
CIDI-Auto-PA = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Computerized version - Panic Attack |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
CIDI-SF-PA = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Panic Attack |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
MINI-KID-E = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module E - Panic Disorder |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) |
5 |
19 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
SCAS:b = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale: Brief |
4 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Panic attack |
WMH-CIDI-PaD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Panic Disorder section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Personality disorder |
SAP = Standardized Assessment of Personality |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
ADHD-RS-IV = ADHD Rating Scale-4 |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
ADHD-RS-V = ADHD Rating Scale-5 |
2 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
BITSEA = Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment |
2 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent |
2 |
11 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher |
2 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
ELVS-DD = ELVS devised - Developmental Diagnoses measure |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
MINI-KID-W = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module W - Pervasive Developmental Disorder |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
SCQ = Social Communication Questionnaire
5 |
12 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System
3 |
12 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Pervasive developmental disorder |
SSRS = Social Skills Rating System |
1 |
14 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
CIDI-SF-AG = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Agoraphobia |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
CIDI-SF-SiP = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Simple Phobia |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
MINI-KID-F = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module F - Agoraphobia |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
MINI-KID-I = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module I - Specific Phobia |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Phobia |
WMH-CIDI-A = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Agoraphobia section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Postpartum depression |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Postpartum depression |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Postpartum depression |
MIBS = Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Posttraumatic stress disorder |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Posttraumatic stress disorder |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Posttraumatic stress disorder |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Posttraumatic stress disorder |
NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Posttraumatic stress disorder |
PCL = PTSD Checklist |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Posttraumatic stress disorder |
WMH-CIDI-PTSD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
ATP-BP = ATP devised - Behaviour Problem Item Set |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
ATP-IB = ATP devised - Infant Behaviour measure |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
BCL = Behaviour Checklist |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire |
1 |
7 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
CRQ-a = Child Rearing Questionnare, adapted |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
ELVS-PB = ELVS devised - Problem Behaviour measure |
2 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
HN-RTB = HealthNuts devised - Food Allergy Risk-Taking Behaviour Item set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
ICC-CB = ICC devised - Child Behaviour Item set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
SEHQ = School Entrant Health Questionnaire |
4 |
7 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
SSDP-SSD = SSDP devised - Sensation Seeking and Disinhibition Scale |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System
3 |
12 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Problem behaviour |
SSRS = Social Skills Rating System |
1 |
14 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychomotor agitation |
RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosis |
AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosis |
APSS = Adolescent Psychotic-Like Symptom Screener |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosis |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosis |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosis |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosis |
MINI-KID-R = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module R - Psychotic Disorders |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosis |
RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist |
1 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
AEDC = Australian Early Development Census |
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
AQoL-4D = Assessment of Quality of Life-4D |
2 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
AQoL-6D = Assessment of Quality of Life-6D |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
AQoL-8D = Assessment of Quality of Life-8D |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
ARQ-R = Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
ATP-IPC = ATP devised - Intimate Partner Characteristic Item set |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
CHU9D = Child Health Utility 9D |
4 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
DSN-a = Dependence on Social Networking, adapted |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
GHQ-12 = General Health Questionnaire - 12 item version |
2 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
ICC-PD = ICC devised - Positive Development Item set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
PedsQL 4.0 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 Generic Core Scales
9 |
41 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
PedsQL 4.0 SF15 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 SF15 Generic Core Scales |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
RITQ = Revised Infant Temperament Questionnaire |
2 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
SDQ = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
17 |
81 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
SF-12 = Short Form 12-item Health Survey |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
SF-36v2 = Short Form 36-item Health Survey: Version 2 |
1 |
9 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
SMU = Sizing Me Up measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
SSM = Social Solidarity Measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
SUEIT = Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
ULS-8 = UCLA Loneliness Scale: Short Form |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Psychosocial functioning |
WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version |
2 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Schizophrenia |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Seen by psychologist |
VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Self-harm |
ASB = Adolescent Suicidal Behaviours measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Self-harm |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
7 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Self-harm |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Self-harm |
SSI = Scale for Suicidal Ideation |
1 |
9 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Self-harm |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Self-harm |
VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Self-harm |
VAHS-SH = VAHS devised - Self Harm Item set |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Separation anxiety |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Separation anxiety |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Separation anxiety |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Separation anxiety |
MINI-KID-G = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module G - Separation Anxiety Disorder |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Separation anxiety |
SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) |
5 |
19 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Separation anxiety |
SCAS:b = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale: Brief |
4 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Separation anxiety |
WMH-CIDI-SA = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Separation Anxiety Disorder section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
Bayley-III = Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition |
2 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
CASPE-D = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module D - Social Experience |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
CELF-4 = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fourth Edition |
3 |
9 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
CYRM-R = Child Youth Resilience Measure-Revised |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
DFSA-A = Digital Flourishing Scale for Adolescents: Adapted |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
EAS = EAS Temperament Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
IYDS-SC = IYDS devised - Social Competence measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
IYDS-SS = IYDS devised - Socialising and Sporting Item set |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
SATI = School Aged Temperament Inventory
5 |
11 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
SBQ = Social Behaviour Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
SSDP-SPSS = SSDP devised - Social Problem Solving Skills Item set |
1 |
5 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System
3 |
12 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
SSIS-SS = Social Skills Improvement System - Social Skills |
2 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
SSRS = Social Skills Rating System |
1 |
14 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social behaviour |
W-MS = Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social phobia |
CIDI-SF-SoP = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Social Phobia |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social phobia |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social phobia |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social phobia |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social phobia |
MINI-KID-H = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module H - Social Phobia |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social phobia |
NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social phobia |
SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) |
5 |
19 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social phobia |
SCAS:b = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale: Brief |
4 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Social phobia |
WMH-CIDI-SoP = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Social Phobia section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Somatic syndrome |
BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Somatic syndrome |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Somatic syndrome |
CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5
3 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Somatic syndrome |
CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised |
2 |
8 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Somatic syndrome |
GHQ = General Health Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Somatic syndrome |
SCL-90-R-S = Symptoms Checklist-90-Revised - Somatization |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Stress |
APMS-JDC = Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey-devised - Job Demand and Control measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Stress |
ATP-S = ATP devised - Stress measure |
1 |
11 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Stress |
DASS21 = Depression Anxiety Stress Scale: Short Form |
8 |
43 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Stress |
IYDS-ASC = IYDS devised - Adaptive Stress and Coping Item set |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Stress |
MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Stress |
PSS = Perceived Stress Scale |
3 |
9 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Stress |
SSSI = Social Support and Stress Interview |
1 |
6 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Suicidal thoughts |
CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Suicidal thoughts |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Suicidal thoughts |
PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire-9 |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Suicidal thoughts |
PHQ-A = Patient Health Questionnaire-9 modified for Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Suicidal thoughts |
SSI = Scale for Suicidal Ideation |
1 |
9 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Suicidal thoughts |
WMH-CIDI-Su = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Suicidality section |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Tics |
DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) |
1 |
3 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Tics |
DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV |
1 |
4 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Tics |
MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Victim of sexual abuse |
ICC-CSA = ICC devised - Childhood Sexual Abuse Item set |
1 |
1 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Victim of sexual abuse |
OWHSAS-CSA = Otago Women's Health Survey Abuse Study - Childhood Sexual Abuse |
1 |
2 |
Mental health and behaviour problems |
Violent behaviour |
SSDP-AD = SSDP devised - Aggressive Delinquency Item |
1 |
8 |
Methodology |
Compliance behaviour to treatment |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
4 |
Methodology |
Compliance behaviour to treatment |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
8 |
Methodology |
Consent for participation |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Methodology |
Eligibility for trial |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
5 |
Methodology |
Eligibility for trial |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Methodology |
Honesty in survey response |
IYDS-HSR = IYDS devised - Honesty in Survey Response Item set |
1 |
11 |
Methodology |
Incidental unblinding |
M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Methodology |
Incidental unblinding |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
14 |
Methodology |
Intervention acceptability |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
6 |
Methodology |
Non-respondent information |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Methodology |
Non-respondent information |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Methodology |
Randomisation |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Methodology |
Respondent information |
ATP-ID = ATP devised - Identifiers Item Set |
1 |
10 |
Methodology |
Respondent information |
ELVS-RI = ELVS devised - Respondent Information measure |
1 |
7 |
Methodology |
Respondent information |
SV-RI = Study Version - Respondent Information measure |
15 |
56 |
Methodology |
Treatment given |
B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Methodology |
Treatment given |
VAHCS-In = VAHCS devised - Injuries measure |
1 |
2 |
Methodology |
Treatment given |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Methodology |
Vaccination given |
BNT162b2-VA = BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine administration protocol |
1 |
2 |
Methodology |
Withdrawal from trial |
MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Miscellaneous |
Ability to drive |
ATP-DH = ATP devised - Driving History Item set |
1 |
3 |
Miscellaneous |
Ability to drive |
ATP-DRV = ATP devised - Driving Item Set |
1 |
6 |
Miscellaneous |
Gambling |
ATP-GMB = ATP devised - Gambling Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Miscellaneous |
Gambling |
IYDS-G = IYDS devised - Gambling Item set |
1 |
2 |
Miscellaneous |
Gambling |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Miscellaneous |
Gambling |
NODS-CLiP2 = National Opinion Research Centre (NORC) Diagnostic Screen for Gambling Disorders (5-item) |
1 |
2 |
Miscellaneous |
Gambling |
PGSI = Problem Gambling Severity Index |
1 |
2 |
Miscellaneous |
Gambling |
WMH-CIDI-PG = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Pathological Gambling section |
1 |
2 |
Miscellaneous |
Has access to weapon |
NHPSSHA-AW = NHPSSHA devised - Availability of Weapons Item |
1 |
6 |
Miscellaneous |
Managing personal finances |
ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey |
1 |
2 |
Miscellaneous |
Managing personal finances |
VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Miscellaneous |
Religiousness |
BBB-S = Triple B devised - Spirituality Item set |
1 |
6 |
Miscellaneous |
Religiousness |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Miscellaneous |
Religiousness |
MTF-R = MTF devised - Religiosity Item set |
1 |
8 |
Miscellaneous |
Religiousness |
VAHCS-R = VAHCS devised - Religion measure |
1 |
6 |
Miscellaneous |
Sucking behaviour |
ELVS-SB = ELVS devised - Sucking Behaviour measure |
1 |
2 |
Miscellaneous |
Toilet trained |
BBB-TT = Triple B devised - Toilet Training Item set |
1 |
1 |
Miscellaneous |
Toilet trained |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Ability to imitate |
MCDI-WG = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Gestures |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
BBB-LNS = Triple B devised - Literacy and Numeracy Skills Item set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
HILDA-FLN = HILDA devised - Functional Literacy and Numeracy measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
KDC = Kindergarten Development Check |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
LSAC-ARS = LSAC devised - Academic Rating Scale |
3 |
5 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
SeDQ = Self-Description Questionnaire |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
WIAT-III = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
WISC-V = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fifth edition |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
WISC-V-FW = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fifth edition - Figure Weights |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
WRAT4 = Wide Range Achievement Test 4 |
4 |
12 |
Neurocognitive development |
Arithmetic reasoning |
WRAT5 = Wide Range Achievement Test 5 |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Assessment of needs |
CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener
5 |
11 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
ADHD-RS-IV = ADHD Rating Scale-4 |
1 |
6 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
ADHD-RS-V = ADHD Rating Scale-5 |
2 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales |
1 |
5 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised |
2 |
8 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
CVLT-C = California Verbal Learning Test - Children's Version |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
GRIT = Grit Scale |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
L-T = Landmark Task |
1 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
SART = Sustained Attention to Response Task |
1 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
SST = Set Shifting Task |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
STST = Short Temperament Scale for Toddlers
4 |
6 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
TEA-Ch = Test of Everyday Attention for Children |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Attention |
TEA-Ch-2-J = Tests of Everyday Attention for Children (Junior), Second Edition |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
ASQ:SE-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social-Emotional, Second edition |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
ASQ-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Second edition |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
ASQ-3 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Third edition |
2 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire |
1 |
8 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
GenV-DC = GenV devised - Developmental Concerns Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
ICC-BDH = ICC devised - Birth & Developmental History Item set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
ICC-PD = ICC devised - Positive Development Item set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
PEDS = Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status |
2 |
6 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
SSLM = Sure Start Language Measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Child development status |
VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
AEDC = Australian Early Development Census |
3 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
AnB = The A-not-B task |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
Bayley-III = Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition |
2 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
CCC-2 = Children’s Communication Checklist - Second Edition
3 |
11 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
Cogmed = Cogmed Working Memory Training Program |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
KDC = Kindergarten Development Check |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
PARCA = Parent Report of Children's Abilities |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module |
2 |
8 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
PedsQL 3.0-MFS = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – Multidimensional Fatigue Scale |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
PedsQL-IS = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – Infant Scales |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Cognitive functions |
TOPF = Test of Premorbid Functioning |
1 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communicates with gestures |
CSBS-DP-ITC = Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile Infant-Toddler Checklist
5 |
7 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communicates with gestures |
MCDI-WG = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Gestures |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communicates with gestures |
VCh-C = VicCHILD devised - Communication Item set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
AEDC = Australian Early Development Census |
3 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
ASQ-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Second edition |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
ASQ-3 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Third edition |
2 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
CCC-2 = Children’s Communication Checklist - Second Edition
3 |
11 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
CSBS-DP-ITC = Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile Infant-Toddler Checklist
5 |
7 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
ELVS-CS = ELVS devised - Communication Skills measure |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
GenV-LSC = GenV devised - Language, Speech and Communication Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
KDC = Kindergarten Development Check |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
SCQ = Social Communication Questionnaire
5 |
12 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System
3 |
12 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
SSRS = Social Skills Rating System |
1 |
14 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Communication skills |
VCh-C = VicCHILD devised - Communication Item set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Developmental screening |
CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener
5 |
11 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
ASQ-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Second edition |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
ASQ-3 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Third edition |
2 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
AWMA = Automated Working Memory Assessment |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
BRIEF = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
BRIEF-2 = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition |
3 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent |
2 |
11 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher |
2 |
6 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
CHEXI = Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory |
2 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
CNT = Contingency Naming Test |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
FTII = Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
LSAC-ARS = LSAC devised - Academic Rating Scale |
3 |
5 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
N-Back = Spatial N-Back test |
1 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
NIHTCB-DCCST = National Institutes of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery: Dimensional Change Card Sort Test |
3 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
NIHTCB-FICAT = National Institutes of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery: Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test |
4 |
5 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
SST = Set Shifting Task |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
STOP-IT = The Stop Signal Paradigm |
1 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
TEA-Ch = Test of Everyday Attention for Children |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
WASI-II = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence: Second Edition |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
WASI-II-MR = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence: Second Edition - Matrix Reasoning |
3 |
6 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
WASI-MR = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence - Matrix Reasoning |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
WMTB-C = Working Memory Test Battery for Children |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
WNV:4-7 = Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability, 4:00-7:11 |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Executive cognitive functions |
WNV:8-21 = Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability, 8:00-21:11 |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Family history of learning disability |
VCh-FHC = VicCHILD devised - Family History of Condition Item set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Intellectual disability |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Intelligence |
AEDC = Australian Early Development Census |
3 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Intelligence |
FTII = Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Intelligence |
KBIT-2 = Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test: Second Edition |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Intelligence |
MHVS = Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale |
2 |
5 |
Neurocognitive development |
Intelligence |
TOPF = Test of Premorbid Functioning |
1 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Intelligence |
WASI-II = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence: Second Edition |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
ATP-PLD = ATP devised - Physical and Language Development Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
Bayley-III = Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition |
2 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
CNRep = Children's Test of Nonword Repetition |
3 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
CSBS-DP-ITC = Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile Infant-Toddler Checklist
5 |
7 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
GenV-LSC = GenV devised - Language, Speech and Communication Item Set |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
LSAC-EL = LSAC devised - Early Language Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
MCDI-III = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories, Third Edition |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
MCDI-UKSF = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory, UK Short Form |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
MCDI-WG = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Gestures |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
MCDI-WS = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Sentences |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
r@h = right@home Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
RBS = Renfrew Bus Story |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
SEAPART = School Entry Alphabetic and Phonological Awareness Readiness Test |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Language development |
SSLM = Sure Start Language Measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Learning disability |
ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Learning disability |
C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent |
2 |
11 |
Neurocognitive development |
Learning disability |
C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher |
2 |
6 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
AnB = The A-not-B task |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
BRIEF = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
BRIEF-2 = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition |
3 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales |
1 |
5 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
CHEXI = Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory |
2 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised |
2 |
8 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
CNRep = Children's Test of Nonword Repetition |
3 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
CNT = Contingency Naming Test |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
CTOPP = Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
CTOPP-2 = Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing: Second Edition |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
CVLT-C = California Verbal Learning Test - Children's Version |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
ERRNI = Expression, Reception and Recall of Narrative Instrument |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
NIHTCB-LSWMT = National Institutes of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery: List Sorting Working Memory Test |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
NIHTCB-PSMT = National Institutes of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery: Picture Sequence Memory Test |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory |
WMTB-C = Working Memory Test Battery for Children |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
AWMA = Automated Working Memory Assessment |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
AWMA-BDR = Automated Working Memory Assessment - Backward Digit Recall |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
AWMA-SS = Automated Working Memory Assessment - Spatial Span |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
CELF-4 = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fourth Edition |
3 |
9 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
CELF-4-RS = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fourth Edition - Recalling Sentences |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
CELF-5-RS = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fifth Edition - Recalling Sentences |
2 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
Cogmed = Cogmed Working Memory Training Program |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
N-Back = Spatial N-Back test |
1 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
TOPF = Test of Premorbid Functioning |
1 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
WIAT-III = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition |
1 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
WISC-IV-DS = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fourth edition - Digit Span |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
WISC-V = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fifth edition |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
WISC-V-DS = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fifth edition - Digit Span |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Memory assessment |
WNV:8-21 = Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability, 8:00-21:11 |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
ASQ-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Second edition |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
ASQ-3 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Third edition |
2 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
ATP-PLD = ATP devised - Physical and Language Development Item Set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
Bayley-III = Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition |
2 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
Beery VMI-6 = Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Sixth edition |
2 |
2 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure |
1 |
3 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
DCDQ'07 = Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire: 2007 |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
GenV-MS = GenV devised - Motor skills Item set |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
GenV-MS-v = GenV devised - Motor skills (video assessment) |
1 |
1 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
GPT = Grooved Pegboard Test |
1 |
4 |
Neurocognitive development |
Motor function |
KDC = Kindergarten Development Check |
1 |
3 |