Measurement Library

Our Measurement Library hosts the nearly 1,000 measures used by our cohorts, including 24 priority measures, all of which have been used at least once across all 23 core longitudinal cohorts.

The use of common measures across cohorts provides opportunities to draw data together in impactful ways.

Promoting the use of common measures, where appropriate, is one of the key aims of the LifeCourse Initiative.

Use our measurement library to browse and identify measures used within each study, as well as areas of measurement consensus and convention across the cohorts.

Easily identify commonly used measures by domain, by using the ‘Use by cohort’ filter. Click on the star  symbol to view priority information about the use and applications of these measures.

While this library provides an insight into the extensive range of measures used by the LifeCourse cohorts, there are also many additional considerations involved in the selection of measures. For example, appropriateness for the target population and study aims should always be given careful consideration.

To explore which cohorts have used a specific measure or assessed a particular construct, jump to our Advanced search function.

Domain Construct Measure name Use by cohort Use by instance
Allergies Allergic reaction BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure 1 3
Allergies Allergic reaction COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Allergic reaction COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure 2 4
Allergies Allergic reaction GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set 1 4
Allergies Allergic reaction HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 5
Allergies Allergic reaction VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 9
Allergies Allergic reaction management ACT = Asthma Control Test 1 1
Allergies Allergic reaction management FASEQ = Food Allergy Self-Efficacy Questionnaire 1 2
Allergies Allergic reaction management HN-RTB = HealthNuts devised - Food Allergy Risk-Taking Behaviour Item set 1 1
Allergies Allergic reaction management HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 12
Allergies Allergic reaction management MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Allergic reaction management SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 2 12
Allergies Allergic reaction management VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 7
Allergies Allergic rhinitis BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Allergic rhinitis HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 2 6
Allergies Allergic rhinitis ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children 4 19
Allergies Allergic rhinitis LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Allergy testing OFC = Oral Food Challenge 4 8
Allergies Allergy testing SPT = Skin Prick Test - HealthNuts protocol 5 12
Allergies Allergy testing VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Allergy to substance ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 2 3
Allergies Allergy to substance BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure 1 3
Allergies Allergy to substance BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Allergy to substance CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Allergy to substance HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 3 18
Allergies Allergy to substance LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Allergy to substance MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Anaphylaxis management BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Asthma ACQ = Asthma Control Questionnaire 1 1
Allergies Asthma ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 2 3
Allergies Asthma BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure 1 3
Allergies Asthma BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Asthma CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Asthma COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Asthma COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure 2 4
Allergies Asthma ECRHS-III = Third European Community Respiratory Health Survey-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Asthma HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 3 7
Allergies Asthma ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children 4 19
Allergies Asthma LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Asthma MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 11
Allergies Asthma PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 4
Allergies Asthma SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Asthma VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Coughing BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Coughing VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 5
Allergies Dermatitis SCORAD = SCORing Atopic Dermatitis 4 12
Allergies Eczema BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure 1 3
Allergies Eczema CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Eczema H-N = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Eczema HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 3 10
Allergies Eczema ISAAC - Ecz = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children - Eczema 1 1
Allergies Eczema ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children 4 19
Allergies Eczema MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 15
Allergies Eczema PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Allergies Eczema POEM = Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure 2 13
Allergies Eczema SCORAD = SCORing Atopic Dermatitis 4 12
Allergies Eczema SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Eczema VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 9
Allergies Exercise-induced asthma ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children 4 19
Allergies Family history of allergy BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 4
Allergies Family history of allergy HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 2 12
Allergies Family history of allergy MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Family history of allergy VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Food allergy BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure 1 3
Allergies Food allergy BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 7
Allergies Food allergy CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Food allergy CFARS = Chicago Food Allergy Research Surveys-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Food allergy COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure 2 4
Allergies Food allergy FAQLQ-CF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Child Form 1 1
Allergies Food allergy FAQLQ-PF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form 1 4
Allergies Food allergy FAQLQ-PF-SDL = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form - Social and Dietary Limitations 1 2
Allergies Food allergy FAQLQ-TF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Teenager Form 1 1
Allergies Food allergy HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 4 26
Allergies Food allergy LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Food allergy MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Food allergy PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 3
Allergies Food allergy SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Food allergy VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 9
Allergies Hay fever BB-HAR = BB devised - History of Allergic Reaction measure 1 3
Allergies Hay fever HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Hay fever MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Hay fever SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Hay fever VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure 1 1
Allergies Hay fever VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Impact of allergy ACT = Asthma Control Test 1 1
Allergies Impact of allergy COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure 2 4
Allergies Impact of allergy FAIM = The Food Allergy Independent Measure 2 3
Allergies Impact of allergy FAQLQ-CF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Child Form 1 1
Allergies Impact of allergy FAQLQ-PF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form 1 4
Allergies Impact of allergy FAQLQ-PF-SDL = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form - Social and Dietary Limitations 1 2
Allergies Impact of allergy FAQLQ-TF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Teenager Form 1 1
Allergies Impact of allergy HN-RTB = HealthNuts devised - Food Allergy Risk-Taking Behaviour Item set 1 1
Allergies Impact of allergy MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 3
Allergies Impact of allergy POEM = Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure 1 12
Allergies Impact of allergy SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Skin rash BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 8
Allergies Skin rash GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set 1 4
Allergies Topical skin treatments BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 8
Allergies Topical skin treatments VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 2
Allergies Wheezing BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 2 18
Allergies Wheezing GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set 1 4
Allergies Wheezing HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Allergies Wheezing ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children 4 19
Allergies Wheezing VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure 1 1
Allergies Wheezing VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 5
Anthropometrics Abdominal circumference BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 5
Anthropometrics Abdominal circumference LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Anogenital distance BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth abdominal circumference BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth abdominal circumference PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 4
Anthropometrics Birth head circumference BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth head circumference GenV-BD = GenV devised - Birth Details Item Set 1 2
Anthropometrics Birth head circumference PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 4
Anthropometrics Birth head circumference VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection 3 3
Anthropometrics Birth length AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth length BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth length B-R = Birth Records 2 2
Anthropometrics Birth length COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth length GenV-BD = GenV devised - Birth Details Item Set 1 2
Anthropometrics Birth length HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth length PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth length VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth length VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight ATP-BDH = ATP devised - Birth & Developmental History Item Set 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight ATP-PB = ATP devised - Pregnancy and Birth Item set 1 4
Anthropometrics Birth weight B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight B-R = Birth Records 4 4
Anthropometrics Birth weight CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight ELVS-BI = ELVS devised - Birth Information measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight GenV-BD = GenV devised - Birth Details Item Set 1 2
Anthropometrics Birth weight HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight ICC-BDH = ICC devised - Birth & Developmental History Item set 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 6
Anthropometrics Birth weight NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 3
Anthropometrics Birth weight VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 3
Anthropometrics Birth weight VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Birth weight VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection 3 3
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set 1 2
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index B-R = Birth Records 1 1
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index ISEBMI = International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index 1 10
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Anthropometrics BMI - Body mass index VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Body composition ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Body composition ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set 1 2
Anthropometrics Body composition BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 3
Anthropometrics Body composition COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Body composition LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Body composition PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Anthropometrics Body composition VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Head circumference BBB-HC = Triple B devised - Child Head Circumference Item 1 4
Anthropometrics Head circumference BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 9
Anthropometrics Head circumference B-R = Birth Records 2 2
Anthropometrics Head circumference GenV-BSC = GenV devised - Body Size and Composition Item 1 1
Anthropometrics Head circumference HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Head circumference VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set 1 1
Anthropometrics Head circumference VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics Height ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised 1 2
Anthropometrics Height AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Height ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 2 2
Anthropometrics Height ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set 1 2
Anthropometrics Height ATP-H = ATP devised - Height measure 2 7
Anthropometrics Height BBB-H = Triple B devised - Height measure 1 9
Anthropometrics Height BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 8
Anthropometrics Height B-R = Birth Records 3 3
Anthropometrics Height CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 6
Anthropometrics Height CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 4
Anthropometrics Height COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics Height GenV-BSC = GenV devised - Body Size and Composition Item 1 3
Anthropometrics Height HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 12
Anthropometrics Height ISEBMI = International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index 1 10
Anthropometrics Height LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Height MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 9
Anthropometrics Height MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 3
Anthropometrics Height NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Height NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 6
Anthropometrics Height PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 5
Anthropometrics Height r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 3
Anthropometrics Height SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Height TIHS = Tasmanian Infant Health Survey-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Height VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Height VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics Height VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics Height VPDC-i = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection-devised Item 1 1
Anthropometrics Hip circumference ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Infant length BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 3
Anthropometrics Mid upper arm circumference BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 6
Anthropometrics Mid upper arm circumference PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 4
Anthropometrics Morphometric analysis CM-3D = Craniofacial Morphometric 3D Imaging 2 3
Anthropometrics Morphometric analysis GenV-DI = Dysmorphism imaging - GenV protocol 1 1
Anthropometrics Morphometric analysis pQCT = Peripheral Quantitative Computerised Tomography 1 1
Anthropometrics Poor weight gain COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Poor weight gain GenV-BSC = GenV devised - Body Size and Composition Item 1 1
Anthropometrics Skin-fold thickness BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 6
Anthropometrics Skin-fold thickness PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 4
Anthropometrics Thigh circumference BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 6
Anthropometrics Waist circumference ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Waist circumference BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 7
Anthropometrics Waist circumference COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Waist circumference HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Waist circumference ISAK = International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry: Waist measurement protocol 1 4
Anthropometrics Waist circumference LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Weight ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised 1 2
Anthropometrics Weight AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics Weight ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 2 2
Anthropometrics Weight ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set 1 2
Anthropometrics Weight ATP-BDH = ATP devised - Birth & Developmental History Item Set 1 1
Anthropometrics Weight ATP-W = ATP devised - Weight measure 2 12
Anthropometrics Weight BBB-W = Triple B devised - Weight measure 1 17
Anthropometrics Weight BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 14
Anthropometrics Weight B-R = Birth Records 2 2
Anthropometrics Weight CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 6
Anthropometrics Weight CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 4
Anthropometrics Weight COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics Weight GenV-BSC = GenV devised - Body Size and Composition Item 1 3
Anthropometrics Weight HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 12
Anthropometrics Weight ISEBMI = International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index 1 10
Anthropometrics Weight LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Weight MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 9
Anthropometrics Weight MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 12
Anthropometrics Weight NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Weight NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 6
Anthropometrics Weight PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 7
Anthropometrics Weight r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 3
Anthropometrics Weight SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Weight TIHS = Tasmanian Infant Health Survey-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Weight VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Weight VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics Weight VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics Weight gain during pregnancy BBB-PW = Triple B devised - Pre-pregnancy Weight measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Weight gain during pregnancy COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Anthropometrics Weight gain during pregnancy MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Anthropometrics Weight gain during pregnancy VPDC-i = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection-devised Item 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Alkaline phosphatase VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Antibody measurement MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 6
Bioanalyses and omics Blood calcium VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Cortisol measurement r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 9
Bioanalyses and omics Epigenotyping ART-BA = ART devised - Bionalyses protocol 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Epigenotyping CEpi = Candidate Epigenotyping Protocol 3 5
Bioanalyses and omics Epigenotyping EPIC = Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip Array v1.0 - Bioanalysis 3 7
Bioanalyses and omics Epigenotyping MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 6
Bioanalyses and omics Faecal analysis B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Faecal microbiome analysis B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Gene expression assay ART-BA = ART devised - Bionalyses protocol 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Gene expression assay COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Gene expression assay PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Genotyping ART-BA = ART devised - Bionalyses protocol 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Genotyping CGen = Candidate Genotyping Protocol 3 4
Bioanalyses and omics Genotyping GSA-MD = Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array – Multi-Disease - Bioanalysis 2 4
Bioanalyses and omics Genotyping GSAv2.0 = Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array v2.0 - Bioanalysis 1 3
Bioanalyses and omics Genotyping MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 6
Bioanalyses and omics High sensitivity C-reactive protein ART-BA = ART devised - Bionalyses protocol 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics High sensitivity C-reactive protein hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics High sensitivity C-reactive protein PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Hormone measurement C-HM = COBRA Devised - Hormone Measurement Protocol 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Hormone measurement DHEA-A = Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) analysis 1 3
Bioanalyses and omics Hormone measurement E-A = Estradiol analysis 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Hormone measurement T-A = Testosterone analysis 1 3
Bioanalyses and omics Immunological measurement VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Metabolic function test ART-MA = ART devised - Metabolic Analyses measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Metabolic function test C-MA = COBRA Devised - Metabolic Analyses measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Metabolic function test NNMR17 = Nightingale® Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), 2017 algorithm - Bioanalysis 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Metabolic function test PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Metabolic function test VitMP = Vitamin Metabolic Profile analyses protocol 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics One-carbon metabolites VitMP = Vitamin Metabolic Profile analyses protocol 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Parathyroid hormone VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Plasma hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Protein measurement B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Protein measurement PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Renal function COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Telomere length Tel = Telomere length analysis protocol 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Urine albumin UCR = Urine albumin to Creatinine Ratio Biomarker analyses protocol 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Urine albumin/creatinine ratio hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Urine albumin/creatinine ratio UCR = Urine albumin to Creatinine Ratio Biomarker analyses protocol 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Urine creatinine UCR = Urine albumin to Creatinine Ratio Biomarker analyses protocol 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Vitamin D binding protein VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Vitamin D measurement B-R = Birth Records 1 2
Bioanalyses and omics Vitamin D measurement COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Vitamin D measurement MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 1
Bioanalyses and omics Vitamins VitMP = Vitamin Metabolic Profile analyses protocol 1 2
Biosamples Blood specimen from newborn NBS = Newborn Bloodspot Screening (Guthrie) card sample 6 6
Biosamples Breast milk BrM = Breast milk sample 2 6
Biosamples Buccal Buc = Buccal sample 9 25
Biosamples Buccal SalB = Saliva and/or Buccal sample 1 3
Biosamples Cord blood Bl-Co = Blood, Cord sample 3 3
Biosamples Dental plaque DenP = Dental plaque sample 2 2
Biosamples Dried blood spot Bl-SD = Blood Spot, Dried sample 6 16
Biosamples Faeces B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 2
Biosamples Faeces Fae = Faeces (stool) sample 5 23
Biosamples Hair Hair = Hair sample 3 15
Biosamples Meconium Mec = Meconium sample 1 1
Biosamples Nail Nail-T = Nails, Toe sample 1 1
Biosamples Nasal swab NaS = Nasal swab sample 2 9
Biosamples Placental tissue Plac = Placenta sample 3 3
Biosamples Plasma hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol 1 2
Biosamples Saliva Sal = Saliva sample 7 18
Biosamples Saliva SalB = Saliva and/or Buccal sample 1 3
Biosamples Skin swab Sk-S = Skin swab sample 1 4
Biosamples Umbilical cord Cord = Umbilical cord sample 2 2
Biosamples Urine hsCRP = hsCRP Biomarker analyses protocol 1 2
Biosamples Urine Uri = Urine sample 4 13
Biosamples Venous blood Bl-V = Blood, Venous sample 10 41
Biosamples Whole tooth DecT = Deciduous Teeth sample 1 1
Cardiovascular health BP - Blood pressure B-P = Blood Pressure measurement 7 13
Cardiovascular health BP - Blood pressure HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 2
Cardiovascular health Cardiac function CVT = Cardiac Vagal Tone 1 1
Cardiovascular health Cardiac function GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set 1 4
Cardiovascular health Cardiac function MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 1
Cardiovascular health Cardiorespiratory fitness KPR = Kasch Pulse Recovery test 1 1
Cardiovascular health Cardiorespiratory fitness PWC170 = Physical Work Capacity (at 170 beats/min) 1 1
Cardiovascular health Cardiorespiratory fitness YMCA = YMCA step test 1 1
Cardiovascular health Clinical examination COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Cardiovascular health Clinical examination VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Cardiovascular health Family history of cardiovascular disease HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 4
Cardiovascular health Haemodynamic measurements PWA = Pulse Wave Analysis 3 4
Cardiovascular health Haemodynamic measurements PWV = Pulse Wave Velocity 3 3
Cardiovascular health Heart rate CVT = Cardiac Vagal Tone 1 1
Cardiovascular health Heart rate LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Cardiovascular health Heart rate PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Cardiovascular health Intima media thickness aIMT = Aortic Intima-Media Thickness 1 4
Cardiovascular health Intima media thickness cIMT = Carotid Intima-Media Thickness 3 5
Cardiovascular health Retinal microvascular RPh = Retinal Photography 3 3
Cardiovascular health Retinal microvascular RVIC = Retinal Vascular Imaging Centre protocol 1 1
Community environment Community involvement ARM-R = Adult Resilience Measure-Revised 1 1
Community environment Community involvement ARQ-R = Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised 1 1
Community environment Community involvement ATP-CAE = ATP devised - Civic Action and Engagement Item Set 1 2
Community environment Community involvement ATP-CI = ATP devised - Community Involvement Item Set 1 1
Community environment Community involvement BBB-FCS = Triple B devised - Family and Community Item set 1 2
Community environment Community involvement FSCC = Families, Social Capital & Citizenship survey 1 7
Community environment Community involvement IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 3
Community environment Community involvement IYDS-CE = IYDS devised - Civic Engagement Item set 1 4
Community environment Community involvement LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Community environment Community involvement SSDP-CP = SSDP devised - Community Participation Item set 1 2
Community environment Community involvement SSDP-LNA = SSDP devised - Low Neighbourhood Attachment Item set 1 6
Community environment Community involvement SSDP-PI = SSDP devised - Prosocial Involvement Item set 1 6
Community environment Community involvement SSM = Social Solidarity Measure 1 1
Community environment Community services r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 2
Community environment Engagement in community ATP-CAA = ATP devised - Civic Awareness and Activism Item set 1 2
Community environment Engagement in community BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale 1 2
Community environment Engagement in community SMU = Sizing Me Up measure 1 1
Community environment Local facilities and amenities ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure 1 2
Community environment Local facilities and amenities COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 2
Community environment Local facilities and amenities LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 2
Community environment Local facilities and amenities NEWS-A = Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale: Abbreviated 1 2
Community environment Local facilities and amenities WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version 2 2
Community environment Neighbourhood safety ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure 1 2
Community environment Neighbourhood safety BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Community environment Neighbourhood safety COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 2
Community environment Neighbourhood safety FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Community environment Neighbourhood safety IYDS-DDE = IYDS devised - Drink Driving Enforcement Item set 1 3
Community environment Neighbourhood safety LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 2
Community environment Neighbourhood safety NEWS-A = Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale: Abbreviated 1 2
Community environment Neighbourhood safety SSDP-NDS = SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Disorganization Scale 1 6
Community environment Neighbourhood safety SSDP-NSCT = SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Social Cohesion and Trust Item set 1 2
Community environment Neighbourhood safety WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version 2 2
Community environment Social capital FSCC = Families, Social Capital & Citizenship survey 1 7
Community environment Social capital SLQ = School Life Questionnaire 1 1
Community environment Social capital SSM = Social Solidarity Measure 1 1
Community environment Social support AQoL-4D = Assessment of Quality of Life-4D 2 5
Community environment Social support AQoL-6D = Assessment of Quality of Life-6D 1 4
Community environment Social support AQoL-8D = Assessment of Quality of Life-8D 2 8
Community environment Social support ARM-R = Adult Resilience Measure-Revised 1 1
Community environment Social support ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Community environment Social support ATP-FS = ATP devised - Family Support Item Set 1 3
Community environment Social support ATP-SS = ATP devised - Social Support Item Set 1 6
Community environment Social support BBB-FCS = Triple B devised - Family and Community Item set 1 2
Community environment Social support BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Community environment Social support CYRM-R = Child Youth Resilience Measure-Revised 1 1
Community environment Social support ELVS-FSS = ELVS devised - Friend Support Satisfaction measure 1 1
Community environment Social support FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Community environment Social support GenV-SS = GenV devised - Social Support Item Set 1 1
Community environment Social support ICC-SS = ICC devised - Social Support Item set 1 1
Community environment Social support IYDS-SSAP = IYDS devised - Social Support for Alcohol Problem Item set 1 4
Community environment Social support JH-SSS = Journeys Home Study-devised measure - Social Support Scale 1 1
Community environment Social support LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 2 3
Community environment Social support LSAC-FCS = LSAC devised - Family and Community Support Item set 3 11
Community environment Social support MSPSS = Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support 4 5
Community environment Social support MSSS = Maternity Social Support Scale 3 6
Community environment Social support MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 10
Community environment Social support MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Community environment Social support OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning 1 6
Community environment Social support QRI = Quality of Relationship Inventory 2 7
Community environment Social support r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 1
Community environment Social support SPS-A = Social Provision Scale: Adapted 1 8
Community environment Social support SPSS = Scales of Perceived Social Support 1 2
Community environment Social support SSDP-NSCT = SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Social Cohesion and Trust Item set 1 2
Community environment Social support SSDP-SN = SSDP devised - Social Network Item set 1 2
Community environment Social support SSM = Social Solidarity Measure 1 1
Community environment Social support SSSI = Social Support and Stress Interview 1 6
Community environment Social support VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Community environment Social support WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version 2 2
Demographics Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised 1 1
Demographics Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Benefits and pensions ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 2 2
Demographics Benefits and pensions SV-GB = Study Version - Government Benefits indicator 9 30
Demographics Benefits and pensions VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 4
Demographics Benefits and pensions VAHCS-HSA = VAHCS devised - Health Service Access measure 1 2
Demographics Biological sex ATP-AN = ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set 1 2
Demographics Biological sex ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Biological sex ATP-FR = ATP devised - Family Relations Item Set 1 7
Demographics Biological sex B-R = Birth Records 4 4
Demographics Biological sex SV-BS = Study Version - Biological Sex Indicator 16 47
Demographics Biological sex VBDR = Victorian Birth Defects Register 1 1
Demographics Country of birth ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Country of birth B-R = Birth Records 1 1
Demographics Country of birth SOAR = Speaking Out Against Racism Program 2 7
Demographics Country of birth SOAR-i = Speaking Out Against Racism Program devised item 1 1
Demographics Country of birth SV-CoB = Study Version - Country of Birth indicator 16 51
Demographics Current education ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Current education CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire 1 1
Demographics Current education CASPE-A = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module A - Experience Related to COVID-19 1 2
Demographics Current education CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 3 9
Demographics Current education CRISIS-BG = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Background 8 17
Demographics Current education DET = Victorian Department of Education-devised measure 1 4
Demographics Current education ELVS-CE = ELVS devised - Current Education measure 1 4
Demographics Current education IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 8
Demographics Current education LSAC-ES = LSAC devised - Educational status measure 2 4
Demographics Current education LSAC-SC = LSAC devised - School and Childcare Item set 1 1
Demographics Current education LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure 1 4
Demographics Current education M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure 1 3
Demographics Current education MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 9
Demographics Current education MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Demographics Current education SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Current education VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 2 7
Demographics Current education VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 4
Demographics Date of birth ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Date of birth B-R = Birth Records 3 4
Demographics Date of birth CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Date of birth HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Date of birth LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Date of birth MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Date of birth SV-DoB = Study Version - Date of Birth indicator 23 123
Demographics Date of birth VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection 3 3
Demographics Employment status ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised 6 21
Demographics Employment status ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey 1 2
Demographics Employment status ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Employment status ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set 1 1
Demographics Employment status ELVS-EE = ELVS-devised - Education and Employment Measure 1 1
Demographics Employment status HILDA = Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Employment status IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 2 3
Demographics Employment status LSAC-EmS = LSAC devised - Employment status measure 3 12
Demographics Employment status LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure 1 6
Demographics Employment status MTF = Monitoring The Future Study-devised measure 1 4
Demographics Employment status OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning 1 6
Demographics Employment status SRI = Social Risk Index 1 2
Demographics Employment status SV-ES = Study Version - Employment Status measure 18 113
Demographics Employment status VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery 1 1
Demographics Employment status YPEPFW = Young People's Experiences of Precarious and Flexible Work survey 1 1
Demographics Ethnic group AIS = AusImmune Study-devised measure 1 6
Demographics Ethnic group AOCS = Australian Ovarian Cancer Study-devised measure 1 3
Demographics Ethnic group BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Ethnic group SOAR = Speaking Out Against Racism Program 2 7
Demographics Ethnic group SOAR-i = Speaking Out Against Racism Program devised item 1 1
Demographics Ethnic group SV-E = Study Version - Ethnicity measure 15 35
Demographics Financial circumstances ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey 1 2
Demographics Financial circumstances AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 3
Demographics Financial circumstances ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Financial circumstances ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Financial circumstances ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set 1 1
Demographics Financial circumstances ATPG3 = Australian Temperament Project, Generation 3-devised measure 6 13
Demographics Financial circumstances CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 6
Demographics Financial circumstances COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Financial circumstances HILDA = Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Financial circumstances IYDS-LE = IYDS devised - Living Expenses Item set 1 3
Demographics Financial circumstances LSAC-FI = LSAC devised - Financial Insecurity Item set 1 8
Demographics Financial circumstances M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Financial circumstances MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Financial circumstances SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire 1 4
Demographics Financial circumstances SV-I = Study Version - Income indicator 1 1
Demographics Financial circumstances VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 3 7
Demographics Financial circumstances VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery 1 1
Demographics Financial circumstances VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Financial circumstances VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Gender identity CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 3 13
Demographics Gender identity GenIUSS = Gender Identity in U.S. Surveillance (GenIUSS)-devised Item 1 1
Demographics Gender identity IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 8
Demographics Gender identity MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Gender identity Trans20 = Trans20-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Gender identity VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 2 2
Demographics Gender identity VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Household composition ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey 1 2
Demographics Household composition ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Household composition ATP-HC = ATP devised - Household Composition Item set 1 2
Demographics Household composition CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire 1 1
Demographics Household composition CASPE-A = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module A - Experience Related to COVID-19 1 3
Demographics Household composition CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 2 2
Demographics Household composition CRISIS-BG = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Background 8 17
Demographics Household composition EET1DPP = Early Environment and Type 1 Diabetes Prevention Project-devised measure 1 3
Demographics Household composition FLAME = Family Lifestyle, Activity, Movement, and Eating Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Household composition LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set 1 3
Demographics Household composition MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Household composition MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Demographics Household composition SRI = Social Risk Index 1 2
Demographics Household composition SV-HC = Study Version - Household Composition measure 18 101
Demographics Household composition VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery 1 1
Demographics Housing history ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Housing history ATP-SLE = ATP devised - Significant Life Event Item Set 3 18
Demographics Housing history BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Housing history IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Housing history OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning 1 6
Demographics Housing history SSDP-TMS = SSDP devised - Transitions and Mobility Scale 1 8
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey 1 2
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure BBB-HO = Triple B devised - Housing Ownership Item set 1 6
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 3
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 3
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure IYDS-LE = IYDS devised - Living Expenses Item set 1 3
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set 1 3
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 14
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure SHS-A = Social History Screen: Adapted 1 8
Demographics Housing ownership and tenure VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Income ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey 1 2
Demographics Income ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure 6 14
Demographics Income ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Income ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set 1 1
Demographics Income IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Income LSAC-I = LSAC devised - Income Indicator 1 2
Demographics Income SV-I = Study Version - Income indicator 17 69
Demographics Language spoken BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Language spoken SRI = Social Risk Index 1 2
Demographics Language spoken SV-LS = Study Version - Language Spoken measure 13 36
Demographics Level of educational attainment ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised 4 16
Demographics Level of educational attainment ABS-ASCED = Australian Bureau of Statistics Devised - Australian Standard Classification of Education 1 2
Demographics Level of educational attainment ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Level of educational attainment ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set 1 1
Demographics Level of educational attainment CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 2 3
Demographics Level of educational attainment ELVS-EE = ELVS-devised - Education and Employment Measure 1 1
Demographics Level of educational attainment SRI = Social Risk Index 1 2
Demographics Level of educational attainment SV-EA = Study Version - Educational Attainment measure 22 110
Demographics Marital or partnership status ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised 4 8
Demographics Marital or partnership status ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Marital or partnership status ATP-FR = ATP devised - Family Relations Item Set 1 7
Demographics Marital or partnership status ATP-MS = ATP devised - Marital Status Item Set 1 1
Demographics Marital or partnership status LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set 1 3
Demographics Marital or partnership status RHCS-R = RHC Survey devised - Relationships Item set 1 2
Demographics Marital or partnership status SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire 1 4
Demographics Marital or partnership status SV-MS = Study Version - Marital Status indicator 18 80
Demographics Migrant status ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Migrant status COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Migrant status HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Migrant status MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Migrant status r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Migrant status SOAR = Speaking Out Against Racism Program 2 7
Demographics Migrant status VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Number of changes of school ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Number of changes of school BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Number of changes of school SSDP-TMS = SSDP devised - Transitions and Mobility Scale 1 8
Demographics Number of dependant children ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Number of dependant children ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Number of dependant children ATP-CG = ATP devised - Child and Grandchildren Item Set 1 6
Demographics Number of dependant children ATP-CH = ATP devised - Child Health Item set 1 3
Demographics Number of dependant children IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Number of dependant children LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set 1 3
Demographics Number of dependant children MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 4
Demographics Number of dependant children VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 5
Demographics Number of offspring ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Number of offspring MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Number of siblings EET1DPP = Early Environment and Type 1 Diabetes Prevention Project-devised measure 1 4
Demographics Number of siblings PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Demographics Number of siblings SV-SI = Study Version - Siblings Information measure 14 17
Demographics Number of siblings TMSRP = Tasmanian Multiple Sclerosis Research Program-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Occupation ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised 1 2
Demographics Occupation ABS-ANZSCO = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations 2 4
Demographics Occupation AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 8
Demographics Occupation ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Occupation ATP-O = ATP devised - Occupation Item Set 1 2
Demographics Occupation SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire 1 4
Demographics Occupation SRI = Social Risk Index 1 2
Demographics Occupation VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Place in order of siblings ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Place in order of siblings B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Place in order of siblings CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Place in order of siblings PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Demographics Place in order of siblings VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set 1 1
Demographics Private health insurance AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Private health insurance ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Private health insurance LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Private health insurance MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Religious affiliation ATP-REL = ATP devised - Religion Item Set 1 2
Demographics Residential locality ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised 5 12
Demographics Residential locality ABS-SEIFA = Australian Bureau of Statistics Devised - Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas 6 15
Demographics Residential locality ASGC = Australian Standard Geographical Classification 2 3
Demographics Residential locality ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Residential locality GenV-RL = GenV devised - Residential Locality Item 1 4
Demographics Residential locality MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Residential locality SV-P = Study Version - Postcode indicator 10 42
Demographics Residential locality VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection 3 3
Demographics Respondent information ATP-ID = ATP devised - Identifiers Item Set 1 10
Demographics Respondent information ELVS-RI = ELVS devised - Respondent Information measure 1 7
Demographics Respondent information SV-RI = Study Version - Respondent Information measure 15 56
Demographics Sexual orientation ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Demographics Sexual orientation ASHR = Australian Study of Health and Relationships Study-devised 2 3
Demographics Sexual orientation CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 3 8
Demographics Sexual orientation VAHCS-SA = VAHCS devised - Sexual Activity measure 1 10
Demographics Socioeconomic status ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Demographics Socioeconomic status BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Demographics Socioeconomic status SV-SES = Study Version - Socioeconomic Status measure 4 15
Education and childcare Access to technology at home BBB-ICT = Triple B devised - ICT Usage Item Set 1 1
Education and childcare Access to technology at home CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 2 4
Education and childcare Access to technology at home ELVS-TCU = ELVS devised - Television and Computer Use measure 1 2
Education and childcare Access to technology at home HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education 1 4
Education and childcare Access to technology at home LSAC-MU = LSAC devised - Media Use Item set 1 3
Education and childcare Assessment of needs CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener 5 11
Education and childcare Child care arrangements AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Child care arrangements ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare Child care arrangements ATP-CC = ATP devised - Child Care Item set 2 5
Education and childcare Child care arrangements ATPG3 = Australian Temperament Project, Generation 3-devised measure 4 8
Education and childcare Child care arrangements BBB-C = Triple B devised - Childcare Item set 1 2
Education and childcare Child care arrangements BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 6
Education and childcare Child care arrangements COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Child care arrangements ELVS-ELCE = ELVS devised - Early life Childcare and Education 1 6
Education and childcare Child care arrangements HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare Child care arrangements HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment 2 6
Education and childcare Child care arrangements LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 7
Education and childcare Child care arrangements LSAC-SC = LSAC devised - School and Childcare Item set 1 1
Education and childcare Child care arrangements MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 25
Education and childcare Child care arrangements MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 4
Education and childcare Child care arrangements PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Education and childcare Child care arrangements r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 11
Education and childcare Child care arrangements VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Child care arrangements VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 7
Education and childcare Current education ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Education and childcare Current education CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire 1 1
Education and childcare Current education CASPE-A = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module A - Experience Related to COVID-19 1 2
Education and childcare Current education CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 3 9
Education and childcare Current education CRISIS-BG = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Background 8 17
Education and childcare Current education DET = Victorian Department of Education-devised measure 1 4
Education and childcare Current education ELVS-CE = ELVS devised - Current Education measure 1 4
Education and childcare Current education IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 8
Education and childcare Current education LSAC-ES = LSAC devised - Educational status measure 2 4
Education and childcare Current education LSAC-SC = LSAC devised - School and Childcare Item set 1 1
Education and childcare Current education LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure 1 4
Education and childcare Current education M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure 1 3
Education and childcare Current education MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 9
Education and childcare Current education MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Education and childcare Current education SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare Current education VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 2 7
Education and childcare Current education VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 4
Education and childcare Educational achievement AEDC = Australian Early Development Census 3 3
Education and childcare Educational achievement ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare Educational achievement ATAR = Australian Tertiary Admission Rank 1 2
Education and childcare Educational achievement ATSS = Attitudes to School Scale 1 6
Education and childcare Educational achievement CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 2 2
Education and childcare Educational achievement COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Educational achievement ELVS-Ac = ELVS devised - Academic progression measure 1 3
Education and childcare Educational achievement FTP-SA = Fast Track Project devised - School Adjustment Measure 1 1
Education and childcare Educational achievement HILDA-FLN = HILDA devised - Functional Literacy and Numeracy measure 1 1
Education and childcare Educational achievement LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 4
Education and childcare Educational achievement NAPLAN = National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy 6 14
Education and childcare Educational achievement SeDQ = Self-Description Questionnaire 1 2
Education and childcare Educational achievement SSDP-AcF = SSDP devised - Academic Failure Item set 1 6
Education and childcare Educational achievement SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System 3 12
Education and childcare Educational achievement SSRS = Social Skills Rating System 1 14
Education and childcare Educational achievement VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare Educational achievement VCAL = Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning 1 2
Education and childcare Educational achievement VCE = Victorian Certificate of Education 2 4
Education and childcare Educational assistance CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 3
Education and childcare Educational assistance ELVS-Tu = ELVS devised - Tutoring measure 1 2
Education and childcare Educational assistance HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education 1 4
Education and childcare Educational assistance LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 2 2
Education and childcare Educational assistance M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure 1 3
Education and childcare Educational assistance NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Engagement in community ATP-CAA = ATP devised - Civic Awareness and Activism Item set 1 2
Education and childcare Engagement in community BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale 1 2
Education and childcare Engagement in community SMU = Sizing Me Up measure 1 1
Education and childcare In higher education ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Education and childcare In higher education IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare In higher education NSW-PSDES = NSW Post‑School Destinations and Experiences Survey 1 1
Education and childcare Institutional policy in place IYDS-SPA = IYDS devised - School Policy on Alcohol 1 7
Education and childcare Institutional policy in place IYDS-SS = IYDS devised - Socialising and Sporting Item set 1 2
Education and childcare Institutional policy in place IYDS-UCPA = IYDS devised - University or College Policy on Alcohol 1 2
Education and childcare Institutional policy in place IYDS-WPA = IYDS devised - Work place Policy on Alcohol 1 4
Education and childcare Level of educational attainment ABS = Australian Bureau of Statistics-devised 4 16
Education and childcare Level of educational attainment ABS-ASCED = Australian Bureau of Statistics Devised - Australian Standard Classification of Education 1 2
Education and childcare Level of educational attainment ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Education and childcare Level of educational attainment ATP-EE = ATP devised - Education and Employment Item Set 1 1
Education and childcare Level of educational attainment CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 2 3
Education and childcare Level of educational attainment ELVS-EE = ELVS-devised - Education and Employment Measure 1 1
Education and childcare Level of educational attainment SRI = Social Risk Index 1 2
Education and childcare Level of educational attainment SV-EA = Study Version - Educational Attainment measure 22 110
Education and childcare Literacy BBB-LNS = Triple B devised - Literacy and Numeracy Skills Item set 1 1
Education and childcare Literacy HILDA-FLN = HILDA devised - Functional Literacy and Numeracy measure 1 1
Education and childcare Literacy KDC = Kindergarten Development Check 1 3
Education and childcare Literacy LSAC-ARS = LSAC devised - Academic Rating Scale 3 5
Education and childcare Literacy PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Education and childcare Literacy SEAPART = School Entry Alphabetic and Phonological Awareness Readiness Test 1 2
Education and childcare Playgroup r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare Pre-school ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare Pre-school ELVS-ELCE = ELVS devised - Early life Childcare and Education 1 6
Education and childcare Pre-school HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Pre-school LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 6
Education and childcare Pre-school PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Education and childcare Pre-school r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 6
Education and childcare Pre-school VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Reading BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 3
Education and childcare Reading CC2 = The Castles and Coltheart Test 2 1 1
Education and childcare Reading ELVS-R = ELVS devised - Reading measure 1 6
Education and childcare Reading HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment 2 6
Education and childcare Reading LR-RC = Let's Read devised - Reading to Child Item set 1 5
Education and childcare Reading LSAC-EL = LSAC devised - Early Language Item Set 1 1
Education and childcare Reading LSAC-RCS = LSAC devised - Reading Competencies Scale 1 2
Education and childcare Reading SeDQ = Self-Description Questionnaire 1 2
Education and childcare Reading WIAT-III = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition 1 2
Education and childcare Reading WRAT4 = Wide Range Achievement Test 4 4 12
Education and childcare Reading WRAT5 = Wide Range Achievement Test 5 1 1
Education and childcare School attendance ATPG3 = Australian Temperament Project, Generation 3-devised measure 5 11
Education and childcare School attendance CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 2 4
Education and childcare School attendance COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare School attendance ELVS-ELCE = ELVS devised - Early life Childcare and Education 1 6
Education and childcare School attendance ELVS-SA = ELVS devised - School Attendance measure 1 3
Education and childcare School attendance ENERGY = The EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth Porject-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare School attendance HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education 1 4
Education and childcare School attendance HBSC = Health Behaviour in School-aged Children-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare School attendance HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare School attendance HopSCOTCH = Shared Care Obesity Trial in Children-devised 1 1
Education and childcare School attendance IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare School attendance LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare School attendance MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare School attendance MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Education and childcare School attendance PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Education and childcare School attendance r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare School attendance SSDP-SC = SSDP devised - School Commitment Item set 1 6
Education and childcare School engagement ATPG3 = Australian Temperament Project, Generation 3-devised measure 4 8
Education and childcare School engagement ATSS = Attitudes to School Scale 1 6
Education and childcare School engagement BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale 1 2
Education and childcare School engagement bbSSRI = beyondblue Secondary Schools Research Initiative-devised measure 1 8
Education and childcare School engagement CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 3 5
Education and childcare School engagement ELVS-AS = ELVS devised - Attitudes to School measure 1 2
Education and childcare School engagement HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education 1 4
Education and childcare School engagement IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 11
Education and childcare School engagement LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 5
Education and childcare School engagement LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare School engagement MCS = Millenium Cohort Study-devised measure 1 8
Education and childcare School engagement MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare School engagement MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Education and childcare School engagement SBS = The School Bonding Scale 1 1
Education and childcare School engagement SLQ = School Life Questionnaire 1 1
Education and childcare School engagement SPFQ = Student Perceived Fit Questionnaire 1 1
Education and childcare School engagement SSCP-PR = SSCP devised - Peer Rewards Item set 1 5
Education and childcare School engagement SSDP-SC = SSDP devised - School Commitment Item set 1 6
Education and childcare School engagement SSDP-SR = SSDP devised - School Rewards Item set 1 6
Education and childcare School engagement UWES-3S = Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (3-item student version) 1 3
Education and childcare School engagement VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 2
Education and childcare School engagement W-MS = Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School 1 1
Education and childcare School engagement YES:MS = Youth Experiences Survey: Middle School 1 2
Education and childcare School environment BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale 1 2
Education and childcare School environment CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 2 4
Education and childcare School environment COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare School environment ELVS-SI = ELVS devised - School Information measure 1 2
Education and childcare School environment FTP-SA = Fast Track Project devised - School Adjustment Measure 1 1
Education and childcare School environment IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 5
Education and childcare School environment IYDS-SD = IYDS devised - School Discipline Item set 1 2
Education and childcare School environment IYDS-SI = IYDS devised - School Involvement Item set 1 6
Education and childcare School environment M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure 1 3
Education and childcare School environment PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Education and childcare School environment r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 3
Education and childcare School environment SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare School environment SSDP-SR = SSDP devised - School Rewards Item set 1 6
Education and childcare School environment VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare School environment VAHCS-SE = VAHCS devised - School Environment measure 1 1
Education and childcare School environment VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 5
Education and childcare School functioning ARQ-R = Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised 1 1
Education and childcare School functioning ATP-SF = ATP devised - School Functioning Item Set 2 5
Education and childcare School functioning ATP-SP = ATP devised - School Problems Item Set 1 5
Education and childcare School functioning BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale 1 2
Education and childcare School functioning DET = Victorian Department of Education-devised measure 1 3
Education and childcare School functioning ELVS-TSS = ELVS devised - Transition to Secondary School measure 1 2
Education and childcare School functioning FTP-SA = Fast Track Project devised - School Adjustment Measure 1 1
Education and childcare School functioning IYDS-SD = IYDS devised - School Discipline Item set 1 2
Education and childcare School functioning IYDS-SI = IYDS devised - School Involvement Item set 1 6
Education and childcare School functioning LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 6
Education and childcare School functioning PedsQL 4.0 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 Generic Core Scales 9 41
Education and childcare School functioning PedsQL 4.0 SF15 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 SF15 Generic Core Scales 1 4
Education and childcare School functioning REQ = Readiness and Expectations Questionnaire 1 2
Education and childcare School functioning SRQ = School Readiness Questionnaire 1 2
Education and childcare School functioning START = Secondary Transition Adjustment Rating Tool 1 14
Education and childcare School functioning STU = Sizing Them Up measure 1 1
Education and childcare School functioning VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 4
Education and childcare School functioning W-MS = Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School 1 1
Education and childcare School functioning YES:MS = Youth Experiences Survey: Middle School 1 2
Education and childcare School teacher CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 3
Education and childcare School teacher LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 4
Education and childcare School teacher NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare School teacher r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Teacher-student relationship ATSS = Attitudes to School Scale 1 6
Education and childcare Teacher-student relationship BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale 1 2
Education and childcare Teacher-student relationship FTP-SA = Fast Track Project devised - School Adjustment Measure 1 1
Education and childcare Teacher-student relationship IYDS-SI = IYDS devised - School Involvement Item set 1 6
Education and childcare Teacher-student relationship LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Teacher-student relationship SLQ = School Life Questionnaire 1 1
Education and childcare Teacher-student relationship STRS-SF = Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: Short Form 1 4
Education and childcare Teacher-student relationship VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Teacher-student relationship VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Education and childcare Writing ELVS-Wr = ELVS devised - Writing measure 1 3
Education and childcare Writing L-25 = Life at 25 Assessment 1 1
Education and childcare Writing WIAT-III = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition 1 2
Environmental exposures Alcohol consumption during pregnancy BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 4
Environmental exposures Alcohol consumption during pregnancy COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Alcohol consumption during pregnancy LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Alcohol consumption during pregnancy VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection 3 3
Environmental exposures Behaviour to prevent sun exposure BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Environmental exposures Behaviour to prevent sun exposure IPMSSG = International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group-devised measure 2 8
Environmental exposures Behaviour to prevent sun exposure SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Behaviour to prevent sun exposure VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure 1 1
Environmental exposures e-cigarette user AIHW-NDSHS = National Drug Strategy Household Survey, AIHW-devised 1 1
Environmental exposures e-cigarette user CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 8
Environmental exposures e-cigarette user CRISIS-DB-SU = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Daily Behaviours: Substance Use 2 7
Environmental exposures e-cigarette user ITC-V = International Tobacco Control, 4 Country Vaping Survey 1 1
Environmental exposures Environmental exposure ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure 1 5
Environmental exposures Environmental exposure BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 3 25
Environmental exposures Environmental exposure MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 9
Environmental exposures Environmental exposure NCCLS = Northern California Childhood Leukemia Study-devised measure 1 3
Environmental exposures Environmental exposure NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 5
Environmental exposures Environmental exposure PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Environmental exposures Environmental exposure VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Evaluation of sun exposure during pregnancy IPMSSG = International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group-devised measure 1 2
Environmental exposures Exposure to animals BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 3 14
Environmental exposures Exposure to animals HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 2 6
Environmental exposures Exposure to animals LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Exposure to potentially harmful entity during pregnancy BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Exposure to potentially harmful entity during pregnancy MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures House dust Dus-H = Dust, House sample 1 1
Environmental exposures Personal hygiene AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section 1 1
Environmental exposures Personal hygiene BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 6
Environmental exposures Personal hygiene BIS-H = BIS devised - Hygiene Item set 1 4
Environmental exposures Personal hygiene VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 4
Environmental exposures Pet exposure PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Environmental exposures Prenatal health behaviour ATP-PB = ATP devised - Pregnancy and Birth Item set 1 4
Environmental exposures Prenatal health behaviour IPMSSG = International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group-devised measure 1 3
Environmental exposures Smoker in home B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Smoker in home BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 2 14
Environmental exposures Smoker in home COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Smoker in home FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Environmental exposures Smoker in home GenV-FR = GenV devised - Family Relationships Item Set 1 1
Environmental exposures Smoker in home MACS = Melbourne Atopic Cohort Study-devised measure 5 17
Environmental exposures Smoker in home PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 3
Environmental exposures Smoker in home r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 7
Environmental exposures Smoker in home TIHS = Tasmanian Infant Health Survey-devised measure 1 2
Environmental exposures Smoker in home VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 4
Environmental exposures Sun exposure AIS = AusImmune Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Sun exposure BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 2 10
Environmental exposures Sun exposure IPMSSG = International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group-devised measure 1 4
Environmental exposures Sun exposure SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Sunburn AIS = AusImmune Study-devised measure 1 2
Environmental exposures Tobacco use during pregnancy COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Tobacco use during pregnancy HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Environmental exposures Tobacco use during pregnancy ICC-TU = ICC devised - Tobacco Use Item set 1 3
Environmental exposures Tobacco use during pregnancy LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 2 2
Environmental exposures Tobacco use during pregnancy MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Environmental exposures Tobacco use during pregnancy TIHS = Tasmanian Infant Health Survey-devised measure 1 4
Environmental exposures Tobacco use during pregnancy VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 2
Environmental exposures Tobacco use during pregnancy VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection 3 3
Family environment Attachment behaviour AAQ = Adult Attachment Questionnaire 3 6
Family environment Attachment behaviour BFQ = Berndt Friendship Questionnaire 1 1
Family environment Attachment behaviour ICC-PIB = ICC devised - Parent-Infant Bonding Item set 1 1
Family environment Attachment behaviour IPPA = Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment 2 4
Family environment Attachment behaviour KDC = Kindergarten Development Check 1 3
Family environment Attachment behaviour MAAS = Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale 2 4
Family environment Attachment behaviour MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort 1 2
Family environment Attachment behaviour MFAS = Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale 2 2
Family environment Attachment behaviour MIBS = Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale 1 1
Family environment Attachment behaviour MPAS = Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale 2 5
Family environment Attachment behaviour PAAS = Paternal Antenatal Attachment Scale 1 1
Family environment Attachment behaviour PBQ = Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire 1 2
Family environment Attachment behaviour PIML = People In My Life 1 3
Family environment Attachment behaviour PPAS = Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scale 1 3
Family environment Attachment behaviour RSQ = Relationship Scales Questionnaire 1 1
Family environment Attachment behaviour SPS-A = Social Provision Scale: Adapted 1 8
Family environment Attachment behaviour SSDP-AF = SSDP devised - Attachment to Father Item set 1 8
Family environment Attachment behaviour SSDP-AM = SSDP devised - Attachment to Mother Item set 1 8
Family environment Attachment behaviour SSP = Strange Situation Procedure 1 2
Family environment Capacity for emotion EmA = Emotional Availability Scale 1 6
Family environment Capacity for emotion F&T = Feeling and Thinking measure 1 1
Family environment Capacity for emotion FAD = McMaster Family Assessment Device 1 3
Family environment Capacity for emotion FMSS = Five Minute Speech Sample 1 1
Family environment Capacity for emotion IYDS-SC = IYDS devised - Social Competence measure 1 1
Family environment Capacity for emotion MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort 1 2
Family environment Caregiver HILDA-CP-C = HILDA devised - Continuing Person Questionnaire measure, Carers section 1 1
Family environment Characteristics of home environment ATP-HC = ATP devised - Household Composition Item set 1 2
Family environment Characteristics of home environment BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 12
Family environment Characteristics of home environment HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment 2 6
Family environment Characteristics of home environment K-HSC = Kidsafe devised - Home Safety Checklist Measure 1 5
Family environment Characteristics of home environment LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Characteristics of home environment NSLAH = National Survey of Lead and Allergens in Housing 1 1
Family environment Characteristics of home environment r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Characteristics of home environment SHS-A = Social History Screen: Adapted 1 8
Family environment Characteristics of home environment SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire 1 4
Family environment Characteristics of home environment WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version 2 2
Family environment Child protection service involvement BBB-PC = Triple B devised - Pregnancy and Children Item set 1 7
Family environment Child protection service involvement r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 4
Family environment Family functioning AC-S = Acrimony Scale 1 1
Family environment Family functioning AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 3
Family environment Family functioning ATP-CC = ATP devised - Child Care Item set 2 5
Family environment Family functioning BBB-FA = Triple B devised - Family Activities Item set 1 1
Family environment Family functioning CHAOS = Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale 1 1
Family environment Family functioning CHQ-FA = Child Health Questionnaire - Family Activities 1 4
Family environment Family functioning CRQ-a = Child Rearing Questionnare, adapted 2 8
Family environment Family functioning FACES II = Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II 1 1
Family environment Family functioning FAD = McMaster Family Assessment Device 1 3
Family environment Family functioning FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Family environment Family functioning IYDS-FM = IYDS devised - Family Management Item set 1 2
Family environment Family functioning LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 4
Family environment Family functioning LSAC-HAI = LSAC devised - Home Activities Index Item set 1 2
Family environment Family functioning LSAC-PP = LSAC devised - Parenting Practices Item Set 1 1
Family environment Family functioning MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Family environment Family functioning OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning 1 6
Family environment Family functioning PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module 2 8
Family environment Family functioning PedsQL 2.0-FIM-FR = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module - Family Relationships subscale 1 4
Family environment Family functioning SEHQ = School Entrant Health Questionnaire 4 7
Family environment Family functioning SSDP-FD = SSDP devised - Family Dynamics Item set 1 6
Family environment Family functioning SSDP-FS = SSDP devised - Family Skills Item set 1 4
Family environment Family violence CAS = Composite Abuse Scale 3 9
Family environment Family violence FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Family environment Family violence ISA = Index of Spouse Abuse 1 8
Family environment Family violence MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Family environment Family violence PBQ = Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire 1 2
Family environment Future aspirations ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Future aspirations ATP-FA = ATP devised - Family Aspirations Item Set 1 3
Family environment Future aspirations ATP-PA = ATP devised - Parent Aspirations Item Set 1 1
Family environment Future aspirations ATP-RR = ATP devised - Romantic Relationship Item Set 1 2
Family environment Future aspirations BB-SCS = Beyond Blue School Climate Scale 1 2
Family environment Future aspirations CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 6
Family environment Future aspirations ELVS-FP = ELVS devised - Future Plans measure 1 2
Family environment Future aspirations GRIT = Grit Scale 1 3
Family environment Future aspirations LSAY = Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth-devised measure 1 2
Family environment Future aspirations MCS = Millenium Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Future aspirations MCS-LF = MCS devised - Learning and the Future measure 1 1
Family environment Future aspirations MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 8
Family environment Future aspirations VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 5
Family environment Home learning environment CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 2 4
Family environment Home learning environment HACS-SE = Home Adjustment to COVID-19 Scale - School and Education 1 4
Family environment Home learning environment LSAC-HAI = LSAC devised - Home Activities Index Item set 1 2
Family environment Home learning environment MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Family environment Home problems CHAOS = Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale 1 1
Family environment Intimate partner violence ACTS = ACTS Intimate Partner Violence Screen 1 1
Family environment Intimate partner violence CAS = Composite Abuse Scale 3 9
Family environment Intimate partner violence CTS = Conflict Tactics Scale 1 2
Family environment Intimate partner violence FIP = Fear of Intimate Partner 2 10
Family environment Intimate partner violence ISA = Index of Spouse Abuse 1 8
Family environment Life events APMS-JDC = Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey-devised - Job Demand and Control measure 1 1
Family environment Life events ATP-SLE = ATP devised - Significant Life Event Item Set 3 18
Family environment Life events ATP-SS = ATP devised - Social Support Item Set 1 6
Family environment Life events BBB-SLE = Triple B devised - Significant Life Events Item set 1 6
Family environment Life events BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 4
Family environment Life events CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire 1 1
Family environment Life events CASPE-A = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module A - Experience Related to COVID-19 1 2
Family environment Life events CLES-A = Coddington Life Events Scale - Adapted 1 1
Family environment Life events CRISIS-LC = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Life Changes 10 39
Family environment Life events ELVS-SLE = ELVS devised - Stressful Life Events measure 1 1
Family environment Life events FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Family environment Life events GenV-LE = GenV devised - Life Events Item Set 1 1
Family environment Life events HILDA = Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Life events LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 4
Family environment Life events LTE = List of Threatening Experiences 3 9
Family environment Life events MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 3
Family environment Life events MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Family environment Life events PRAMS = Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Life events r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 19
Family environment Life events SSDP-TMS = SSDP devised - Transitions and Mobility Scale 1 8
Family environment Life events VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery 1 1
Family environment Number of dependant children ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 2
Family environment Number of dependant children ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure 1 2
Family environment Number of dependant children ATP-CG = ATP devised - Child and Grandchildren Item Set 1 6
Family environment Number of dependant children ATP-CH = ATP devised - Child Health Item set 1 3
Family environment Number of dependant children IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Number of dependant children LSAC-FHC = LSAC devised - Family and Household Composition Item set 1 3
Family environment Number of dependant children MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 4
Family environment Number of dependant children VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 5
Family environment Number of offspring ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Number of offspring MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Number of siblings EET1DPP = Early Environment and Type 1 Diabetes Prevention Project-devised measure 1 4
Family environment Number of siblings PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Family environment Number of siblings SV-SI = Study Version - Siblings Information measure 14 17
Family environment Number of siblings TMSRP = Tasmanian Multiple Sclerosis Research Program-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Parental self-efficacy ATP-FE = ATP devised - Family Environment Item Set 1 4
Family environment Parental self-efficacy ATP-Par = ATP devised - Parenting Behaviour Item set 1 1
Family environment Parental self-efficacy GenV-PSE = GenV devised - Parenting Self-Efficacy Item Set 1 2
Family environment Parental self-efficacy LSAC-PSE = LSAC devised - Parental Self Efficacy Item set 1 6
Family environment Parental self-efficacy MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort 1 2
Family environment Parental self-efficacy MFAS = Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale 2 2
Family environment Parental self-efficacy MPAS = Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale 2 5
Family environment Parental self-efficacy MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 6
Family environment Parental self-efficacy PPAS = Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scale 1 3
Family environment Parental self-efficacy PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form 1 6
Family environment Parental self-efficacy VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Parent-child relationship ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Parent-child relationship ATP-BDH = ATP devised - Birth & Developmental History Item Set 1 1
Family environment Parent-child relationship ATP-PCR = ATP devised - Parent-Child Relationship Item Set 1 10
Family environment Parent-child relationship BBB-IPCI = Triple B devised - Inventory of Parent and Child Interaction Scale 1 2
Family environment Parent-child relationship BPCIS = Brigance Parent-Child Interactions Scale 2 10
Family environment Parent-child relationship CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 2 7
Family environment Parent-child relationship ConBQ = Conflict Behaviour Questionnaire 1 1
Family environment Parent-child relationship CPRS = Child-Parent Relationship Scale 2 6
Family environment Parent-child relationship HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment 2 6
Family environment Parent-child relationship ICC-PIB = ICC devised - Parent-Infant Bonding Item set 1 1
Family environment Parent-child relationship IPPA = Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment 2 4
Family environment Parent-child relationship IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 9
Family environment Parent-child relationship LSAC-HAI = LSAC devised - Home Activities Index Item set 1 2
Family environment Parent-child relationship MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 4
Family environment Parent-child relationship NSFH = National Survey of Families and Households Study-devised 1 2
Family environment Parent-child relationship PBI = Parental Bonding Instrument 2 2
Family environment Parent-child relationship PBI-BC = Parental Bonding Instrument - Brief Current Form 1 5
Family environment Parent-child relationship PIML = People In My Life 1 3
Family environment Parent-child relationship PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form 1 6
Family environment Parent-child relationship r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 13
Family environment Parent-child relationship r@h-OUP = right@home devised - Observation of Unstructured Play 1 2
Family environment Parent-child relationship SeDQ = Self-Description Questionnaire 1 2
Family environment Parent-child relationship SSDP-AF = SSDP devised - Attachment to Father Item set 1 8
Family environment Parent-child relationship SSDP-AM = SSDP devised - Attachment to Mother Item set 1 8
Family environment Parent-child relationship SSDP-FD = SSDP devised - Family Dynamics Item set 1 6
Family environment Parent-child relationship SSDP-FR = SSDP devised - Family Rewards Scale 1 8
Family environment Parenting behaviour APSALS-Att = Australian Parental Supply of Alcohol Longitudinal Study devised - Attitudes Towards Parental Supply of Alcohol Item set 1 2
Family environment Parenting behaviour ATP-DE = ATP devised - Disordered Eating Item Set 1 3
Family environment Parenting behaviour ATP-Par = ATP devised - Parenting Behaviour Item set 1 1
Family environment Parenting behaviour ATP-PS = ATP devised - Parenting Style Item Set 1 3
Family environment Parenting behaviour BBus = Baby Business Study-devised measure 1 9
Family environment Parenting behaviour BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Family environment Parenting behaviour BPCIS = Brigance Parent-Child Interactions Scale 2 10
Family environment Parenting behaviour CRQ-a = Child Rearing Questionnare, adapted 2 8
Family environment Parenting behaviour EmA = Emotional Availability Scale 1 6
Family environment Parenting behaviour FAD = McMaster Family Assessment Device 1 3
Family environment Parenting behaviour FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Family environment Parenting behaviour GenV-FR = GenV devised - Family Relationships Item Set 1 1
Family environment Parenting behaviour HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment 2 6
Family environment Parenting behaviour HPS = Hostile Parenting Scale 2 8
Family environment Parenting behaviour ICC-PAR = ICC devised - Parenting Item set 1 1
Family environment Parenting behaviour LR-RC = Let's Read devised - Reading to Child Item set 1 5
Family environment Parenting behaviour LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 4 11
Family environment Parenting behaviour LSAC-PP = LSAC devised - Parenting Practices Item Set 1 1
Family environment Parenting behaviour MAAS = Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale 2 4
Family environment Parenting behaviour MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort 1 2
Family environment Parenting behaviour MCS = Millenium Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Family environment Parenting behaviour MFAS = Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale 2 2
Family environment Parenting behaviour MPAS = Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale 2 5
Family environment Parenting behaviour MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 8
Family environment Parenting behaviour NYS-R = NYS devised - Rules Item set 1 6
Family environment Parenting behaviour PAAS = Paternal Antenatal Attachment Scale 1 1
Family environment Parenting behaviour PBI = Parental Bonding Instrument 2 2
Family environment Parenting behaviour PBI-BC = Parental Bonding Instrument - Brief Current Form 1 5
Family environment Parenting behaviour PPAS = Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scale 1 3
Family environment Parenting behaviour r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 5
Family environment Parenting behaviour r@h-OUP = right@home devised - Observation of Unstructured Play 1 2
Family environment Parenting behaviour SSDP-FR = SSDP devised - Family Rewards Scale 1 8
Family environment Parenting behaviour VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Quality of family relationship ARQ-R = Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised 1 1
Family environment Quality of family relationship ATP-FR = ATP devised - Family Relations Item Set 1 7
Family environment Quality of family relationship ATP-FS = ATP devised - Family Support Item Set 1 3
Family environment Quality of family relationship BBB-FCS = Triple B devised - Family and Community Item set 1 2
Family environment Quality of family relationship CRISIS-LC = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Life Changes 10 39
Family environment Quality of family relationship FACES II = Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II 1 1
Family environment Quality of family relationship FAD = McMaster Family Assessment Device 1 3
Family environment Quality of family relationship FSCC = Families, Social Capital & Citizenship survey 1 7
Family environment Quality of family relationship HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment 2 6
Family environment Quality of family relationship IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 9
Family environment Quality of family relationship IYDS-LFI = IYDS devised - Level of Family Interaction Item set 1 2
Family environment Quality of family relationship LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 3
Family environment Quality of family relationship MSPSS = Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support 4 5
Family environment Quality of family relationship SPSS = Scales of Perceived Social Support 1 2
Family environment Relationship satisfaction ATP = Australian Temperament Project-devised measure 5 12
Family environment Relationship satisfaction ATP-RR = ATP devised - Romantic Relationship Item Set 1 2
Family environment Relationship satisfaction BK-MCS = Braiker & Kelly's Marital Conflict Scale 1 1
Family environment Relationship satisfaction DAS = Dyadic Adjustment Scale 2 4
Family environment Relationship satisfaction ELVS-CRR = ELVS devised - Current Romantic Relationship measure 1 8
Family environment Relationship satisfaction FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Family environment Relationship satisfaction GenV-FR = GenV devised - Family Relationships Item Set 1 1
Family environment Relationship satisfaction LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 9
Family environment Relationship satisfaction MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 3
Family environment Relationship satisfaction PRAMS = Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Relationship satisfaction QRI = Quality of Relationship Inventory 2 7
Family environment Relationship satisfaction RDAS = Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale 1 8
Family environment Relationship satisfaction SPQ = Social Problem Questionnaire 1 4
Family environment Relationship satisfaction VAHCS-COVID = VAHCS devised - COVID Battery 1 1
Family environment Relationship satisfaction WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version 2 2
Family environment Sibling relationship ATP-FR = ATP devised - Family Relations Item Set 1 7
Family environment Sibling relationship VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Social support AQoL-4D = Assessment of Quality of Life-4D 2 5
Family environment Social support AQoL-6D = Assessment of Quality of Life-6D 1 4
Family environment Social support AQoL-8D = Assessment of Quality of Life-8D 2 8
Family environment Social support ARM-R = Adult Resilience Measure-Revised 1 1
Family environment Social support ATP-DEM = ATP devised - Demographics Item Set 2 24
Family environment Social support ATP-FS = ATP devised - Family Support Item Set 1 3
Family environment Social support ATP-SS = ATP devised - Social Support Item Set 1 6
Family environment Social support BBB-FCS = Triple B devised - Family and Community Item set 1 2
Family environment Social support BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Social support CYRM-R = Child Youth Resilience Measure-Revised 1 1
Family environment Social support ELVS-FSS = ELVS devised - Friend Support Satisfaction measure 1 1
Family environment Social support FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Family environment Social support GenV-SS = GenV devised - Social Support Item Set 1 1
Family environment Social support ICC-SS = ICC devised - Social Support Item set 1 1
Family environment Social support IYDS-SSAP = IYDS devised - Social Support for Alcohol Problem Item set 1 4
Family environment Social support JH-SSS = Journeys Home Study-devised measure - Social Support Scale 1 1
Family environment Social support LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 2 3
Family environment Social support LSAC-FCS = LSAC devised - Family and Community Support Item set 3 11
Family environment Social support MSPSS = Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support 4 5
Family environment Social support MSSS = Maternity Social Support Scale 3 6
Family environment Social support MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 10
Family environment Social support MYPS-COVID = MYPS devised - COVID Experience measure 1 3
Family environment Social support OTI-IV = Opiate Treatment Index: Section IV - Social Functioning 1 6
Family environment Social support QRI = Quality of Relationship Inventory 2 7
Family environment Social support r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Social support SPS-A = Social Provision Scale: Adapted 1 8
Family environment Social support SPSS = Scales of Perceived Social Support 1 2
Family environment Social support SSDP-NSCT = SSDP devised - Neighbourhood Social Cohesion and Trust Item set 1 2
Family environment Social support SSDP-SN = SSDP devised - Social Network Item set 1 2
Family environment Social support SSM = Social Solidarity Measure 1 1
Family environment Social support SSSI = Social Support and Stress Interview 1 6
Family environment Social support VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Family environment Social support WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version 2 2
Health services Access to healthcare services ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure 1 2
Health services Access to healthcare services COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 2
Health services Access to healthcare services HSA = Health Socialization Agents 1 1
Health services Access to healthcare services MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 3
Health services Access to healthcare services PSQ-18 = The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire: Short Form 1 2
Health services Access to healthcare services VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Access to healthcare services VAHCS-HSA = VAHCS devised - Health Service Access measure 1 2
Health services Access to healthcare services VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 1
Health services Access to healthcare services VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Health services Access to healthcare services WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version 2 2
Health services Adverse event BNT162b2-VA = BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine administration protocol 1 2
Health services Adverse event CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Adverse event MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 18
Health services Age at time of assessment IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 3
Health services Age at time of assessment VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Age at time of assessment VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Child development checks ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Child development checks GenV-DM = GenV devised - Developmental Milestones Item Set 1 4
Health services Clinical examination COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Clinical examination VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Health services Cochlear implant service VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 3
Health services Dental examination BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Dental examination DDE = Modified Developmental Defects of Enamel (DDE) Index 1 1
Health services Dental examination LTL = Lift the Lip Examination 1 3
Health services Dental examination MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Early childhood intervention service VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 5
Health services Health care expenditure LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Health services Health care expenditure PSQ-18 = The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire: Short Form 1 2
Health services Health literacy AusH = Australian Hearing 1 1
Health services Health literacy HLS-Q12 = Health Literacy Survey: Short Form 1 1
Health services Health literacy PINA-A = Parental Immunisation Needs and Attitudes: Antenatal Survey 1 1
Health services Health literacy PLFP = Precautionary Labelling of Food Products 1 5
Health services Health literacy r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 4
Health services Hospital admission AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 3
Health services Hospital admission ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Hospital admission BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 6
Health services Hospital admission B-R = Birth Records 2 3
Health services Hospital admission CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 5
Health services Hospital admission COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Hospital admission COSI BAIR = COVID-19 Specific vaccine and heterologous Immunity in the Melbourne infant study of BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction devised measure 1 2
Health services Hospital admission ELVS-HA = ELVS devised - Hospital Admissions 1 1
Health services Hospital admission FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Health services Hospital admission HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 3
Health services Hospital admission H-R = Hospital Records 1 1
Health services Hospital admission LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 2 8
Health services Hospital admission MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 12
Health services Hospital admission MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 12
Health services Hospital admission NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 2
Health services Hospital admission PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 3
Health services Hospital admission r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 27
Health services Hospital admission VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Health services Hospital admission VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 4
Health services Immunisation status AIR = Australian Immunisation Register 2 2
Health services Immunisation status BB-SDICF = BB devised - Study Diary of Infant Crying and Fussing 1 6
Health services Immunisation status BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 6
Health services Immunisation status COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Immunisation status FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Health services Immunisation status HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Immunisation status H-R = Hospital Records 1 1
Health services Immunisation status LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 7
Health services Immunisation status MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Immunisation status NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 2
Health services Immunisation status VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure 1 1
Health services Immunisation status VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 2
Health services Immunisation status VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 3
Health services Immunisation status VPDC = Victorian Perinatal Data Collection 3 3
Health services Maternal, child and family health service VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 2
Health services Medical examinations/reports RVEEH = Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital 1 1
Health services Medical examinations/reports VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 1
Health services Medical procedure or service BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Medical procedure or service B-R = Birth Records 1 1
Health services Medical procedure or service COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Medical procedure or service MBS = Medicare Benefits Schedule 4 4
Health services Medical procedure or service MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Health services Medical procedure or service NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 2
Health services Medical procedure or service VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 4
Health services Neonatal intensive care service AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Neonatal intensive care service ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Neonatal intensive care service BBB-B = Triple B devised - Child Birth Item set 1 1
Health services Neonatal intensive care service B-R = Birth Records 2 2
Health services Neonatal intensive care service LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Health services Neonatal intensive care service MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Health services Neonatal intensive care service PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Health services Neonatal intensive care service VCh-BI = VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set 1 1
Health services Neonatal intensive care service VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 3
Health services Previous treatment history CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 5
Health services Previous treatment history NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 3
Health services Previous treatment history OTI-I = Opiate Treatment Index: Section I - Treatment History 1 12
Health services Private health insurance AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 2
Health services Private health insurance ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Private health insurance LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Health services Private health insurance MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Health services Quality of health care ELVS-HSSB = ELVS devised - Health Services Seeking Behaviour 2 14
Health services Quality of health care PEI = Patient Enablement Index 1 2
Health services Quality of health care PSQ-18 = The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire: Short Form 1 2
Health services Quality of health care VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 1
Health services Seen by audiology service AusH = Australian Hearing 1 1
Health services Seen by audiology service VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 6
Health services Seen by ear, nose and throat service VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 5
Health services Seen by general practitioner VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 5
Health services Seen by genetics service VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 4
Health services Seen by health professional B-R = Birth Records 1 1
Health services Seen by health professional CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 5
Health services Seen by health professional CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 11
Health services Seen by health professional ELVS-HSSB = ELVS devised - Health Services Seeking Behaviour 2 14
Health services Seen by health professional HOME = Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment 2 6
Health services Seen by health professional MIHD = Monthly Infant Health Diary 1 5
Health services Seen by health professional MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 5
Health services Seen by health professional NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Seen by health professional NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 3
Health services Seen by health professional SEHQ = School Entrant Health Questionnaire 4 7
Health services Seen by health professional VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 5
Health services Seen by health professional VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure 1 1
Health services Seen by health professional VAHCS-In = VAHCS devised - Injuries measure 1 2
Health services Seen by health professional VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 1
Health services Seen by ophthalmology service VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 1
Health services Seen by psychologist VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 2
Health services Seen by service AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 4
Health services Seen by service B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 3
Health services Seen by service CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Seen by service CHPS-TAS = Child Health and Parenting Service - Tasmania 1 1
Health services Seen by service COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Seen by service COVID-Im = COVID-Immune Study-devised measure 5 20
Health services Seen by service CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener 5 11
Health services Seen by service FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Health services Seen by service HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 3
Health services Seen by service ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children 4 19
Health services Seen by service LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 2 9
Health services Seen by service MBS = Medicare Benefits Schedule 4 4
Health services Seen by service MCHS-VIC = Maternal and Child Health Service - Victoria 1 1
Health services Seen by service MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 12
Health services Seen by service MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 22
Health services Seen by service PEI = Patient Enablement Index 1 2
Health services Seen by service PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Health services Seen by service r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 27
Health services Seen by service SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Seen by service VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 2
Health services Seen by service VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 6
Health services Seen by speech and language therapy service VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 4
Health services Seen in fertility clinic ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 2 3
Health services Seen in weight management clinic COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Health services Vaccination given BNT162b2-VA = BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine administration protocol 1 2
Hearing Cause of hearing loss VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 1
Hearing Cause of hearing loss VCh-HL = VicCHILD devised - Hearing Loss Item set 1 3
Hearing Ear infection ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure 1 6
Hearing Ear infection PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Hearing Family history of hearing loss VCh-FHC = VicCHILD devised - Family History of Condition Item set 1 1
Hearing Grommet ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure 1 6
Hearing Hearing aid AusH = Australian Hearing 1 1
Hearing Hearing aid CIC = Cochlear Implant Clinic data 1 1
Hearing Hearing aid PEACH = Parents' Evaluation of Aural/oral performance of CHildren 1 4
Hearing Hearing aid VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 5
Hearing Hearing aid VCh-HL = VicCHILD devised - Hearing Loss Item set 1 3
Hearing Hearing problem ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 2
Hearing Hearing problem CHILD = Children’s Home Inventory for Listening Difficulties 1 2
Hearing Hearing problem ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure 1 6
Hearing Hearing problem GenV-HC = GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set 1 4
Hearing Hearing problem LiSN-S = Listening in Spatialized Noise – Sentences test 2 2
Hearing Hearing problem PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 3
Hearing Hearing problem VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 1
Hearing Hearing problem VCh-HL = VicCHILD devised - Hearing Loss Item set 1 3
Hearing Hearing problem VIHSP = Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program 1 1
Hearing Hearing test AusH = Australian Hearing 1 1
Hearing Hearing test B-R = Birth Records 1 1
Hearing Hearing test CHILD = Children’s Home Inventory for Listening Difficulties 1 2
Hearing Hearing test CIC = Cochlear Implant Clinic data 1 1
Hearing Hearing test ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure 1 6
Hearing Hearing test LiSN-S = Listening in Spatialized Noise – Sentences test 2 2
Hearing Hearing test PEACH = Parents' Evaluation of Aural/oral performance of CHildren 1 4
Hearing Hearing test PTA = Pure Tone Audiometry 1 1
Hearing Hearing test Tym = Tympanometry 1 1
Hearing Hearing test VIHSP = Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program 1 1
Imaging Computerised tomography pQCT = Peripheral Quantitative Computerised Tomography 1 1
Imaging Intima media thickness aIMT = Aortic Intima-Media Thickness 1 4
Imaging Intima media thickness cIMT = Carotid Intima-Media Thickness 3 5
Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging fMRI = Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 5
Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3 6
Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 1
Imaging Morphometric analysis CM-3D = Craniofacial Morphometric 3D Imaging 2 3
Imaging Morphometric analysis GenV-DI = Dysmorphism imaging - GenV protocol 1 1
Imaging Morphometric analysis pQCT = Peripheral Quantitative Computerised Tomography 1 1
Imaging Photograph CM-3D = Craniofacial Morphometric 3D Imaging 2 3
Imaging Photograph IO-3D = Intra-Oral 3D Imaging 2 2
Imaging Photograph MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 6
Imaging Ultrasound imaging aIMT = Aortic Intima-Media Thickness 1 4
Imaging Ultrasound imaging cIMT = Carotid Intima-Media Thickness 3 5
Imaging Ultrasound imaging H-U = Heel Ultrasound 1 2
Imaging Ultrasound imaging PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Medications and supplements Antibiotics BB-APU = BB devised - Antibiotic and Probiotic Use measure 1 12
Medications and supplements Antibiotics BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 12
Medications and supplements Antibiotics ELVS-H = ELVS-devised - Hearing measure 1 6
Medications and supplements Antibiotics HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Antibiotics PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 3
Medications and supplements Antibiotics VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Antibiotics VIT-MS = VITALITY devised - Medications and Supplements Item set 1 4
Medications and supplements Compliance behaviour to treatment B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 4
Medications and supplements Compliance behaviour to treatment VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 8
Medications and supplements History of medication use B-R = Birth Records 1 3
Medications and supplements History of medication use CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 5
Medications and supplements History of medication use CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 6
Medications and supplements History of medication use COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 2
Medications and supplements History of medication use HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements History of medication use MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 2
Medications and supplements History of medication use NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 3
Medications and supplements History of medication use PBS = Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme 2 2
Medications and supplements History of medication use VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 4
Medications and supplements History of nutritional supplement use AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements History of nutritional supplement use CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 5
Medications and supplements History of nutritional supplement use HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements History of nutritional supplement use NICAP = Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 3
Medications and supplements History of nutritional supplement use VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Medications ACQ = Asthma Control Questionnaire 1 1
Medications and supplements Medications ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children-devised measure 1 5
Medications and supplements Medications AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 3
Medications and supplements Medications ATP-MedS = ATP devised - Medication and Supplement Item set 1 1
Medications and supplements Medications ATP-PB = ATP devised - Pregnancy and Birth Item set 1 4
Medications and supplements Medications BB-APU = BB devised - Antibiotic and Probiotic Use measure 1 12
Medications and supplements Medications BBB-MS = Triple B devised - Medication and Supplement Item set 1 3
Medications and supplements Medications BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 2 25
Medications and supplements Medications CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 11
Medications and supplements Medications COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Medications COSI BAIR = COVID-19 Specific vaccine and heterologous Immunity in the Melbourne infant study of BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction devised measure 1 2
Medications and supplements Medications CRISIS-DB-SU = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Daily Behaviours: Substance Use 2 7
Medications and supplements Medications CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener 5 11
Medications and supplements Medications HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Medications ISAAC = International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children 4 19
Medications and supplements Medications LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Medications MIHD = Monthly Infant Health Diary 1 5
Medications and supplements Medications MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 14
Medications and supplements Medications NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 2
Medications and supplements Medications PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 4
Medications and supplements Medications PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index 2 4
Medications and supplements Medications SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Medications VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Medications and supplements Medications VAHCS-SU = VAHCS devised - Substance Use measure 1 10
Medications and supplements Medications VCh-POH = VicCHILD devised - Pregnancy and Obstetric History Item set 1 1
Medications and supplements Medications VIHCS = Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Medications VIT-MS = VITALITY devised - Medications and Supplements Item set 1 4
Medications and supplements Probiotics BB-APU = BB devised - Antibiotic and Probiotic Use measure 1 12
Medications and supplements Probiotics MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 3
Medications and supplements Probiotics PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 3
Medications and supplements Probiotics VIT-MS = VITALITY devised - Medications and Supplements Item set 1 4
Medications and supplements Supplements AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 3
Medications and supplements Supplements ATP-MedS = ATP devised - Medication and Supplement Item set 1 1
Medications and supplements Supplements BBB-MS = Triple B devised - Medication and Supplement Item set 1 3
Medications and supplements Supplements BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 13
Medications and supplements Supplements B-R = Birth Records 1 1
Medications and supplements Supplements LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Supplements MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 13
Medications and supplements Supplements NCS = National Children's Study-devised measure 1 2
Medications and supplements Supplements PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 6
Medications and supplements Supplements SNuts = SchoolNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Medications and supplements Supplements VIT-MS = VITALITY devised - Medications and Supplements Item set 1 4
Medications and supplements Topical skin treatments BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 8
Medications and supplements Topical skin treatments VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Abusive behaviour CAS = Composite Abuse Scale 3 9
Mental health and behaviour problems Abusive behaviour MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Adjustment disorder MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Adjustment disorder MINI-KID-V = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module V - Adjustment Disorders 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour ABC = Antisocial Behaviour Checklist 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour AG-Q = Aggression Questionnaire 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent 2 11
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher 2 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire 1 7
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour PrBQ = Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire 2 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour RPQ = Reactive–Proactive Aggression Questionnaire 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour SRED = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Aggressive behaviour SRED-SF = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument: Short Form 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour ABC = Antisocial Behaviour Checklist 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour ATP-ASB = ATP devised - Antisocial Behaviour Item Set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour ATP-DPA = ATP devised - Deviant Peer Affiliations Item Set 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour ATP-SF = ATP devised - School Functioning Item Set 2 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour ICC-MH = ICC devised - Mental Health Item set 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 14
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour IYDS-AB = IYDS devised - Antisocial Behaviour Item set 1 13
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour IYDS-ATAB = IYDS devised - Attitudes Towards Antosocial Behaviour 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour IYDS-FHAB = IYDS devised - Family History of Antisocial Behaviour Item set 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour SRDDU = Self Reported Delinquency and Drug Use 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour SRED = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour SRED-SF = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument: Short Form 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour SSCP-EIAB = SSCP devised - Early Initiation of Antisocial Behaviour Item set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour SSDP-DPII = SSDP devised - Deviant Peer Involvement and Interaction Scale 1 12
Mental health and behaviour problems Antisocial behaviour VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 2 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire 1 7
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety CCWS = Climate Change Worry Scale 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety CIDI-SF-GAD = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Generalized Anxiety Disorder 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety CRISIS-E = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Emotions/Worries 7 25
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety DASS21 = Depression Anxiety Stress Scale: Short Form 8 43
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety ELVS-AP = ELVS devised - Anxiety Problems measure 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety FAQLQ-PF = Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire: Parent Form 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety GAD-7 = Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 2 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety GHQ = General Health Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety Kessler-K10 = The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale - K10 version 3 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety Kessler-K6 = The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale - K6 version 9 39
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety MINI-KID-U = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module U - Generalized Anxiety Disorder 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 13
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety PBQ = Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety PrBQ = Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire 2 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety RCMAS = Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety SCARED-b = Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (brief) 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) 5 19
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety SCAS:b = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale: Brief 4 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Anxiety WMH-CIDI-GAD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Generalized Anxiety Disorder section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour AAQ = Adult Attachment Questionnaire 3 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour BFQ = Berndt Friendship Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour ICC-PIB = ICC devised - Parent-Infant Bonding Item set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour IPPA = Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment 2 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour KDC = Kindergarten Development Check 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour MAAS = Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale 2 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour MBQS = Mini-Maternal Behaviour Q-Sort 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour MFAS = Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale 2 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour MIBS = Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour MPAS = Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale 2 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour PAAS = Paternal Antenatal Attachment Scale 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour PBQ = Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour PIML = People In My Life 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour PPAS = Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scale 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour RSQ = Relationship Scales Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour SPS-A = Social Provision Scale: Adapted 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour SSDP-AF = SSDP devised - Attachment to Father Item set 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour SSDP-AM = SSDP devised - Attachment to Mother Item set 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Attachment behaviour SSP = Strange Situation Procedure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Conduct disorder ATP-ASB = ATP devised - Antisocial Behaviour Item Set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Conduct disorder BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Conduct disorder CDRS = Conduct Rating Scale 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Conduct disorder DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Conduct disorder DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Conduct disorder MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Conduct disorder RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Conduct disorder SDQ = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire 17 81
Mental health and behaviour problems Conduct disorder WMH-CIDI-CD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Conduct Disorder section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Criminal behaviour ATP-ASB = ATP devised - Antisocial Behaviour Item Set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Criminal behaviour ATP-CP = ATP devised - Crime Perpetration Item set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Criminal behaviour SSCP-EIAB = SSCP devised - Early Initiation of Antisocial Behaviour Item set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Cruel behaviour RAS = Relational Aggression Scale 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Defiant behaviour BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Defiant behaviour BITSEA = Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment 2 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Defiant behaviour C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher 2 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Defiant behaviour DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Defiant behaviour DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Defiant behaviour MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Defiant behaviour MINI-KID-Q = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module Q - Oppositional Defiant Disorder 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Defiant behaviour WMH-CIDI-ODD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Oppositional-Defiant Disorder section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour ATP-RT = ATP devised - Risk-Taking Item Set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour ATP-SF = ATP devised - School Functioning Item Set 2 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour IYDS-LNDU = IYDS devised - Laws and Norms Favorable to Drug Use Item set 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour IYDS-SD = IYDS devised - School Discipline Item set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour PEI-Reb = Personal Experiences Inventory - Rebelliousness Item set 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour SRDDU = Self Reported Delinquency and Drug Use 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour SRED = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour SRED-SF = Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument: Short Form 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour SSCP-PR = SSCP devised - Peer Rewards Item set 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour SSDP-SPSS = SSDP devised - Social Problem Solving Skills Item set 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Delinquent behaviour VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 2 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression ATP-D = ATP devised - Depression Item Set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire 1 7
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression CESD-R = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale - Revised 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression CIDI-v2.1-DDD = Composite International Diagnostic Interview - Core version 2.1-Depressive and dysthymic disorders 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression DASS21 = Depression Anxiety Stress Scale: Short Form 8 43
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression EPDS = Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale 6 30
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression GHQ = General Health Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression GHQ-12 = General Health Questionnaire - 12 item version 2 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression IYDS-PD = IYDS devised - Psychological Distress Item set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression Kessler-K10 = The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale - K10 version 3 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression Kessler-K6 = The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale - K6 version 9 39
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression MINI-KID-A = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module A - Major Depressive Disorder 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression MINI-KID-C = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module C - Dysthymia 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 13
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression PHQ-2 = Patient Health Questionnaire-2 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire-9 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression PHQ-A = Patient Health Questionnaire-9 modified for Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression PrBQ = Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire 2 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression SMFQ = Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire 6 25
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression SSM = Social Solidarity Measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Depression WMH-CIDI-MD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Major Depression section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Dissociative disorder AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention ATP-D = ATP devised - Depression Item Set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention ATP-RBPC = ATP devised - Revised Behaviour Problem Checklist Item set 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent 2 11
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher 2 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire 1 7
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Disturbance of attention WMH-CIDI-ADHD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder ADS = Adolescent Dieting Scale 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder ATP-DE = ATP devised - Disordered Eating Item Set 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder BET = Branched Eating Disorder Test 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder ChEDE-Q8 = Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire for Children - Short Form 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder EBI = Eating Behaviours Inventory 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder EDI = Eating Disorder Inventory 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder EDYQ = Eating Disturbance in Youth Questionnaire 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder KEDS = Kids' Eating Disorders Survey 2 10
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder MINI-KID-S = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module S - Anorexia Nervosa 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder MINI-KID-T = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module T - Bulimia Nervosa 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder SCOFF = SCOFF Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder VAHCS-DDE = VAHCS devised - Dieting and Disordered Eating measure 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Eating disorder WMH-CIDI-ED = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Eating Disorders section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional adjustment ATP-EC = ATP devised - Emotional Control Item set 2 9
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional adjustment BITSEA = Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment 2 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional adjustment BRIEF = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional adjustment BRIEF-2 = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional adjustment CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional adjustment EAS = EAS Temperament Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional adjustment SATI = School Aged Temperament Inventory 5 11
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional adjustment SUEIT = Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems ARI = Affective Reactivity Index 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems BITSEA = Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment 2 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems CRISIS-E = CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey - Emotions/Worries 7 25
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems EDI = Eating Disorder Inventory 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems EQ-5D-3L = EuroQol 5 Dimensions (3 level version) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems EQ-5D-5L = EuroQol 5 Dimensions 2 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems GenV-FR = GenV devised - Family Relationships Item Set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems ICC-MH = ICC devised - Mental Health Item set 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems IYDS = International Youth Development Study-devised measure 1 14
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems MGMQ = Matthey Generic Mood Question 1 9
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems MHI-5 = Mental Health Inventory - 5 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems PedsQL 4.0 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 Generic Core Scales 9 41
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems PedsQL 4.0 SF15 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 SF15 Generic Core Scales 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems PedsQL-IS = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – Infant Scales 2 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems SDQ = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire 17 81
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems SF-12 = Short Form 12-item Health Survey 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems SF-36v2 = Short Form 36-item Health Survey: Version 2 1 9
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems SMU = Sizing Me Up measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Emotional problems STU = Sizing Them Up measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Excessive crying of infant B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Excessive crying of infant BB-SDICF = BB devised - Study Diary of Infant Crying and Fussing 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Excessive crying of infant BBus-EC = Baby Business devised - Excessive Crying Item set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Excessive crying of infant HNuts = HealthNuts Study-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Excessive crying of infant I-GERQ-R = Infant Gastroesophageal Reflux Questionnaire - Revised 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Excessive crying of infant MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Fear of injury SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) 5 19
Mental health and behaviour problems Fussy infant B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Fussy infant BBus = Baby Business Study-devised measure 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Fussy infant BBus-EC = Baby Business devised - Excessive Crying Item set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Fussy infant STST = Short Temperament Scale for Toddlers 4 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour ADHD-RS-IV = ADHD Rating Scale-4 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour ADHD-RS-V = ADHD Rating Scale-5 2 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent 2 11
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher 2 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire 1 7
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour EAS = EAS Temperament Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour PrBQ = Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire 2 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour RITQ = Revised Infant Temperament Questionnaire 2 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour SATI = School Aged Temperament Inventory 5 11
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour SDQ = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire 17 81
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System 3 12
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour SSRS = Social Skills Rating System 1 14
Mental health and behaviour problems Hyperactive behaviour STST = Short Temperament Scale for Toddlers 4 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Involved in legal proceedings ATP-CWC = ATP devised - Contact With Courts Item Set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Involved in legal proceedings IYDS-IPC = IYDS devised - Involvement with Police and Courts Item set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Involved with police IYDS-IPC = IYDS devised - Involvement with Police and Courts Item set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Loneliness TILS = Three Item Loneliness Scale 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Loneliness ULS-8 = UCLA Loneliness Scale: Short Form 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Mania DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Mania MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Mania MINI-KID-D = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module D - Mania and Bipolar Disorder 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Mania WMH-CIDI-M = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Mania section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Mental illness CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Mental illness ELVS-MHD = ELVS devised - Mental Health Diagnoses measure 2 10
Mental health and behaviour problems Mental illness GAD-7 = Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Mental illness IYDS-MHD = IYDS devised - Mental Health Diagnosis Item set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Mental illness SMFQ = Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Obsessive compulsive behaviour CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Obsessive compulsive behaviour DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Obsessive compulsive behaviour DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Obsessive compulsive behaviour MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Obsessive compulsive behaviour MINI-KID-J = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module J - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Obsessive compulsive behaviour NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Obsessive compulsive behaviour SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) 5 19
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack CIDI-Auto-PA = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Computerized version - Panic Attack 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack CIDI-SF-PA = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Panic Attack 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack MINI-KID-E = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module E - Panic Disorder 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) 5 19
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack SCAS:b = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale: Brief 4 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Panic attack WMH-CIDI-PaD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Panic Disorder section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Personality disorder SAP = Standardized Assessment of Personality 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder ADHD-RS-IV = ADHD Rating Scale-4 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder ADHD-RS-V = ADHD Rating Scale-5 2 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder BITSEA = Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment 2 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent 2 11
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher 2 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder CAP = Children’s Attention Project-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder ELVS-DD = ELVS devised - Developmental Diagnoses measure 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder MINI-KID-W = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module W - Pervasive Developmental Disorder 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder PETS = The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder SCQ = Social Communication Questionnaire 5 12
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System 3 12
Mental health and behaviour problems Pervasive developmental disorder SSRS = Social Skills Rating System 1 14
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia CIDI-SF-AG = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Agoraphobia 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia CIDI-SF-SiP = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Simple Phobia 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia MINI-KID-F = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module F - Agoraphobia 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia MINI-KID-I = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module I - Specific Phobia 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Phobia WMH-CIDI-A = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Agoraphobia section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Postpartum depression CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Postpartum depression LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Postpartum depression MIBS = Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Posttraumatic stress disorder DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Posttraumatic stress disorder DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Posttraumatic stress disorder MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Posttraumatic stress disorder NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Posttraumatic stress disorder PCL = PTSD Checklist 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Posttraumatic stress disorder WMH-CIDI-PTSD = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour ATP-BP = ATP devised - Behaviour Problem Item Set 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour ATP-IB = ATP devised - Infant Behaviour measure 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour BCL = Behaviour Checklist 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour CBQ = Child Behaviour Questionnaire 1 7
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour CRQ-a = Child Rearing Questionnare, adapted 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour ELVS-PB = ELVS devised - Problem Behaviour measure 2 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour HN-RTB = HealthNuts devised - Food Allergy Risk-Taking Behaviour Item set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour ICC-CB = ICC devised - Child Behaviour Item set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour SEHQ = School Entrant Health Questionnaire 4 7
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour SSDP-SSD = SSDP devised - Sensation Seeking and Disinhibition Scale 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System 3 12
Mental health and behaviour problems Problem behaviour SSRS = Social Skills Rating System 1 14
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychomotor agitation RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosis AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosis APSS = Adolescent Psychotic-Like Symptom Screener 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosis CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosis DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosis MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosis MINI-KID-R = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module R - Psychotic Disorders 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosis RBPC = Revised Behavior Problem Checklist 1 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning AEDC = Australian Early Development Census 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning AQoL-4D = Assessment of Quality of Life-4D 2 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning AQoL-6D = Assessment of Quality of Life-6D 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning AQoL-8D = Assessment of Quality of Life-8D 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning ARQ-R = Adolescence Resilience Questionnaire: Revised 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning ATP-IPC = ATP devised - Intimate Partner Characteristic Item set 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning CHU9D = Child Health Utility 9D 4 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning DSN-a = Dependence on Social Networking, adapted 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning GHQ-12 = General Health Questionnaire - 12 item version 2 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning ICC-PD = ICC devised - Positive Development Item set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning PedsQL 4.0 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 Generic Core Scales 9 41
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning PedsQL 4.0 SF15 = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 4.0 SF15 Generic Core Scales 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning PSI-SF = Parenting Stress Index: Short Form 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning RITQ = Revised Infant Temperament Questionnaire 2 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning SDQ = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire 17 81
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning SF-12 = Short Form 12-item Health Survey 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning SF-36v2 = Short Form 36-item Health Survey: Version 2 1 9
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning SMU = Sizing Me Up measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning SSM = Social Solidarity Measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning SUEIT = Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning ULS-8 = UCLA Loneliness Scale: Short Form 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Psychosocial functioning WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life: Abbreviated version 2 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Schizophrenia DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Seen by psychologist VCh-HSU = VicCHILD devised - Health Service Use Item set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Self-harm ASB = Adolescent Suicidal Behaviours measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Self-harm CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 7
Mental health and behaviour problems Self-harm DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Self-harm SSI = Scale for Suicidal Ideation 1 9
Mental health and behaviour problems Self-harm VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Self-harm VAHCS-HHP = VAHCS devised - Health and Health Problems measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Self-harm VAHS-SH = VAHS devised - Self Harm Item set 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Separation anxiety DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Separation anxiety DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Separation anxiety MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Separation anxiety MINI-KID-G = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module G - Separation Anxiety Disorder 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Separation anxiety SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) 5 19
Mental health and behaviour problems Separation anxiety SCAS:b = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale: Brief 4 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Separation anxiety WMH-CIDI-SA = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Separation Anxiety Disorder section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour Bayley-III = Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition 2 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour CASPE-D = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire: Module D - Social Experience 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour CELF-4 = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fourth Edition 3 9
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour CYRM-R = Child Youth Resilience Measure-Revised 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour DFSA-A = Digital Flourishing Scale for Adolescents: Adapted 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour EAS = EAS Temperament Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour IYDS-SC = IYDS devised - Social Competence measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour IYDS-SS = IYDS devised - Socialising and Sporting Item set 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour SATI = School Aged Temperament Inventory 5 11
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour SBQ = Social Behaviour Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour SSDP-SPSS = SSDP devised - Social Problem Solving Skills Item set 1 5
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System 3 12
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour SSIS-SS = Social Skills Improvement System - Social Skills 2 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour SSRS = Social Skills Rating System 1 14
Mental health and behaviour problems Social behaviour W-MS = Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social phobia CIDI-SF-SoP = Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Short Form - Social Phobia 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Social phobia DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Social phobia DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Social phobia MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social phobia MINI-KID-H = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents: Module H - Social Phobia 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Social phobia NSMHW = National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Social phobia SCAS = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (Parent and child report) 5 19
Mental health and behaviour problems Social phobia SCAS:b = Spence Children's Anxiety Scale: Brief 4 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Social phobia WMH-CIDI-SoP = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Social Phobia section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Somatic syndrome BASC-3 = Behavior Assessment System for Children: Third Edition 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Somatic syndrome CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Somatic syndrome CBCL:1½ – 5 = Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½ – 5 3 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Somatic syndrome CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised 2 8
Mental health and behaviour problems Somatic syndrome GHQ = General Health Questionnaire 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Somatic syndrome SCL-90-R-S = Symptoms Checklist-90-Revised - Somatization 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Stress APMS-JDC = Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey-devised - Job Demand and Control measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Stress ATP-S = ATP devised - Stress measure 1 11
Mental health and behaviour problems Stress DASS21 = Depression Anxiety Stress Scale: Short Form 8 43
Mental health and behaviour problems Stress IYDS-ASC = IYDS devised - Adaptive Stress and Coping Item set 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Stress MYPS = Mothers' and Young People's Study-devised measure 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Stress PSS = Perceived Stress Scale 3 9
Mental health and behaviour problems Stress SSSI = Social Support and Stress Interview 1 6
Mental health and behaviour problems Suicidal thoughts CATS = Child to Adult Transition Study-devised measure 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Suicidal thoughts MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Suicidal thoughts PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire-9 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Suicidal thoughts PHQ-A = Patient Health Questionnaire-9 modified for Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Suicidal thoughts SSI = Scale for Suicidal Ideation 1 9
Mental health and behaviour problems Suicidal thoughts WMH-CIDI-Su = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Suicidality section 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Tics DAWBA (11-17) = Development and Well-Being Assessment (11-17) 1 3
Mental health and behaviour problems Tics DISC-IV = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: Version IV 1 4
Mental health and behaviour problems Tics MINI-KID = Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Victim of sexual abuse ICC-CSA = ICC devised - Childhood Sexual Abuse Item set 1 1
Mental health and behaviour problems Victim of sexual abuse OWHSAS-CSA = Otago Women's Health Survey Abuse Study - Childhood Sexual Abuse 1 2
Mental health and behaviour problems Violent behaviour SSDP-AD = SSDP devised - Aggressive Delinquency Item 1 8
Methodology Compliance behaviour to treatment B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 4
Methodology Compliance behaviour to treatment VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 8
Methodology Consent for participation ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 2
Methodology Eligibility for trial MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 5
Methodology Eligibility for trial r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 1
Methodology Honesty in survey response IYDS-HSR = IYDS devised - Honesty in Survey Response Item set 1 11
Methodology Incidental unblinding M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure 1 3
Methodology Incidental unblinding r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 14
Methodology Intervention acceptability r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 6
Methodology Non-respondent information MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 3
Methodology Non-respondent information VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Methodology Randomisation VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 1
Methodology Respondent information ATP-ID = ATP devised - Identifiers Item Set 1 10
Methodology Respondent information ELVS-RI = ELVS devised - Respondent Information measure 1 7
Methodology Respondent information SV-RI = Study Version - Respondent Information measure 15 56
Methodology Treatment given B-B = Baby Biotics Study-devised measure 1 1
Methodology Treatment given VAHCS-In = VAHCS devised - Injuries measure 1 2
Methodology Treatment given VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 2
Methodology Vaccination given BNT162b2-VA = BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine administration protocol 1 2
Methodology Withdrawal from trial MIS BAIR = The Melbourne Infant Study: BCG for Allergy and Infection Reduction Study-devised measure 1 2
Miscellaneous Ability to drive ATP-DH = ATP devised - Driving History Item set 1 3
Miscellaneous Ability to drive ATP-DRV = ATP devised - Driving Item Set 1 6
Miscellaneous Gambling ATP-GMB = ATP devised - Gambling Item Set 1 2
Miscellaneous Gambling IYDS-G = IYDS devised - Gambling Item set 1 2
Miscellaneous Gambling LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Miscellaneous Gambling NODS-CLiP2 = National Opinion Research Centre (NORC) Diagnostic Screen for Gambling Disorders (5-item) 1 2
Miscellaneous Gambling PGSI = Problem Gambling Severity Index 1 2
Miscellaneous Gambling WMH-CIDI-PG = World Health Organization, Composite International Diagnostic Interview: World Mental Health Initiative version - Pathological Gambling section 1 2
Miscellaneous Has access to weapon NHPSSHA-AW = NHPSSHA devised - Availability of Weapons Item 1 6
Miscellaneous Managing personal finances ABS-HES = Australian Bureau of Statistics: Household Expenditure Survey 1 2
Miscellaneous Managing personal finances VAHCS = Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure 1 1
Miscellaneous Religiousness BBB-S = Triple B devised - Spirituality Item set 1 6
Miscellaneous Religiousness FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Miscellaneous Religiousness MTF-R = MTF devised - Religiosity Item set 1 8
Miscellaneous Religiousness VAHCS-R = VAHCS devised - Religion measure 1 6
Miscellaneous Sucking behaviour ELVS-SB = ELVS devised - Sucking Behaviour measure 1 2
Miscellaneous Toilet trained BBB-TT = Triple B devised - Toilet Training Item set 1 1
Miscellaneous Toilet trained BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 2
Neurocognitive development Ability to imitate MCDI-WG = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Gestures 1 2
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning BBB-LNS = Triple B devised - Literacy and Numeracy Skills Item set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning HILDA-FLN = HILDA devised - Functional Literacy and Numeracy measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning KDC = Kindergarten Development Check 1 3
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning LSAC-ARS = LSAC devised - Academic Rating Scale 3 5
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning SeDQ = Self-Description Questionnaire 1 2
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning WIAT-III = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition 1 2
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning WISC-V = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fifth edition 2 2
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning WISC-V-FW = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fifth edition - Figure Weights 1 1
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning WRAT4 = Wide Range Achievement Test 4 4 12
Neurocognitive development Arithmetic reasoning WRAT5 = Wide Range Achievement Test 5 1 1
Neurocognitive development Assessment of needs CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener 5 11
Neurocognitive development Attention ADHD-RS-IV = ADHD Rating Scale-4 1 6
Neurocognitive development Attention ADHD-RS-V = ADHD Rating Scale-5 2 3
Neurocognitive development Attention CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales 1 5
Neurocognitive development Attention CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised 2 8
Neurocognitive development Attention CVLT-C = California Verbal Learning Test - Children's Version 1 1
Neurocognitive development Attention GRIT = Grit Scale 1 3
Neurocognitive development Attention L-T = Landmark Task 1 4
Neurocognitive development Attention SART = Sustained Attention to Response Task 1 4
Neurocognitive development Attention SST = Set Shifting Task 1 3
Neurocognitive development Attention STST = Short Temperament Scale for Toddlers 4 6
Neurocognitive development Attention TEA-Ch = Test of Everyday Attention for Children 1 1
Neurocognitive development Attention TEA-Ch-2-J = Tests of Everyday Attention for Children (Junior), Second Edition 1 1
Neurocognitive development Child development status ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Child development status ASQ:SE-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social-Emotional, Second edition 1 2
Neurocognitive development Child development status ASQ-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Second edition 1 1
Neurocognitive development Child development status ASQ-3 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Third edition 2 4
Neurocognitive development Child development status COBRA = Childhood Overweight BioRepository of Australia Study-devised measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Child development status FPS = Family Psychosocial Screening Questionnaire 1 8
Neurocognitive development Child development status GenV-DC = GenV devised - Developmental Concerns Item Set 1 2
Neurocognitive development Child development status ICC-BDH = ICC devised - Birth & Developmental History Item set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Child development status ICC-PD = ICC devised - Positive Development Item set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Child development status M-M = Memory Maestros Study-devised measure 1 2
Neurocognitive development Child development status PEDS = Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status 2 6
Neurocognitive development Child development status SSLM = Sure Start Language Measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Child development status VIT = Primary prevention of infant food allergy: VITALITY Trial-devised measure 1 3
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions AEDC = Australian Early Development Census 3 3
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions AHS-Pro = Adolescent Health Survey: DSM-III-R Prodromal section 1 1
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions AnB = The A-not-B task 1 1
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions Bayley-III = Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition 2 3
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions CASPE = COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom and Psychological Experience Questionnaire 1 1
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions CCC-2 = Children’s Communication Checklist - Second Edition 3 11
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions Cogmed = Cogmed Working Memory Training Program 1 1
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions KDC = Kindergarten Development Check 1 3
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions PARCA = Parent Report of Children's Abilities 1 1
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions PedsQL 2.0-FIM = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – 2.0 - Family Impact Module 2 8
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions PedsQL 3.0-MFS = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – Multidimensional Fatigue Scale 1 1
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions PedsQL-IS = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – Infant Scales 2 2
Neurocognitive development Cognitive functions TOPF = Test of Premorbid Functioning 1 4
Neurocognitive development Communicates with gestures CSBS-DP-ITC = Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile Infant-Toddler Checklist 5 7
Neurocognitive development Communicates with gestures MCDI-WG = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Gestures 1 2
Neurocognitive development Communicates with gestures VCh-C = VicCHILD devised - Communication Item set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Communication skills AEDC = Australian Early Development Census 3 3
Neurocognitive development Communication skills ASQ-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Second edition 1 1
Neurocognitive development Communication skills ASQ-3 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Third edition 2 4
Neurocognitive development Communication skills CCC-2 = Children’s Communication Checklist - Second Edition 3 11
Neurocognitive development Communication skills CSBS-DP-ITC = Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile Infant-Toddler Checklist 5 7
Neurocognitive development Communication skills ELVS-CS = ELVS devised - Communication Skills measure 1 3
Neurocognitive development Communication skills GenV-LSC = GenV devised - Language, Speech and Communication Item Set 1 2
Neurocognitive development Communication skills KDC = Kindergarten Development Check 1 3
Neurocognitive development Communication skills SCQ = Social Communication Questionnaire 5 12
Neurocognitive development Communication skills SSIS = Social Skills Improvement System 3 12
Neurocognitive development Communication skills SSRS = Social Skills Rating System 1 14
Neurocognitive development Communication skills VCh = Victorian Childhood Hearing Impairment Longitudinal Databank-devised measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Communication skills VCh-C = VicCHILD devised - Communication Item set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Developmental screening CSHCNS = Children with Special Health Care Needs screener 5 11
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions ASQ-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Second edition 1 1
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions ASQ-3 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Third edition 2 4
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions AWMA = Automated Working Memory Assessment 1 3
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions BRIEF = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function 1 2
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions BRIEF-2 = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition 3 3
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent 2 11
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher 2 6
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions CHEXI = Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory 2 3
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions CNT = Contingency Naming Test 1 1
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions FTII = Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence 1 1
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions LSAC-ARS = LSAC devised - Academic Rating Scale 3 5
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions N-Back = Spatial N-Back test 1 4
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions NIHTCB-DCCST = National Institutes of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery: Dimensional Change Card Sort Test 3 3
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions NIHTCB-FICAT = National Institutes of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery: Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test 4 5
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions SST = Set Shifting Task 1 3
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions STOP-IT = The Stop Signal Paradigm 1 4
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions TEA-Ch = Test of Everyday Attention for Children 1 1
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions WASI-II = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence: Second Edition 2 2
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions WASI-II-MR = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence: Second Edition - Matrix Reasoning 3 6
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions WASI-MR = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence - Matrix Reasoning 1 1
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions WMTB-C = Working Memory Test Battery for Children 2 2
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions WNV:4-7 = Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability, 4:00-7:11 1 1
Neurocognitive development Executive cognitive functions WNV:8-21 = Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability, 8:00-21:11 1 1
Neurocognitive development Family history of learning disability VCh-FHC = VicCHILD devised - Family History of Condition Item set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Intellectual disability ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Intelligence AEDC = Australian Early Development Census 3 3
Neurocognitive development Intelligence FTII = Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence 1 1
Neurocognitive development Intelligence KBIT-2 = Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test: Second Edition 1 1
Neurocognitive development Intelligence MHVS = Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale 2 5
Neurocognitive development Intelligence TOPF = Test of Premorbid Functioning 1 4
Neurocognitive development Intelligence WASI-II = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence: Second Edition 2 2
Neurocognitive development Language development ATP-PLD = ATP devised - Physical and Language Development Item Set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Language development Bayley-III = Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition 2 3
Neurocognitive development Language development CNRep = Children's Test of Nonword Repetition 3 4
Neurocognitive development Language development CSBS-DP-ITC = Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile Infant-Toddler Checklist 5 7
Neurocognitive development Language development GenV-LSC = GenV devised - Language, Speech and Communication Item Set 1 2
Neurocognitive development Language development LSAC = Longitudinal Study of Australian Children-devised measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Language development LSAC-EL = LSAC devised - Early Language Item Set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Language development MCDI-III = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories, Third Edition 1 1
Neurocognitive development Language development MCDI-UKSF = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory, UK Short Form 1 1
Neurocognitive development Language development MCDI-WG = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Gestures 1 2
Neurocognitive development Language development MCDI-WS = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Sentences 2 2
Neurocognitive development Language development r@h = right@home Study-devised measure 1 3
Neurocognitive development Language development RBS = Renfrew Bus Story 1 1
Neurocognitive development Language development SEAPART = School Entry Alphabetic and Phonological Awareness Readiness Test 1 2
Neurocognitive development Language development SSLM = Sure Start Language Measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Learning disability ART = Review of the health of adults conceived with and without Assisted Reproductive Technologies Study-devised measure 1 2
Neurocognitive development Learning disability C3AI-P = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Parent 2 11
Neurocognitive development Learning disability C3AI-T = Conners' 3rd edition ADHD Index: Teacher 2 6
Neurocognitive development Memory AnB = The A-not-B task 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory BRIEF = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function 1 2
Neurocognitive development Memory BRIEF-2 = Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition 3 3
Neurocognitive development Memory CAARS = Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales 1 5
Neurocognitive development Memory CHEXI = Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory 2 3
Neurocognitive development Memory CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised 2 8
Neurocognitive development Memory CNRep = Children's Test of Nonword Repetition 3 4
Neurocognitive development Memory CNT = Contingency Naming Test 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory CTOPP = Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory CTOPP-2 = Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing: Second Edition 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory CVLT-C = California Verbal Learning Test - Children's Version 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory ERRNI = Expression, Reception and Recall of Narrative Instrument 2 2
Neurocognitive development Memory NIHTCB-LSWMT = National Institutes of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery: List Sorting Working Memory Test 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory NIHTCB-PSMT = National Institutes of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery: Picture Sequence Memory Test 2 2
Neurocognitive development Memory WMTB-C = Working Memory Test Battery for Children 2 2
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment AWMA = Automated Working Memory Assessment 1 3
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment AWMA-BDR = Automated Working Memory Assessment - Backward Digit Recall 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment AWMA-SS = Automated Working Memory Assessment - Spatial Span 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment CELF-4 = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fourth Edition 3 9
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment CELF-4-RS = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fourth Edition - Recalling Sentences 2 2
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment CELF-5-RS = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fifth Edition - Recalling Sentences 2 4
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment Cogmed = Cogmed Working Memory Training Program 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment N-Back = Spatial N-Back test 1 4
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment TOPF = Test of Premorbid Functioning 1 4
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment WIAT-III = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition 1 2
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment WISC-IV-DS = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fourth edition - Digit Span 2 2
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment WISC-V = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fifth edition 2 2
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment WISC-V-DS = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fifth edition - Digit Span 1 1
Neurocognitive development Memory assessment WNV:8-21 = Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability, 8:00-21:11 1 1
Neurocognitive development Motor function AQUA = Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Study-devised measure 1 1
Neurocognitive development Motor function ASQ-2 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Second edition 1 1
Neurocognitive development Motor function ASQ-3 = Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Third edition 2 4
Neurocognitive development Motor function ATP-PLD = ATP devised - Physical and Language Development Item Set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Motor function Bayley-III = Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition 2 3
Neurocognitive development Motor function Beery VMI-6 = Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Sixth edition 2 2
Neurocognitive development Motor function BIS = Barwon Infant Study-devised measure 1 3
Neurocognitive development Motor function DCDQ'07 = Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire: 2007 1 1
Neurocognitive development Motor function GenV-MS = GenV devised - Motor skills Item set 1 1
Neurocognitive development Motor function GenV-MS-v = GenV devised - Motor skills (video assessment) 1 1
Neurocognitive development Motor function GPT = Grooved Pegboard Test 1 4
Neurocognitive development Motor function KDC = Kindergarten Development Check 1 3