VAHCS: Substance use
Featured measurements
: Alcohol Consumption Diary - CIDI-v2.1-A
: Composite International Diagnostic Interview - Core version 2.1-Disorders resulting from the use of alcohol - CIDI-v2.1-SRD
: Composite International Diagnostic Interview - Core version 2.1-Substance-related disorders - CIDI-Auto-AD
: Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Computerized version - Alcohol Dependence - CIDI-Auto-DD
: Composite International Diagnostic Interview: Computerized version - Drug Dependence - FTND
: Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence - ITC-V
: International Tobacco Control, 4 Country Vaping Survey - AIHW-NDSHS
: National Drug Strategy Household Survey, AIHW-devised - NSMHW
: National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2007) - SRED
: Self-Report Early Delinquency Instrument - VAHCS-PSU
: VAHCS devised - Parent Substance Use measure - VAHCS-PeSU
: VAHCS devised - Peer Substance Use measure - VAHCS-SU
: VAHCS devised - Substance Use measure - VAHCS
: Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study-devised measure
A VAHCS-adapted version of this measure was used
- B
= Biosample collected- BA
= Biosample analysis- G
= Grandparent(s) completed questionnaire- L
= Data linkage- N
= Nurse completed questionnaire- O
= Observation or direct assessment- Of
= Offspring completed questionnaire- P
= Parent/guardian completed questionnaire- Pe
= Peer completed questionnaire- R
= Records abstraction- S
= Self (primary participant) completed questionnaire- T
= Teacher completed questionnaire- X
= Other source- X F
= Pertains to father - X Fam
= Pertains to family - X G
= Pertains to grandparent(s) - X I
= Pertains to primary participant - X IP
= Pertains to partner - X M
= Pertains to mother - X O
= Pertains to offspring - X P
= Pertains to parent/guardian(s) - X Pe
= Pertains to peers - X Si
= Pertains to sibling(s) - X T
= Pertains to teacher(s) - X X
= Pertains to other reportees
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