Early Language in Victoria Study (ELVS)

The Early Language in Victoria Study (ELVS) has been following the speech and language development of a large group of children (>1900) born in the surrounds of Melbourne, Victoria (Australia) since they were 8 months of age. ELVS has followed up this same group of children as they transitioned from middle childhood to adulthood. There are a number of ELVS sub-studies investigating different areas of communication development including: stuttering, autism and bilingual language development.

Study Summary
Study name Early Language in Victoria Study
Study abbreviation ELVS
Current principal investigator/s Tricia Eadie
Current project manager

Penny Levickis
Bibi Gerner

Primary Institution/s The University of Melbourne - UoM
Collaborating Institution/s Griffith University
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute - MCRI
La Trobe University
Deakin University
Major funding source/s National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC
Study website https://education.unimelb.edu.au/REEaCh/projects/elvs
Key reference for study Reilly, S., Cook, F., Bavin, E.L., Bretherton, L., Cahir, P., Eadie, P., Gold, L., Mensah, F., Papadopoullos, S. and Wake, M. (2017). Cohort Profile: The Early Language in Victoria Study (ELVS). International Journal of Epidemiology. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyx079dyx079-dyx079.
Study focus

How language develops from infancy (8 months) to adulthood. Sub-studies include investigations in to stuttering, autism, and bilingual language development.

Sampling frame

Maternal and Child Health Nurses approached all parents of babies aged 8-10 months of age, within six Local Government Areas of Melbourne, Australia.

Primary study type Longitudinal cohort
Year commenced


Is this study ongoing? Yes - we plan to continue the study (subject to future funding)
Ongoing recruitment? No
Sample size (N)


Survey data available? Yes
Imaging data available? No
Linkage to administrative dataset/s? No, no consent to link to administrative dataset(s) obtained
Biosamples available? Yes
Are data available to others outside study team, with appropriate safeguards and structures in line with the cohort’s ethics and governance processes? Yes
Are there any costs associated with data/sample access for approved requests? There may be costs associated with access, evaluated on a case by case basis
Broadest type of participant consent available Extended consent (can be used for future ethically approved research related to this project)


Gasparini L, Shepherd DA, Bavin EL, Eadie P, Reilly S, Morgan AT, Wake M. (2023). Using machine-learning methods to identify early-life predictors of 11-year language outcome. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 64(8), 1242 - 1252. DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13733

Study Contacts
Principal investigator/s Tricia Eadie
Project manager

Penny Levickis
Bibi Gerner

Study Contact

Email: [email protected]
ELVS phone number: 0480 263 911
Address: The University of Melbourne
Level 3, 100 Leicester Street,
Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia