The Mothers’ and Young People’s Study (MYPS)

The Mothers’ and Young People’s Study (formerly known as Maternal Health Study) is a multi-wave, prospective cohort study investigating the health and well-being of over 1500 first-time mothers and their firstborn children. Women were recruited to the study from six Melbourne metropolitan hospitals between 2003-2005.In the early years of the study the main focus was on women’s health and recovery after childbirth. Women taking part in the study completed questionnaires and telephone interviews in early and late pregnancy, and at three, six, nine, 12 and 18 months postpartum, and when their first child was four and ten years of age. Over 800 women in the study have also been followed up after second and subsequent births.

Data have been collected on common maternal physical and psychological health problems, including incontinence, sexual health problems, depression, anxiety and intimate partner abuse, and on a range of child health and developmental outcomes. We have also collected information regarding the social context of women and children, and changing life circumstances as the children grow up.

In 2022, we will be commencing follow-up of mothers and young people as the study children turn 18 years old.

The study aims to improve understanding of social and obstetric factors influencing maternal and child health. The information collected is being used to inform policy and practice in maternity care, early childhood services and primary health care.

Year 2003-2005 2003-2005 2003-2006 2004-2007 2004-2007 2004-2007 2004-2006 2005-2008 2005 2006 2008-2011 2013 2013 2020-Ongoing
Wave 1 2 2a 3 4 5 6 7 8/11/13 9/12/14 10 15 15a 15b
Age 10-20 weeks gestation 30-32 weeks gestation Birth records abstraction 3 months postpartum 6 months postpartum 9 months postpartum 12 months postpartum 18 months postpartum 6 months postpartum (2nd/3rd/4th) 12 months postpartum (2nd/3rd/4th) 4 years postpartum 10 years postpartum 10 years postpartum 14 years postpartum
N 1507 1454 1454 1431 1400 1387 1357 1327 840 (second child) 214 (third child) 29 (fourth child) 840 (second child) 222 (third child) 32 (fourth child) 1102 952 mother (questionnaire completed) 615 mother-child pairs (site assessment) 1143 mother 1142 young people
RELEVANT LIFECOURSE DOMAINS Anthropometrics Anthropometrics Anthropometrics
Cardiovascular health
Community environment Community environment Community environment
Demographics Demographics Demographics
Education and childcare Education and childcare Education and childcare
Environmental exposures
Family environment Family environment Family environment
Health services Health services
Medications and supplements Medications and supplements Medications and supplements
Mental health and behaviour problems Mental health and behaviour problems
Neurocognitive development
Nutrition Nutrition
Other health information Other health information
Peer relationships
Physical activity Physical activity Physical activity Physical activity
Pregnancy and birth Pregnancy and birth Pregnancy and birth
Psychosocial wellbeing Psychosocial wellbeing Psychosocial wellbeing
Romantic relationships Romantic relationships
Screen and technology use
Sexual health and activity Sexual health and activity
Sleep Sleep
Speech and language
Substance use Substance use Substance use Substance use Substance use
Temperament and personality
Study Summary
Study name The Mothers’ and Young People’s Study
Study abbreviation MYPS
Current principal investigator/s Stephanie Brown
Current project manager

Deirdre Gartland

Primary Institution/s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute - MCRI
Collaborating Institution/s The University of Melbourne - UoM
Judith Lumley Centre
University of Birmingham
Major funding source/s National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC
VicHealth Public Health Research Fellowship
Medical Research and Technology in Victoria Fund
William Buckland Foundation
La Trobe University
Study website
Key reference for study Brown, S. J., Gartland, D., Woolhouse, H., Giallo, R., McDonald, E., Seymour, M., … & Mensah, F. (2021). The maternal health study: Study design update for a prospective cohort of first‐time mothers and their firstborn children from birth to age ten. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. doi: 10.1111/ppe.12757.
Study focus

Women’s physical and psychological health and recovery after childbirth

Sampling frame

Prospective pregnancy cohort of >1500 nulliparous women recruited in early pregnancy at six metropolitan public hospitals in Melbourne (April 2003 – December 2005)

Primary study type Longitudinal cohort
Primary participant (at recruitment) Mother
Year commenced


Is this study ongoing? Yes - the study is ongoing
Ongoing recruitment? No
Sample size (N)

1507 mothers

Survey data available? Yes
Imaging data available? No
Linkage to administrative dataset/s? No, no consent to link to administrative dataset(s) obtained
Biosamples available? No
Are data available to others outside study team, with appropriate safeguards and structures in line with the cohort’s ethics and governance processes? Yes
Are there any costs associated with data/sample access for approved requests? There are usually no costs associated with access
Broadest type of participant consent available Specific consent (can be used for this project only)


FitzPatrick KM, Brown S, Hegarty K, Mensah F, Gartland D. (2023). Visualising Patterns in Women's Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence in the First 10 years of Motherhood. J Interpers Violence, 38(3-4), 3055 - 3087. DOI: 10.1177/08862605221104518


FitzPatrick KM, Brown S, Hegarty K, Mensah F, Gartland D. (2022). Physical and Emotional Intimate Partner Violence and Women's Health in the First Year After Childbirth: An Australian Pregnancy Cohort Study. J Interpers Violence, 37(3-4), NP2147 - NP2176. DOI: 10.1177/0886260520934426

Gartland D, Hegarty K, Papadopoullos S, Brown S. (2022). Patterns of health service utilisation of mothers experiencing mental health problems and intimate partner violence: Ten-year follow-up of an Australian prospective mother and child cohort. PLoS One, 17(6), e0269626. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269626

Savopoulos P, Brown S, Anderson PJ, Gartland D, Bryant C, Giallo R. (2022). Intimate partner violence during infancy and cognitive outcomes in middle childhood: Results from an Australian community-based mother and child cohort study. Child Dev, 93(4), e396 - e411. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13736


Brown SJ, Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Giallo R, McDonald E, Seymour M, Conway L, FitzPatrick KM, Cook F, Papadopoullos S, MacArthur C, Hegarty K, Herrman H, Nicholson JM, Hiscock H, Mensah F. (2021). The maternal health study: Study design update for a prospective cohort of first-time mothers and their firstborn children from birth to age ten. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 35(5), 612 - 625. DOI: 10.1111/ppe.12757

Fogarty A, Giallo R, Gartland D, Mensah F, Brown S. (2021). Mothers’ and Young People’s Study Policy Brief #3: Young people’s experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. .

Fogarty A, Giallo R, Gartland D, Mensah F, Brown S. (2021). Mothers’ and Young People’s Study Policy Brief #4: Young people’s mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic .


Brown SJ, Conway LJ, FitzPatrick KM, Hegarty K, Mensah FK, Papadopoullos S, Woolhouse H, Giallo R, Gartland D. (2020). Physical and mental health of women exposed to intimate partner violence in the 10 years after having their first child: an Australian prospective cohort study of first-time mothers. BMJ Open, 10(12), e040891. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040891

Brown SJ, Mensah F, Giallo R, Woolhouse H, Hegarty K, Nicholson JM, Gartland D. (2020). Intimate partner violence and maternal mental health ten years after a first birth: An Australian prospective cohort study of first-time mothers. J Affect Disord, 262, 247 - 257. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.11.015

Cook F, Conway LJ, Giallo R, Gartland D, Sciberras E, Brown S. (2020). Infant sleep and child mental health: a longitudinal investigation. Arch Dis Child, 105(7), 655 - 660. DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318014


Fogarty A, Woolhouse H, Giallo R, Wood C, Kaufman J, Brown S. (2019). Promoting resilience and wellbeing in children exposed to intimate partner violence: A qualitative study with mothers. Child Abuse Negl, 95, 104039. DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.104039

Gartland D, Giallo R, Woolhouse H, Mensah F, Brown SJ. (2019). Intergenerational Impacts of Family Violence - Mothers and Children in a Large Prospective Pregnancy Cohort Study. EClinicalMedicine, 15, 51 - 61. DOI: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2019.08.008

McDonald EA, Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Brown SJ. (2019). Resumption of sex after a second birth: An Australian prospective cohort. Birth, 46(1), 173 - 181. DOI: 10.1111/birt.12363

Navodani T, Gartland D, Brown SJ, Riggs E, Yelland J. (2019). Common maternal health problems among Australian-born and migrant women: A prospective cohort study. PLoS One, 14(2), e0211685. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211685

Woolhouse H, Gartland D, Papadopoullos S, Mensah F, Hegarty K, Giallo R, Brown S. (2019). Psychotropic medication use and intimate partner violence at 4 years postpartum: Results from an Australian pregnancy cohort study. J Affect Disord, 251, 71 - 77. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.01.052


Giallo R, Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Mensah F, Westrupp E, Nicholson J, Brown S. (2018). Emotional–behavioral resilience among children of first-time mothers with and without depression across the early childhood period International Journal of Behavioral Development, 42(2), 214 - 224. DOI: 10.1177/0165025416687413


Giallo R, Pilkington P, McDonald E, Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Brown S. (2017). Physical, sexual and social health factors associated with the trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms from pregnancy to 4 years postpartum. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 52(7), 815 - 828. DOI: 10.1007/s00127-017-1387-8

McDonald E, Woolhouse H, Brown SJ. (2017). Sexual pleasure and emotional satisfaction in the first 18 months after childbirth. Midwifery, 55, 60 - 66. DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2017.09.002


Gartland D, MacArthur C, Woolhouse H, McDonald E, Brown SJ. (2016). Frequency, severity and risk factors for urinary and faecal incontinence at 4 years postpartum: a prospective cohort. BJOG, 123(7), 1203 - 1211. DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.13522

Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Giallo R, McDonald E, Hegarty K, Mensah F, Herrman H, Brown SJ. (2016). Vulnerability to intimate partner violence and poor mental health in the first 4-year postpartum among mothers reporting childhood abuse: an Australian pregnancy cohort study. Arch Womens Ment Health, 19(6), 1091 - 1100. DOI: 10.1007/s00737-016-0659-8

Giallo R, Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Brown S. (2016). "I didn't know it was possible to feel that tired": exploring the complex bidirectional associations between maternal depressive symptoms and fatigue in a prospective pregnancy cohort study. Arch Womens Ment Health, 19(1), 25 - 34. DOI: 10.1007/s00737-014-0494-8

McDonald EA, Gartland D, Small R, Brown SJ. (2016). Frequency, severity and persistence of postnatal dyspareunia to 18 months post partum: A cohort study. Midwifery, 34, 15 - 20. DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2016.01.012

Woolhouse H, Gartland D, Mensah F, Giallo R, Brown S. (2016). Maternal depression from pregnancy to 4 years postpartum and emotional/behavioural difficulties in children: results from a prospective pregnancy cohort study. Arch Womens Ment Health, 19(1), 141 - 151. DOI: 10.1007/s00737-015-0562-8

Woolhouse H, James J, Gartland D, McDonald E, Brown SJ. (2016). Maternal depressive symptoms at three months postpartum and breastfeeding rates at six months postpartum: Implications for primary care in a prospective cohort study of primiparous women in Australia. Women Birth, 29(4), 381 - 387. DOI: 10.1016/j.wombi.2016.05.008

Woolhouse H, Small R, Miller K, Brown SJ. (2016). Frequency of "Time for Self" Is a Significant Predictor of Postnatal Depressive Symptoms: Results from a Prospective Pregnancy Cohort Study. Birth, 43(1), 58 - 67. DOI: 10.1111/birt.12210


Brown S, Gartland D, Perlen S, McDonald E, MacArthur C. (2015). Consultation about urinary and faecal incontinence in the year after childbirth: a cohort study. BJOG, 122(7), 954 - 962. DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.12963

Brown S, Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Giallo R. (2015). Maternal Health Study Policy Brief No. 2: Health consequences of family violence .

Giallo R, Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Brown S. (2015). Differentiating maternal fatigue and depressive symptoms at six months and four years post partum: Considerations for assessment, diagnosis and intervention. Midwifery, 31(2), 316 - 322. DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2014.09.005

Giallo R, Woolhouse H, Gartland D, Hiscock H, Brown S. (2015). The emotional-behavioural functioning of children exposed to maternal depressive symptoms across pregnancy and early childhood: a prospective Australian pregnancy cohort study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 24(10), 1233 - 1244. DOI: 10.1007/s00787-014-0672-2

McDonald E, Woolhouse H, Brown SJ. (2015). Consultation about Sexual Health Issues in the Year after Childbirth: A Cohort Study. Birth, 42(4), 354 - 361. DOI: 10.1111/birt.12193

McDonald EA, Gartland D, Small R, Brown SJ. (2015). Dyspareunia and Childbirth Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 70(5), 319 - 320. DOI: 10.1097/01.ogx.0000466340.51108.12

McDonald EA, Gartland D, Small R, Brown SJ. (2015). Dyspareunia and childbirth: a prospective cohort study. BJOG, 122(5), 672 - 679. DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.13263

Woolhouse H, Gartland D, Mensah F, Brown SJ. (2015). Maternal depression from early pregnancy to 4 years postpartum in a prospective pregnancy cohort study: implications for primary health care. BJOG, 122(3), 312 - 321. DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.12837


Brown S, Woolhouse H. (2014). Maternal Health Study Policy Brief No. 1: Maternal depression .

Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Mensah FK, Hegarty K, Hiscock H, Brown SJ. (2014). The case for early intervention to reduce the impact of intimate partner abuse on child outcomes: results of an Australian cohort of first-time mothers. Birth, 41(4), 374 - 383. DOI: 10.1111/birt.12123

Woolhouse H, Gartland D, Perlen S, Donath S, Brown SJ. (2014). Physical health after childbirth and maternal depression in the first 12 months post partum: results of an Australian nulliparous pregnancy cohort study. Midwifery, 30(3), 378 - 384. DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2013.03.006

Woolhouse H, McDonald E, Brown SJ. (2014). Changes to sexual and intimate relationships in the postnatal period: women's experiences with health professionals. Aust J Prim Health, 20(3), 298 - 304. DOI: 10.1071/PY13001


McDonald EA, Brown SJ. (2013). Does method of birth make a difference to when women resume sex after childbirth? BJOG, 120(7), 823 - 830. DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.12166

Perlen S, Woolhouse H, Gartland D, Brown SJ. (2013). Maternal depression and physical health problems in early pregnancy: findings of an Australian nulliparous pregnancy cohort study. Midwifery, 29(3), 233 - 239. DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2012.01.005


Brown SJ, Gartland D, Donath S, MacArthur C. (2012). Fecal incontinence during the first 12 months postpartum: complex causal pathways and implications for clinical practice. Obstet Gynecol, 119(2 Pt 1), 240 - 249. DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e318242b1f7

Gartland D, Donath S, MacArthur C, Brown SJ. (2012). The onset, recurrence and associated obstetric risk factors for urinary incontinence in the first 18 months after a first birth: an Australian nulliparous cohort study. BJOG, 119(11), 1361 - 1369. DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2012.03437.x

Gartland D, Lansakara N, Flood M, Brown SJ. (2012). Assessing obstetric risk factors for maternal morbidity: congruity between medical records and mothers' reports of obstetric exposures. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 206(2), 152.e1 - 152.10. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2011.10.863

Woolhouse H, Gartland D, Hegarty K, Donath S, Brown SJ. (2012). Depressive symptoms and intimate partner violence in the 12 months after childbirth: a prospective pregnancy cohort study. BJOG, 119(3), 315 - 323. DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2011.03219.x

Woolhouse H, McDonald E, Brown S. (2012). Women's experiences of sex and intimacy after childbirth: making the adjustment to motherhood. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol, 33(4), 185 - 190. DOI: 10.3109/0167482X.2012.720314

Woolhouse H, Perlen S, Gartland D, Brown SJ. (2012). Physical health and recovery in the first 18 months postpartum: does cesarean section reduce long-term morbidity? Birth, 39(3), 221 - 229. DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-536X.2012.00551.x


Brown SJ, Gartland D, Donath S, MacArthur C. (2011). Effects of prolonged second stage, method of birth, timing of caesarean section and other obstetric risk factors on postnatal urinary incontinence: an Australian nulliparous cohort study. BJOG, 118(8), 991 - 1000. DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2011.02928.x

Gartland D, Hemphill SA, Hegarty K, Brown SJ. (2011). Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and the first year postpartum in an Australian pregnancy cohort study. Matern Child Health J, 15(5), 570 - 578. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-010-0638-z


Brown SJ, Donath S, MacArthur C, McDonald EA, Krastev AH. (2010). Urinary incontinence in nulliparous women before and during pregnancy: prevalence, incidence, and associated risk factors. Int Urogynecol J, 21(2), 193 - 202. DOI: 10.1007/s00192-009-1011-x

Gartland D, Brown S, Donath S, Perlen S. (2010). Women's health in early pregnancy: findings from an Australian nulliparous cohort study. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 50(5), 413 - 418. DOI: 10.1111/j.1479-828X.2010.01204.x

Lansakara N, Brown SJ, Gartland D. (2010). Birth outcomes, postpartum health and primary care contacts of immigrant mothers in an Australian nulliparous pregnancy cohort study. Matern Child Health J, 14(5), 807 - 816. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-009-0514-x

Yelland J, Sutherland G, Brown SJ. (2010). Postpartum anxiety, depression and social health: findings from a population-based survey of Australian women. BMC Public Health, 10, 771. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-771


Woolhouse H, Brown S, Krastev A, Perlen S, Gunn J. (2009). Seeking help for anxiety and depression after childbirth: results of the Maternal Health Study. Arch Womens Ment Health, 12(2), 75 - 83. DOI: 10.1007/s00737-009-0049-6


Brown SJ, McDonald EA, Krastev AH. (2008). Fear of an intimate partner and women's health in early pregnancy: findings from the Maternal Health Study. Birth, 35(4), 293 - 302. DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-536X.2008.00256.x


Brown SJ, Lumley JM, McDonald EA, Krastev AH, Maternal Health Study collaborative group . (2006). Maternal health study: a prospective cohort study of nulliparous women recruited in early pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 6, 12. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-6-12

Study Contacts
Principal investigator/s Stephanie Brown
Project manager

Deirdre Gartland

Study Contact

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 3 9936 6675
Address: Murdoch Children's Research Institute,
Royal Children’s Hospital
Flemington Road, Parkville
Victoria 3052 Australia