
PETS: The Peri/Post-natal Epigenetic Twins Study-devised

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Saffery, R., Morley, R., Carlin, J.B., Joo, J.H.E., Novakovic, B., Andronikos, R., Ollikainen, M., Li, X., Loke, Y.J., Carson, N., Wallace, E.M., Umstad, M.P., Permezel, M., Galati, J. and Craig, J.M. (2012). Cohort Profile: Peri/postnatal Epigenetics Twins Study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41, 55-61. Loke Y.J., Novakovic B., Ollikainen M., Wallace E.M., Umstad, M.P., Permezel M., Morley R., Ponsonby A.L., Gordon L., Galati J.C., Saffery R. and Craig J.M. (2013) The Peri/Postnatal Epigenetic Twins Study (PETS). Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies, 16, 13-20. Leong P, Loke YJ, Saffery R, Silk T, Burnett A, Josev E, Scurrah K, Theda C, Czajko A, Pua EP, Seal ML, Craig JM. Epigenetic influences on neurodevelopmental at 11 years of age: Protocol for the longitudinal peri/postnatal epigenetic twins study at 11 years of age (PETS@11). Twins Res. Hum. Genet. 2020 Feb. doi: 10.1017/thg.2019.120
