Cardiovascular health
- aIMT: Aortic Intima-Media Thickness
- B-P: Blood Pressure measurement
- cIMT: Carotid Intima-Media Thickness
- CVT: Cardiac Vagal Tone
- GenV-HC: GenV devised - Health Conditions Item Set
- KPR: Kasch Pulse Recovery test
- OTI: Opiate Treatment Index
- OTI-VI: Opiate Treatment Index: Section VI - Health
- PedsQL 3.0-Car: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – Cardiac Module
- PedsQL 3.0-Car-HPT: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory – Cardiac Module - Heart Problems and Treatment
- PWA: Pulse Wave Analysis
- PWC170: Physical Work Capacity (at 170 beats/min)
- PWV: Pulse Wave Velocity
- RPh: Retinal Photography
- RVIC: Retinal Vascular Imaging Centre protocol
- YMCA: YMCA step test
- ART-CHART: Cardiovascular health
- BIS: Cardiovascular health
- CheckPoint-LSAC: Cardiovascular health
- COBRA: Cardiovascular health
- GenV: Cardiovascular health
- HealthNuts: Cardiovascular health
- MIS BAIR: Cardiovascular health
- MYPS: Cardiovascular health
- PETS: Cardiovascular health
- VIHCS: Cardiovascular health
- VITALITY: Cardiovascular health