- Abdominal circumference
- Anogenital distance
- Birth abdominal circumference
- Birth head circumference
- Birth length
- Birth weight
- BMI - Body mass index
- Body composition
- Head circumference
- Height
- Hip circumference
- Infant length
- Mid upper arm circumference
- Morphometric analysis
- Poor weight gain
- Skin-fold thickness
- Thigh circumference
- Waist circumference
- Weight
- Weight gain during pregnancy
- ATP-AN: ATP devised - Anthropometrics Item Set
- ATP-BDH: ATP devised - Birth & Developmental History Item Set
- ATP-H: ATP devised - Height measure
- ATP-PB: ATP devised - Pregnancy and Birth Item set
- ATP-PW: ATP devised - Pre-pregnancy Weight measure
- ATP-W: ATP devised - Weight measure
- BBB-H: Triple B devised - Height measure
- BBB-HC: Triple B devised - Child Head Circumference Item
- BBB-PW: Triple B devised - Pre-pregnancy Weight measure
- BBB-W: Triple B devised - Weight measure
- CM-3D: Craniofacial Morphometric 3D Imaging
- ELVS-BI: ELVS devised - Birth Information measure
- GenV-BD: GenV devised - Birth Details Item Set
- GenV-DI: Dysmorphism imaging - GenV protocol
- ICC-BDH: ICC devised - Birth & Developmental History Item set
- ISAK: International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry: Waist measurement protocol
- ISEBMI: International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index
- ISEBMI-B: International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index-B
- ISEBMI-H: International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index-H
- ISEBMI-W: International Standard for Evaluating Body Mass Index-W
- pQCT: Peripheral Quantitative Computerised Tomography
- VCh-BI: VicCHILD devised - Birth Information Item set
- VPDC: Victorian Perinatal Data Collection
- AQUA: Anthropometrics
- ART-CHART: Anthropometrics
- ART-IYAGS: Anthropometrics
- ATP: Anthropometrics
- ATPG3: Anthropometrics
- Baby Biotics: Anthropometrics
- BIS: Anthropometrics
- CAP and NICAP: Anthropometrics
- CATS: Anthropometrics
- CheckPoint-LSAC: Anthropometrics
- COBRA: Anthropometrics
- ELVS: Anthropometrics
- GenV: Anthropometrics
- HealthNuts: Anthropometrics
- ICC: Anthropometrics
- IYDS: Anthropometrics
- Memory Maestros: Anthropometrics
- MIS BAIR: Anthropometrics
- MYPS: Anthropometrics
- PETS: Anthropometrics
- right@home: Anthropometrics
- SchoolNuts: Anthropometrics
- Triple B: Anthropometrics
- VAHCS: Anthropometrics
- VicCHILD: Anthropometrics
- VIHCS: Anthropometrics
- VITALITY: Anthropometrics